Daily Pics #219.

Good morning once again to all of you! It is a fabulous morning here, mild, with the sun shining so beautifully. The sky is such a deep, rich blue this morning. The tall ash trees in the neighbors yard are swaying gently against that blue background, it looks like thousands of emeralds glistening in the sun. Summer mornings. Such a beautiful time. Sitting on the deck with my morning coffee watching the goldfinches at the feeder with their young ones and the purple finch family at the other feeder. The hummingbirds join in showing up at their feeder periodically. There are at least 2 males and 3 females, though I’m sure there is likely more, but that is what I have seen all at once. Though no more than 2 actually are at the feeder at any one time. Any more than that and, um, some discussions arise.

I often wonder how people get pictures of 5 or 6 of these hummingbirds at a feeder all at the same time. I have never had that happen, usually only one gets on there at a time or fighting erupts. Or should I say, discussions erupt. A family of white throated sparrows are around daily now and the male sings his beautiful song every morning and evening. There isn’t much singing anymore among the birds, not even the robins sing much now. When I go for my walk it is silent. Two weeks ago it was alive with smaller birds, mostly warblers, singing all along the path. Now those birds are gone. Packed up and headed south. But the chickadees and nuthatches have flocked together, so they are usually around somewhere along the path, but not the large numbers that were around last year at this time. There are some flocks of sparrows too, they should be around for a while yet, but they are not singing, just little chirps here and there. And some days there is not a sound of a bird back there. Seems so strange.

Summer mornings. Coming to an end. For our pictures today are two flowers, same type just different colors, but I do not know the names of them. They are odd looking flowers, I call them alien flowers due to all the antennae sticking out in every direction. But they are interesting flowers, if you know the name please let me know. I hope you all have a beautiful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

53 Comments on “Daily Pics #219.

      • Alhamdulillah! It’s a wonderful night. Have been longing for rain since ages finally it’s here with all thunder πŸ˜β›ˆβ›ˆπŸ˜
        Sweetie is enjoying rain πŸ˜»β›ˆπŸ˜»she loves thunder shower β›ˆ
        Have a meowous and bemeowtiful day with Muffin 😻😍😻😍😻

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      • That’s great to hear! Rain is a necessary and beautiful thing. That’s nice Sweetie likes the thunder showers. Poor Muffin doesn’t, she gets so scared.
        We actually need rain again, it’s so very dry in the forest and fires keep starting.
        Thanks Saba! I hope you also have a meowous and bemeowtiful day as well, or night right now!😁😸😻😻
        Muffin says ‘hi’ to you and Sweetie!😺😻😻

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      • Hi! Muffin 😻
        Why you get scared when you have such a caring human😸
        It’s just water with light show that pours down on us from clouds πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ήjust think about shower, you won’t get scared then😍
        Inshaallaha! You too get good cloudy shower πŸ˜β›ˆπŸ˜

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      • Meow, meow!=Don’t like loud noises,πŸ™€ they go boom and crack, very scary, not like it at all!πŸ™€ I stay with my human when it is really bad storm, he keep me safe.πŸ˜ΈπŸ™€ Smaller storm I hide under bed!😹
        Tomorrow night we might get some thunderstorms, hopefully not bad ones though.πŸ˜³πŸ™€β›ˆβ›ˆ Enjoy your Friday!😁😻😻

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      • Clouds have already arrived, we might get those storms earlier than they said!
        Thanks, God bless you too Saba!😁😸😻😻

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      • Poor Muffin must have had a bad dream a few minutes ago, she woke up suddenly and came running over to me meowing and wanting to be cuddled.😁😻😻😻

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  1. How beautiful the flowers are that you have shared today ! It must be great to have all those hummingbirds around…πŸ™‚β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ

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  2. I’ve ever saw hummingbirds two years ago in Beniarda, a sleepy village deep in the valley of Spain. They were so cute! I tried to take a photo and it was hopeless they’re so fast and comes out blurry huhu 😭

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  3. Lovely pics Steve!
    It’s raining so much where I live! It’s the monsoon season so it’s really rainy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely pics, Steve! It’s still summer in my neck of the woods. Our temps have been tolerable compared to some that are in the 100-110 range F. Enjoy your warm weather while you can. 🌞🌺 πŸŒΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ

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