Another Day…Or Is It?

Hello everyone.  It is a rather cold morning here, only 11C (52F).  This is still July.  But yesterday it was only 18C (64F) for a high, with the sun shining.  That is cold for July, even if July is almost over.  I think we are just getting a reminder that summer is almost gone.  Hard to believe really.  Seems like summer just started a short while ago and now it’s nearly gone for another year.  The nights are much longer now.  Still, we could have another month of summer left.  Maybe.  Or just a couple weeks.  Which is quite normal.  I’m hoping that since we had such a late spring this year, that it will mean summer will be here longer than normal.  Hoping.  Sigh.

A very tall red pine.

Things happen to me sometimes.  Well, quite often actually.  Like the other day I was getting some ice out of the freezer and dropped the bag.  On my sore toe.  It didn’t hit the floor right beside my toe.  It landed right on my toe.  Or on vacation, the waterfall quits working.  The elevator quit working up to castle hill.  The elevators in the hotel quit working.  The WiFi at the hotel quit working.  Things happen to me.  Just the way it is. People don’t believe it.  That’s okay.  But that doesn’t change the facts.

Our wild blueberries are starting to ripen.

So I’m out for a walk one day, not recently, and it was a day much like this one, except it was warmer.  But like now everything was so nice and green.  The sun was shining.  A perfect day for a walk.  I came to a spot where it was a rather steep hill, I was at the top. But there was an easy way down, so I started off.  Everything was wet because we had a lot of rain.  One area was just the bare granite rock and it was wet.  Rock when it’s wet can be very slippery.  And naturally I slipped. 

But instead of following down the nice easy way, I fell over the edge and started sliding down a very steep part of the hill.  There was nothing I could grab hold of to slow myself down.  Suddenly I went flying over the edge and landed about 15 feet (about 4.5 meters) down on a ledge.  It did kind of hurt, but amazingly no broken bones.  This ledge was rather small and no way back up.  Going down didn’t look great either.  It reminded me of my snowshoeing adventure when a similar thing happened.  At least this was summer. But…that didn’t make the problem any easier, since this ledge was much smaller.  And I had nothing with me to help myself.

Adult Canada goose with a baby in the lead.

Now what?  I sat and looked up, looked down, either way looked impossible.  If I had a phone with me it might have helped.  But I didn’t.  The more I looked around, the more impossible things looked.  This was not good.  As usual, I had told no one where I was going.  I saw a little squirrel.  He came from the top and ran down so effortlessly to the bottom.  Looked like he had done that before.  As I watched him though, I noticed a very narrow bit of rock sticking out which led over to a larger ledge to my left.  I looked at that.  It wasn’t as wide as my foot.  And it was about 20 feet (6 meters) to the next ledge.

Four more of the young ones, these are a bit older than the other one.

Now, if I fell, well, that would be a long drop with nothing but solid granite rock to land on.  Safe to say I would get seriously hurt.  On the plus side, the rock I needed to walk on was dry.  And I couldn’t stay where I was.  So…off I went.  At least I could hold onto the rock with my hands too, so that helped.  About half way there was nothing left for my hands to hold onto.  So I just pushed myself against the rock and moved very slowly along.  Then my foot slipped.  That was it, I couldn’t hold myself back.  Down I went.

What a sensation, falling, seemed to take so long, then it was like I jumped.  I opened my eyes and looked around.  I turned over.  3 am.  It was all just a dream.  Sometimes dreams can be so vivid.  So real.  Hope you are not disappointed by this.  I don’t usually tell dreams.  Never write about them.  Just thought I would this time.  Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

66 Comments on “Another Day…Or Is It?

  1. Good Morning Steve! I thought it was a great story! Kinda scary but a happy surprise ending! Glad you’re okay. Sometimes life can be just like that dream. You’re falling and certain you’re going to be injured… then just like you’re dream a miracle saves you. Have a great day!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good morning Steve and hope you’re good despite the low temperature :/ hope the summer will be a bit longer despite the predictions 🙂
    First I was thinking that no way how you didn’t break bones and then OMG how that happens until you woke up hahaha
    Good one Steve, I almost believed it really happened 🙂 but glad it didn’t
    The dream is so vivid and clear and it can be a story like any other story actually 🙂
    Beautiful pictures as well especially these gooses 🙂 Hope your day will be great 😄😸😸

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for reading this morning Huguette! Yes, it was real enough to be like any of my adventures so decided to use it, normally I wouldn’t do that, but it was something different for once.🤪 I am certainly glad it wasn’t real, but it sure felt real, amazing dream really. I like those baby geese, I was hoping to get them while real small but they were only out once and I didn’t have my camera with me that day.😕 I’m going to modernize myself though and get a phone so that I will always have a camera with me.😀 Yes, I know, I don’t have a phone, except the old fashioned kind!😂Enjoy your day!😃🌞😸

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes sure it felt so real and it was something good and exciting as well 👍🌞
        I know many people don’t like smartphones but in such cases, I believe they are so practical, I remember when we used to have digital camera, nowadays just the mobile after they improved also the resolution year after year so we don’t use camera anymore even if the camera pictures are better sometimes
        I wish you luck anyway even with old fashioned way, you know better what suits you and hope your day is productive 😸🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • I never used to like the idea of a smartphone, but now I see the benefit of having one so will be getting one soon, just have to decide which one would be best, for me the camera is the main thing. I still like a real camera, but who knows, I might change my mind!😃😺📷🌳😎

