The Investigators, Inc. The Game. Chapter 8.

I looked at the cats, then looked around. “What do you think the danger is kittens?”, I ask them. Meow,meow.=Not sure, but feel danger. Meow.=Yep, and it not wild animal danger, it people danger. Meow,meow.=Yep, I agree with that, it people we need to worry about. I looked around some more. It was fairly open pine forest on granite hills here, not much undergrowth, so I could see quite far. But I didn’t notice anything. However, I wasn’t going to doubt the cats. The people behind us could never catch up to us that quickly, but they could have had a way to contact someone for help. We will have to watch carefully tonight, or try to walk in the dark, which I don’t think would be a good idea.

We settled down for the night. Meow.=You 2 sleep, we keep watch. “No,” I said, “I’ll take the first watch, you two haven’t had much sleep lately and I want you well rested for this next part.” So they curled up next to Kat, who was already sleeping, and fell asleep quickly themselves. There is no moon tonight, so it was very dark in that forest, instead I needed to rely more on my hearing. It was completely calm, which was good, and except for a Barred owl in the distance, I heard nothing. After a short time the owl moved quite close to us and kept up with his hooting. Too bad I couldn’t see him, Barred owls are nice and big. Suddenly he stopped.

Granite rocks and pines.

I listened more carefully now and started to hear footsteps, slowly coming toward us. Wish I could use my flashlight, but that would just make me as easy target. Sounded like 3 people. Could those 3 really have caught up to us already? I woke up the cats. They listened, then ran off the way of two people. One person came along right next to me, so I tripped him and whacked him on the head. That should keep him sleeping for a while. Then I heard another set of footsteps a little farther from me coming up faster. “Thwock!”, and one was down. “Thwock!”, and another was down. Now that last man. He started coming closer so I just waited.

When I figured he was about 10 feet away I ran after him, in and out around the trees and knocked him to the ground. But not before he got off one shot, and I felt the sting in my shoulder. But I had him down and got my gun at his head. “Wait,” he said, “I can tell you who’s behind this.” “Okay,” I said, “tell me and you live.” “It’s your…”, then Kat had the flashlight on us and shot. The man was dead. “Are you okay Steve?”, asked Kat as she and the cats ran over to me. “Yes,” I answered, “I’m okay.” Meow,meow.=No you not, shoulder hurt. Then Kat noticed the blood too. “You are hurt, you’re shot. We went back to our little spot under the pines.

We had left our tent in the open and moved ourselves outdoors and hidden in the trees, just in case someone was going to come after us, which they did. “There’s still one prisoner,” I said, “this guy over here.” “That’s the woman from earlier,” said Kat. Meow.=And men we get were same men. “They certainly managed to get help in a hurry, which is kind of interesting,” I said. “That was fast,” said Kat, “do you think they flew in some help?” “I think we would have heard a plane or helicopter,” I said, “but perhaps there is a road nearby that doesn’t show on the map. There’s lots of old logging roads in this country and they are not always marked.

Granite hills with pine trees.

That would explain why they are always south of us too.” “Maybe we could go that way and find the road, it would be easier walking,” said Kat. “And easier for them to see us,” I said, “we’re better off staying as hidden as possible right now.” “I guess you’re right,” she said, “now, about that shoulder, the bullet is still inside.” “Guess you’ll have to dig it out,” I said with a smile. Kat just looked. “Not in the dark I won’t,” she said. “You can do it,” I said, “I’ll hold the flashlight.” Meow,meow.=Not good idea, maybe more people around, they see light and come. “Hmm, that’s true Muffin,” I said, “but I’m bleeding too much, we can’t wait.” It was soon over, Kat and I quickly fell asleep while the cats continued watching. What was that man going to say?

To Be Continued.

©2021 Steve McLeod.

72 Comments on “The Investigators, Inc. The Game. Chapter 8.

    • She saw us fighting and wanted to help me, that’s understandable. She probably didn’t hear what we were saying. It was amazingly timed, that’s true,🙄😳 but it could just have been coincidence.🤔🙄 But what was he going to say? It’s your…what??😲 He almost told me who it was!😬 But who??🤔🤔


      • Really?? Friend? Who’s that?? Cat’s?? You might get some extra ventilation in your feet again if you say that in front of muffin!!🤭🤭🤭🤭

        Liked by 1 person

      • I didn’t say it, just suggesting what this killer might have suggested. I don’t know if I would have believed him anyway. After all, he might have said it was Kat! You think I’m going to believe that? Or the cats? You think I’m going to believe that? Or friend? You think…he might have been suggesting Baldwin! But no way! Or maybe Calanthe? Or maybe Honey (Candace, now Jennifer)? Lots of possibilities. Just because Kat seems to be acting suspicious doesn’t mean anything.


