Daily Pics 2020…#49.

Good Tuesday morning to everyone!  I hope this morning doesn’t start like it did yesterday, with technical issues.  But at least the rest of the day worked fine, so that was nice.  Muffin seems a bit calmer this morning for some reason.  Perhaps she stayed up more during the night, that always does it.  A bit colder again today after our snow yesterday.  But that’s kind of normal.  The birds were certainly active too, which is also normal after it snows like that.  I hope you enjoyed your holiday Monday, for those of you who got one.  Here we call it Family Day.  I was planning on doing a post about that, but because of the technical issues I changed plans.  Oh well, these things happen.  Our pics today take a different look with some colorful birds to share with you.  I hope you will like them.

And here we go with colorful summer bird pics…


And we will start with this nice white crowned sparrow, another one of our large sparrows.  This one only comes through in spring and fall, it heads further north for breeding.IMG_3317

And here we have a very beautiful male evening grosbeak.  These birds usually stay around all year but I haven’t seen or heard any around this winter which is very unusual considering it has been a mild winter.  But maybe I’m just in the wrong part of town.

I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

25 Comments on “Daily Pics 2020…#49.

  1. Cool pics steve!!! Have a nice day both of you!!!! I actually had a trafffic Tuesday……….😂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh Steve, I love to read your blog with a coffee, I’m sorry I’m not reading all your stuff these days…
    Your pictures are lovely.. If we had those bitds in Norway I couldn’t take my eyes from them😀🙌🏻
    Have a nice day Steve and to Muffin too😻

    Liked by 1 person

    • So nice to have you stop by Lillian!! That’s okay, I understand, we can get busy at times. But I’m excited to see you here again.
      Yes, those blue jays are simply a beautiful bird.
      I hope you are well these days, have a wonderful evening!😁😸😻


    • Good morning Renee! Overall it’s milder but we still get out cold days, like today! But by Thursday it’s getting milder again. Have a great day!😁😸


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