Saturday’s Solitude #2.

Good morning everyone! It is another beautiful, sunny morning, but that north wind still persists so it is a bit cool. But that will be changing, starting Monday, and we will return to some more normal spring temperatures. That will certainly be nice. It’s a bit odd for bird life out here this morning. There was a lot of evening grosbeaks, then they suddenly decided to fly which is not unusual, but this time they didn’t come back. It wasn’t the hawk that scared them because the other birds are still here. Even though it was cool out there, I stood outside on the deck as Sir George came for his breakfast, so I talked with him a bit. He would answer periodically with that little “yep, yep” which is a common way of talking for them.

Meet Patch, one of my newest squirrels.

Then off he went, likely heading back to his mate who will be on the nest now keeping eggs nice and warm. A little later Sir Henry stopped by for his breakfast, so I stood and talked with him as well. Shortly after Sir Charles came, he’s not quite so friendly so I find it best not to say anything yet. There is still many little juncos around, but most of the white-throated sparrows are gone now. It was nice listening to an eastern phoebe, I have been waiting for them to return. There is a pair that nest in the area but I still have not been able to get a picture. A robin has been singing out there for more than 3 hours now, welcoming the beautiful day with his cheery song.

A male hairy woodpecker coming to get a peanut.

Something caught my eye as I was standing there, a loon was flying past, quite low too, heading north to one of the smaller lakes no doubt. A small flock of Canada geese also flew past a short time later, probably on their way down to the river. I should walk down there myself, a little later today, although that north wind will be felt down there so it will be a bit cooler than here. The crows have just gone after a raven who had entered their territory, those two birds are terrible enemies. The ravens are constantly trying to find the crow’s nest and they are quite successful in doing so. It is quite nice back here with that empty lot full of trees, a great spot for feeding birds, and it’s generally quiet back here, except for the chirping of the birds.

Female evening grosbeak waiting for her turn at the feeder.

And the squirrels. I have counted at least 9 different squirrels out here now, 5 males and 4 females. It’s getting hard to keep track of them all. I had 16 one summer, 2 drowned and one of the male babies, once he grew up a bit, was a wild brat and he managed to chase all the other squirrels away. That didn’t work out so well when it came time to find a mate though, since he had chased all the females away too. But he finally found one who lived across the street. They both ended up as road kill. But it didn’t take long for another squirrel to find me. But the chipmunks had a good summer that year. Well, time to go feed the birds again. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2021 Steve McLeod.

134 Comments on “Saturday’s Solitude #2.

    • Yes, so far I can tell them apart, it would be harder if they were all male or female, but since there is a split it’s not so bad. There’s only 2 that are tougher since they are nearly twins, but the color in their tails is a bit different. Thanks Cindy, have a nice weekend and God bless!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Very Good Morning Uncle Steve 😍 Having fun listening to your birds singing, and all the chit chats with your little friends. Why don’t you build a wall so there won’t be any wind sending you cool air 🤔 not a good idea? how about burn some wood ? still not a good idea 😐 how about ignoring this TXT comment 😄best idea. 😅 Have a lovely Saturday, don’t forget to check on my new series 😎 this time, a lot of ruthless killing 😇. Have fun reading🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll check it out, but lots of killing, 😲I don’t know,🤔 my stomach you know, doesn’t do good with killings.😬😬 But I’ll check it out for sure.😁 i’m sorry, way behind these days, just too tired,😴 I’m finding it hard to write my posts these days.😳🙄


      • Are you? 🤔 But why, it is just the keyboard and letter, hey is the keyboard getting hard? or the letters vanished ? 🤔 maybe you should check your glasses once 😉 take your time Steve, it’s okay to go slow..😺 Going slow makes history 😄👍 you are a super skilled story teller Steve , we don’t bother waiting 😎

