Daily Pics #217.

Good morning everyone! Fortunately it is still morning here. Yes, I’m very late today. It’s almost time for my coffee post, so I will keep this one shorter today. Well, it has been confirmed that both Runner and the new squirrel did not survive crossing the street. That is just such a busy street, especially in summer, it’s one of the main streets coming into town off the highway. And it’s a very narrow, winding street where people like to drive very fast. Squirrels are no match for vehicles. I have lost several over the last 4 years, plus 4 chipmunks. Fortunately none of the present chipmunks need to cross the street. And now Jasper is my lone squirrel. He doesn’t need to cross the street either, so that’s good. He likes being the lone squirrel. He’s small, even for a red squirrel, not much bigger than my two biggest chipmunks, who usually chase Jasper. And Jasper will sometimes kind of chase the chipmunks, but usually he is quite content to sit and eat peanuts while the chipmunks gather around him filling up with peanuts as usual. I would like to get a picture of that, but when I go out Jasper runs off. Sigh. Yet I can go out without my camera and he’s fine. Oh well.

My featured image at the top is the “creeping bellflower”, which personally I think is quite a beautiful flower. My landlord doesn’t agree so they are all gone now.

In the photo above is some geraniums on my deck, bursting with such nice bright color right now. I hope you have a most wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

79 Comments on “Daily Pics #217.

  1. Sad to hear that 😒 Poor them, and their fate, I’m sure they’ll have fun in heaven now 🙄. 😻😄 Lovely Geraniums, look how vibrant it is 😍 So beautiful… Have a wonderful Tuesday ✨🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Simon! I really like these geraniums, such a nice bright color! Have a great evening/night Simon!🤪🌙 You’re probably sleeping by now.😴 If not, start counting those chipmunks gathering peanuts. I know you laugh, but try it!😁🥜🐿🥜🐿🥜🐿🥜🐿🥜🐿😹

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      • I was sleeping 😸😸I think you are sleeping now, if not think about me writing another story of a guy and a cat’s attrocities 😸 Have a peaceful night Steve ✨🤗

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      • Actually it’s morning now, you’re getting mixed up, or is it me that’s getting mixed up?🤔
        Meow, meow.=You mixed up.😹
        Meow, meow=Welcome.😸

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      • It’s evening now😼 oops yes it’s morning for you. I’m not confused Steve, I am in evening and you are on your way to evening 😇

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      • It’s okay Steve, there are people who is more confused than you, I often see a guy in the mirror every morning 🤔😜

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      • What?😲 Make sure the guy pays rent!😜🤪🤣 I’m going to have to work harder,🤔 there’s someone more confused than me, not good!😳😳😂😂🤪

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      • Why I have never thought of it 🤔? Yes Steve, he should pay the rent, I have warned him this morning to do it else I told him I’ll break him in the mirror, he laughed 🙄 a sarcastic laugh 😳 Did you happen to realise why he was laughing 🤔😜😂😁 Not good, I’ll work harder 😁😁

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      • Yep, I don’t like looking in the mirror first thing in the morning, it scares me,😲 I scream, Muffin gets scared🙀 and bites my foot because I scared her😾 so I scream again.😲 So I wait until after I have my coffee before looking in the mirror,😄☕ works better.😂😂😹😹

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  2. Love both flowers Steve ! Red and blue my favourite colours ! Sad about the squirrels ! ☕️☕️😢🦋🌹

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    • Thank you Sharon! Yes, it’s hard when they come from across the street. But I think Jasper and the chipmunks don’t mind. Have a great day!😃😺🌞☕☕🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿


    • Thanks Eugenia! Yes, it happens every year it seems. At least Jasper and the chipmunks don’t have to cross the street. Have a nice afternoon!😃😺🌞☕☕🐿🐿🐿

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  3. Idk how I missed your post yesterday. I still checked WP even though it was my birthday 🥳🎂… and I still missed your post. I’m sad to be another year older but I guess that means that I’m alive. Such a paradox life is.

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    • I hope you had a wonderful day Hilary! Hey, there’s nothing wrong with getting older, as we get older we get to, um, we get to…well, we get to get older!🥳🥳🎺🎺🎂 Did you go out for dinner?🤔 I hope you have a great day today as well!😃😺🌞☕☕

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      • I didn’t go out for dinner. I ate way too many sweets on my birthday and I ended up skipping dinner entirely as a result. I’m still trying to recover from the sugar coma.😴 I’m 29 now and it’s sad how quickly time flies. I’m really really not looking forward to turning 30 next year! ☹️

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      • An elderly lady I used to visit would always say, the in between birthdays are okay, but you have to watch the O’s because they make you go ooooooh!😂😹I’m sure she was joking. For me a birthday is just another day, can’t stop the clock anyway so may as well enjoy it!
        That’s a sweet way to enjoy your birthday! The worst thing is baking my own birthday cake.😜🎂

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      • I’m not sure I follow… if that’s a joke, I don’t understand. When you hit 6 or 7 or 8+ figures of O’s, what does that imply? Rich in life, rich in knowledge? etc. like I said, I don’t get it so I’m probably rambling some nonsense.

