Daily Pics #107.

A pollen covered bee.

Good morning everyone!  How are you all this morning?  The birds will soon be busy singing and the squirrels will be rustling through the dried leaves.  The little chipmunks will be happily filling their little cheeks with as many peanuts as they can possibly carry, which is usually 3 unless the peanuts are larger than normal.  The gulls will soon be  crying from the rooftop waiting for their breakfast which I will soon be taking out to them.  Sir George and Lady Pearl will both eagerly fall upon the bird feeder so close to me that their wings will flap against my head.  Then they will fill up with amazing speed and back up to the roof to enjoy their breakfast, while Henry peers over the edge of the roof staring at an empty feeder.  So then I will come out with more for him which he will then enjoy while I stand and talk to him for a bit.  I also talk to Sir George and Lady Pearl when they come down as well.  They have a quiet little “yep, yep” that they answer me with all the time.

And now for some nice bright summertime pics to enjoy…


In the pic above we have Mama deer with her bright summer coat enjoying a field of flowers and shrubs while posing so nicely for me.IMG_7535

And just behind me was Junior sporting his new velvety antlers and also posing nicely for me before coming up to me to say “hi”.  These deer are remarkable animals, very curious, and very beautiful.

Well, that’s it for our pics today, please stay safe everyone, have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

37 Comments on “Daily Pics #107.

    • It would have been all gone by now, but the return of very cold weather has stopped the melting, but it is nearly all gone. Mostly back in the trees where there is still snow.


    • Thanks so much Kevin! She did cooperate nicely for the photo, possibly too heavily laden with pollen so needed to clean some off.
      Have a great day and stay safe!😁😸🌞

      Liked by 1 person

  1. The pictures are beautiful. I love your posts because they always breathe of warmth and life. It’s very positive and I am sure it does reflect the person you are. Have a nice day!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much Kavitha!
      Yes, very blessed indeed.
      Have a wonderful day and stay safe.😁😸🌞☕☕
      Muffin meows her love to you!😻😻


  2. I believe that the animals are evolving into smart and intelligent one 🤔 what you think? Or they have been like this before 🤔😉 maybe you can answer, lovely photographs one of my fav too. Have a beautiful weekend ✨💐🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t think there’s been any change in the animals, although, maybe they were even smarter in the past!😁😸 Enjoy your weekend Simon!😃😺🌞


      • I do agree and slightly disagree, but I believe in their evolution, it is definitely happening, I am watching lot of videos of strange behaviour of the animals, they are into something, something more. Wait 🙄 I’m thinking again. Not good. Have a wonderful day Steve✨💐🤗

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      • Watching too many videos Simon! I don’t believe in evolution, there is no proof of evolution happening or has happened in the past. However, that’s too big a topic. But, animals do change, that is proven, happens a lot. And animals can learn a lot of new behaviour which they teach their offspring who teach their offspring and so on. That’s also a big topic, take much too long to talk about it all.
        Have a good evening Simon!😁😸🌞🌙

        Liked by 1 person

      • Exactly, it takes too long to talk about it. Let’s end this with yes there is no proof of evolution but yes the animals are learning something everyday.✨👍😉

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