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hey, that’s an idea, maybe it’s my glasses!😎 Or maybe it’s Bert?🐻 It’s all those nightmares in the daytime?😴😲 Can it be a nightmare if it’s in the daytime?🤔🙄 I always wondered about that.🙄 What would it be called in the daytime?🤔 This is an important question.😒 Anyway, I’ll be over today to take a look and maybe catch up,😄 I’m probably so far behind I’ll never catch up,🙄😬 but I will anyway even if I don’t.😁🤪🤯


      • That we should call it daymares 😄😂. You don’t have to catch, just scroll, and click and that’s it job done 😂😅😅. Have a lovely Sunday ✨🥰🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s it 🧐Great Idea? This is a discovery Uncle Steve 😳 I was expecting a Nobel or a Grammy 🙄 that’s okay. I am not greedy. Have a great week you too ✨🎉💖

        Liked by 1 person

      • It’s not a great idea?😳 Oh, sorry about that.😟 Nobel?🤔 No one here by that name. And I don’t have a Grammy anymore.😥 How about a pet rock?😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • did I say Nobel 😂😅 yes Nobel 😂😂. and You dont have a Grammy 🧐🙄 uh.. how about your collections of insulators 😅.

        Liked by 1 person

      • 😳🙄🧐 Didn’t expect that answer 😂😂😂LOL! I was asking the insulator … not did I ask how was the insulator 😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Arghhhh✨😵 I was I was … sigh 🙄😂😂😂😂LOL … can’t stop that 😂😂😂 Dear Uncle Steve Can I have? the insulators, as a gift ? for my skills 😎😁👍this time… try this time..😺😁👍

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oooooohhh!😳 Why didn’t you say so in the first place?🤔😺 That was easy, I like easy questions, do you like easy questions?🤔😀 I do, easy questions get easy answers and I like easy answers too.😄 They fit easy questions, so that makes things easy.🤪 And the easy way of saying it is like this.😁 First insulators are an amazing part of our past and helped to bring in our computer age which of course we all have now and all need because everything is run by computers now🏃‍♂️💻 and that actually isn’t good because then people can hack into computers and shut things down😲 like they did with that big oil pipeline🤯 and before you know it stores are selling winter clothes again😬 because they are not open yet and it looks like our lockdown is going to be extended into June now😬😬 which is going to make it hard to get pictures🌞📷🙀 so I’m not sure what to do about that yet😳 but it’s nearly time for my walk🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ so have a good night Simon!🌙😴😁 Hope I answered your question, whatever it was?🤔🙄


      • Sigh 🙄 I think you did? you did? I am stuck in lockdown till May 24th 😳 second wave is very serious around here 🙄 and sad that lockdown is now at your place too 😳. How about we turn back the time and do things old classic way? to stay protected? because people rely on computers and forgot they have a small brain that capacity is massive than the universe🤔 people should start working on brain instead of computers 😂😅. And I really did not get the answers for what I asked. wait a minute 🤔what did I ask ?🙄 never mind… Have a peaceful evening… Stay Safe ✨🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Our lockdown lasts until May 20th, but they are saying now it will be extended likely until June 2 anyway.🙄😳 Yes, I have been reading about how bad it is over there.😲 Stay safe, stay away from crowds, wash your hands 100 times a day.😳😳 And here I thought I gave you such an easy answer too.🙄🙄 Sigh.😳 Let me try again….no….how’s that?😂😂😹😹


      • That’s great 🤗 thanks for not trying as better answer 😁 yes, for corona that’s the best thing to do, wash your hands hundred times a day 👏 and that’s the only way to stay protected.. hope this lockdown ends soon 🙄

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It must be hard to tell who is who with your variety of chipmunks, squirrels and birds…anyways they bring a lot of joy to me ! ☕️☕️🙂😺🐿🥜🦆🦉🐝

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chipmunks are easy, and they birds, squirrels can be a little tough, especially now that they are all getting their summer coats. But their tails help. Have a great evening!😀😺☕☕🌙


    • Feeding them certainly helps a lot! It’s nice having the squirrels, but I would rather have the chipmunks. There is 3 right now that are regular every day. I’m going to do a post just about the squirrel/chipmunk activity, perhaps tomorrow. There’s been some fun stuff!

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