        Liked by 1 person

      • I heard Google phones have the best cameras but they are expensive same as the Samsung 10 plus also which is also expensive
        You need to do some research so it doesn’t cost you a fortune
        Nothing can replace the real camera that’s for sure, we’re speaking here fast and practical 🌞🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I will have to look at them all and check them close, I don’t want to spend too much either. Yep, the fast and practical part is the good thing about them and it’s something I would always have with me, not always practical to carry my camera around. Thanks Huguette!😁😸📷

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You almost had me there for a second! I thought this must be the end for poor Steve…but yet you were writing this post😆… Thank goodness it was only a dream! Loved the pics, but not the cold weather!🥶 I also have the same kind of luck. If I go to do something, for instance, bills on the computer, like being in a hurry, the computer will have to update and shutdown… or if I have to go to town to pay car insurance, they had just closed for lunch…I blame mine on being born on Friday 13th. I just joke about this though, because I’m not superstitious in the least bit. But it makes for a good laugh. 😂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for reading Renee! This was the first time writing about a dream, thought I would use it just for something a bit different. It was a very vivid dream, felt so real and I could remember it so well, normally I can’t remember dreams much. Glad to know someone else has these problems too. I think more people do, they just don’t want to admit it.😂😹 Have a great day!😃🌞😺

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well, only the last part was really scary, up to then it wasn’t so bad, kind of a normal walk for me.😂It was nice to wake up though!😀 Thanks so much for reading Suni and I hope your day has been great!!😃🌞😸🌳


  4. Here , in Lebanon it is warmer …
    Now it is like in the 20s or 30 C or in the 80s F and 90 F but on the higher mountains, it could be colder especially at night …

    Liked by 1 person

    • Actually that is the temperatures we should be having this time of year, this cold is very unusual. I imagine you summer lasts longer than ours too.


      • We are closed to the equator and the sun is steeper …
        Here , the weather becomes moderate and spectacular in September and October…
        On the high altitudes , summer nights are cold though but the sunny summer days are hot …
        We have 4 seasons here …

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds real nice! Our longest season is winter which can last up to 7 months usually 6, this past winter was 7 months. Summer usually from mid June to mid August, sometimes a little longer. We can hit 35C in summer and -50 in winter.


      • It could reach -10 c or -20 c on the high mountains in the 3 months of winter …Each of the 4 seasons is around 3 months …
        Mediterranean sea climate …

        Liked by 1 person

      • Not exactly back. On the coast camping while it’s still smoky at home. But no complaints—it’s beautiful here. A favorite spot—with excellent internet connection. Breathing ocean air. And today is our 23 year wedding anniversary. Celebrating gratitude. Thumb is healing—still sore and swollen—but getting better. Hubby is taking great care of me—for better or worse in sickness and in health…

        This story made me chuckle—mixed in with the cute photos! Summer is flying by! Sad…but we need the rain here! Sigh….but today, I’m enjoying the coastal sunshine. 🐠🦐🐙🦑🦞🦀🐟🐳🐋🦈

        Liked by 1 person

      • Glad your thumb is healing good and CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary!!!🎆🎉🎇🎊🎺👍🎈Wish I was back enjoying coastal sunshine too!!😃🌞🌴📷⛱Take care and keep enjoying your time away! Stop by anytime, always nice to have you here!!😃🌞😺🌳


      • Aw thanks. Nice to be welcomed. I don’t think you would like it here—it’s chilly! No beaches—just coast. Water is freezing! But still, it’s beautiful and I love it.
        Ok, time to make some waves…🌊🌊🌊

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey Steve, Lovely pictures by the way, And the temperature oh thats cool l, and look at the blueberries. Oh its too costly around here. Omg u were doing a real stunt out there, glad you jumped safe, 15 feet is high. and u r too brave steve to do all these stunts and jumps. You what?😂 Is that a dream🙄 seriously😄, Good work steve, i almost beleived it. did u woke for this 😊 while reading i wish it supposed to be a dream and there it is…😂✨ Have a good day✨🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Simon! First time I wrote about a dream, it was just so vivid and real that I decided to try it out.😀 Not likely I would do that again though!😂😹Glad you enjoyed it Simon and I hope your day has been a good one.😄😸🌞🌳

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dreams can be powerful working agents of the soul. We all walk a tightrope, and sometimes run out of room. It is from this point that we manifest the courage to fall deeply within and discover the truth of our tenacity to be. Thank you for the great post.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Man, that ain’t right. You had me worried there for a bit. Like whose going to take care of Steve and Muffin after a broken back or leg from a fall. Thank goodness it was just a dream bro! What a dream to wake up from….geez

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s for sure! It was such an amazingly real dream too, so vivid! I caught a lot of people on this one, first time I have written about a dream, likely my last! Normally I don’t remember my dreams that well anyway. Have a great evening Stu!!😄😸🌙🌳

      Liked by 1 person

  8. OMG Steve, I was sooo scared reading your fall. And it was a dream, you got me there. I can totally relate because I fall one time, it was creepy I thought I am going to die. I ended up getting an XR of the back and CT scan of the head. But I am glad you are safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I caught everyone on that story, terrible me, but it was such a vivid dream I just had to write about it. First time writing about a dream and I’m sure my last! Ouch, that doesn’t sound like fun! It was a relief to wake up and find it a dream though. Thanks for reading and for your continued support here!! Enjoy your evening!😃😺🌙🌳


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