More Insulator Adventures, Part 1.

We should try looking for this old town site, I said to dad one day.  Very little walking to this one, I added.  That’s what you said last time, dad answered.  But this is different, I said, showing him the map.  I pointed out the road leading right up to the railway tracks.  See, then it’s just a short walk to where the town site is located.  Dad looked.  Then he said, That’s what you said last time.  But a perfect, sunny autumn day came along and off we went on another fun adventure.  Dad wasn’t so sure he agreed about the word “fun”.eagle17

It was easy to find the road, it was well traveled.  Not a good sign.  But it was nice and smooth for a bush road.  Well, the first part anyway.  I think you’re hitting every bump in the road, I said.  That’s all there is on this road, bumps, said dad.  You should drive more carefully, that’s the third time hitting bottom, I advised.  “Bonehead!”  That was all dad said.   For those of you who may be reading these adventures for the first time, dad said “bonehead” quite a bit.  I finally figured it must mean dad is enjoying himself.  I think.IMG_4539 Anyway, our road starting getting a bit narrow.  And obviously less traveled.  Road isn’t quite so good here, I mentioned casually.  This is not a road, said dad, it’s not even a trail, or path, it’s barely an open area between trees.  Then we started going downhill.  Kind of rough on this part, I said.  Dad just looked.  At the bottom of the hill the road kind of ended.  Due to a rather large beaver pond.  Though the pond was no longer there.  The railway had blasted the beaver dam since it was too close to the tracks.  Though there was no evidence of the tracks nearby.  Can’t be far from here, I said.  Dad agreed.  Wow.

Male hairy woodpecker.

So we decided to walk the rest of the way.  At least the mud bottom of the pond was nice and hard.  And mostly dry.  After a bit we came to the creek.  Not much of a creek really.  There were several trees fallen across the creek that the beavers had cut down.  Obviously quite some time ago.  A hairy woodpecker was busy on one of them, looking for a meal.  I mentioned that to dad.  That reminds me, said dad, did you remember to bring our food?  How could I forget that, I asked, you kept mentioning it every 5 minutes before we left.  That’s because I know you, said dad.  Not sure what he meant by that.IMG_0792 Dad touched my arm and pointed to the left.  Three deer were standing on the edge of the old pond, about 50 feet off, looking our way.  Beautiful.  Then they slowly walked off into a thick undergrowth of willows and alders.  Dad picked out a good solid tree that lay across the creek for us to use as a bridge.  You go first, said dad.  Naturally.  About half way dad says, How does it feel?  Like a tree, I responded.  Ha, ha, said dad.  I made it across, though one part was a bit tricky due to a badly placed branch, which I had to go around. 

Dad’s turn.  But I think it must be time to stop for today.  Tomorrow we get to find out what happens to dad.  I hope you stick around for the entire fun adventure.  Have a great Monday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

37 Comments on “More Insulator Adventures, Part 1.

  1. Hey Muffin this adventure is so exciting. I am eager to find out what happens to Dad while walking on the log. Muffin has your Dad ever thought of publishing all your stories in a book, I reckon it would be a best seller.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey, thanks for reading Ally!! The idea has been mentioned a few times, but I don’t know, writing a book can be scary! I am thinking about it though. Have a great day!😁😸❄⛄🌲

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I think your writings about your adventures are novel worthy, Steve! And, Muffin could write a novel about you.😺 You certainly are a talented writer, indeed! ☕️☕️ Btw, that cold weather you shared with us, well it’s a bit much. So, next time be a little easier on we folks in Georgia. 🌬 💨 💧 💦 🧤 🧣🌂👢☕️☕️☕️☕️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Eugenia! Writing a novel seems so scary.😳😬 I have a certain way of writing, but would that be okay in a book?🤔 I am thinking about it though.😀 Hey, maybe that’s why it didn’t get as cold here, more of it went south! Sorry about that. It was -8F here this morning, very windy too. Hope you have a nice day anyway!😃😺🌞☕☕❄⛄🌨


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