        Yeah… I bought my birthday cake. A layer cake from Costco. Usually we make homemade cake but I wanted something “nicer.” This cake was on sale and tbh I’ve never seen Costco cake on sale before. Nevertheless, it was tasty! Can’t go wrong with Costco cake! 🍰😋

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      • It’s the birthday O’s, in other words, when hitting 30, 40, 50 etc, we hit a new decade, but in between we are still in the same decade, so those birthdays don’t usually bother people much. When a person hits say 40 it hits them, they are no longer in their 30s now, a whole new decade begins and that can really bother people. That’s why she said watch out for the O’s, they make you go ooooooh (meaning groan). For myself, I just enjoy each year as it comes along. She was just saying it as a joke though.
        Enjoy your day Hilary!😁😸

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      • Oh I see! That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. They say ppl who take life too seriously lack a sense of humor but I swear I’m funny. In fact, I’m hilary-ous. Just for some reason,
        I didn’t get that joke. Perhaps it’s better told in person 😂😅

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      • That’s true, sometimes writing something down just doesn’t come out quite the same. Which is why a lot of misunderstandings happen in writing. Glad to know you’re hilary-ous though!
        I hope you are having a great day Hilary!

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      • I’m having an OK day. Did some cleaning and tidying the apartment. I still have a ways to go. Usually I would have coffee at this hour (it’s bad I know) but my stomach is upset. Too much acid from the coffee might make it worse.

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      • True, coffee and an upset stomach are not a good combination. Raspberry leave tea, or mint tea can be good. I’ll be writing about another herbal tea soon, I hope.😀☕
        I should have been doing some cleaning today also, but my energy level was at an all time low today.🤪 Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.😁🙄
        I hope you feel better soon.🙂😺

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      • I had raspberry leaf tea this morning but that was before I felt sick. Same here, low energy and feeling a sense of dullness. Everything is such an effort these days. 😴🙇‍♀️

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      • Do you buy the raspberry leaf tea? I’m fortunate that my landlord has a large raspberry patch and I can pick as many leaves as I want. I personally prefer doing my own, nicer flavor. And cheaper.
        Hope you are feeling better today Hilary!😃😺🌞

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      • I bought the raspberry leaf tea. There’s only one brand I buy which isn’t cheap, but I will splurge on it. I got it it from Bulk Barn and have ordered it from Amazon in the past. $7 for 20 tea bags from Bulk Barn. There used to be a health food store that carried it in a tiny city in Saskatchewan, where I was living for a while.

        I haven’t tried making homemade but I can picture my grandmother making homemade raspberry leaf tea if she had a raspberry plant. She used to make homemade lemon balm tea using leaves from her plant. It had a nice flavor.

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      • I have tried a lot of different wild teas, Labrador tea, blueberry leaf, pine needle, mint, wintergreen, rose hip and rose petal and a few others. I like trying different plants for their tea qualities, some are very good, others don’t have much flavor but are still full of vitamins.
        Raspberry leaf tea used to be sold here at one of our health food stores, but that place closed and the other one doesn’t sell it. I should pick more leaves this week, my landlord wants to get rid of her raspberry patch so I better stock up while I can.

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      • What’s Labrador tea like? Is it a fruit tea? I couldn’t imagine what line needle tea tastes like… the smell from pine needles is quite potent. Not sure if I wouldn’t want to drink it though. I’ve had Rose hip before (store bought) which was pretty good. Never had blueberry leaf but I’ve had blueberry tea. I recommend the lemon balm tea. You might like it.

        Hopefully the landlord doesn’t get rid of the raspberry patch. Raspberries are quite pricy and wild raspberries are the best! These bushes are not only prickly but they also attract a lot of wasps. However, the raspberries are totally worth the risk of getting stung by a wasp!

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      • I guess it should be called “Labrador tea” tea! Since the part in quotations is the name of the plant. The leaves are used and can be picked year round. It grows across Canada in low, wet areas mostly. It has been a long time since I have had any, but as I recall it had a nice soothing delicate flavor. Great for colds and flu, the leaves can be dried as well.
        It has been a long time for pine needle tea and it does have a mild pine flavor, good for colds, cough, sore throat. I have only tried jack pine which is the main pine is this part of Ontario, except right around Kenora where it’s mostly red or white pine. A few small branches were broken off a white pine by the river in our last bunch of storms so I picked a bunch of the needles which I am drying now. I’m going to try a cup of the tea though before going further, just to make sure I like it still. And it may have a different flavor than jack pine.
        Blueberry leaf tea is nice, but the leaves are just too small to dry them for later use. It would take a lot of leaves.
        Lemon balm sounds good if I could find some.


    • Neither do I. It has happened to several of my squirrels and chipmunks over the last 5 summers. Fortunately the rest should be safe.😁😸🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿

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