      • What fun is that? I’m calm, we can talk about something else if you want. That critter that stung me might have been a green sweat bee. Except they don’t normally sting. The bug I took a picture of I thought was an aphid, but it’s too big and no aphids are green with black spots. Sigh.🙄🙄


      • Maybe he was telling you not to take his picture! Maybe he’s a spy bug?? Can’t be id’d or the other spies bugs will attack him!😲😲😲😳😳🤯

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sweat bees are not supposed to sting easily, they are very calm bees.🐝🐝🐝 I got stung 11 times!😲 Speaking of calm, you won’t believe what happened to me today.😁


      • Oh right, got sidetracked, sorry. Anyway, the chipmunks have been busy today, real busy, like very busy. Anyway, so I opened the door wide like I do so I can spread the peanuts around good, less fighting that way. And I always keep my head down looking for any chipmunks that might try to get inside when I open the door and…wow, what was that big bang out on the deck just now. Let me check.


      • Yep, it’s very windy here and it blew over some plexiglass on the deck, what a bang! I wasn’t too thrilled with going out there this late, oh well.😬😬


      • Oh right, got distracted again, sorry. Anyway, as I hand my hand out the door and was about to spread the peanuts around I looked up and there was a big bear only a foot away from my hand staring at me!! Did I pull my hand back and slam that door fast! Guess that scared the bear and he ran off the deck, well, he walked fast off the deck! Can’t believe I didn’t notice him right away. But I was too concentrated on looking for the chipmunks! That’s too close. It’s too dangerous to go walking. It’s too dangerous to stay at home. Not a lot of choices left.😬😬🐻🙀🙀


      • I know, it’s amazing, but like I said, my eyes are aimed down looking for those speedy chipmunks! Still, it is crazy for sure! Let me count…yep, all 6 of them!😳😳😬😬


      • Ooooooooooo! Muffin didn’t like you making fun of her that way! now she’s pacing back and forth thinking of some diametrical thing to do to you.😳😳😬😬😾😾


      • I think she has thought of something, she has that look in her eyes…YAAAAHHHHHH!!!!😲😲😲😲😲 The bottom of the foot, that’s the worst!🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 She says she hopes you’ve learned your lesson now or she’ll give another bite!😾😾 Be very careful with your answer here.🤨🤨


      • How did you manage to get to work on time and get home on time and eat on time and read my 2 posts on time and…🤨😒


      • Ahmm… well?? Ah… gee let’s see🙄🙄 I was speeding on the way to and from work but that wasn’t enough time travel to make up all of the time so when I made supper I cooked everything faster which got me very close but just a few minutes short of catching up enough to warn you before you tried to get me in trouble by telling Muffin what I said and feel really really sad about that but at least my feet are still in good shape!😁😁😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh sure, but what about my foot? It will likely swell up like a watermelon by morning and I will be rolling around on the floor instead of walking flat on my foot like I should be walking not to mention my one leg will be longer than the other because my foot will be bigger than the other and I won’t be able to put my shoe on when I go to the store in the morning but does that matter of course not because it’s my feet and who cares about my feet except maybe my feet. Sigh.🙄🙄🙄


      • On the positive side of things… you won’t need to worry about the Bear because you won’t be walking much until the swelling goes down!🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭😏

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ha and Ha. I’m laughing so hard it’s hard to sit. Anyway, good night Dusty, I’m late again! Talking with you tomorrow!😁😁🌙😴😴


  1. It would not shock me to hear it was Baldwin and Kat…too many coincidences…I mean, naturally we would think it was any of your past enemies…all I can say is” BE ON THE LOOKOUT” ! ☕️☕️🕵️‍♂️👩😼😼‼️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Both of them? I can’t believe both of them could be involved. I need proof! So far there’s no proof. It must be one of my enemies, but who. Too bad Kat had to shoot that guy right then, but she was only protecting me after all. Still… Yep, we’ll all be watching alright!🤨👱‍♀️😾😾🕵️‍♂️


    • I must admit, things are not looking good for her. Shooting that guy just as he was about to tell me who was behind this so all I got was “it’s your…” But what was he going to say?😳👱‍♀️😾😾🕵️‍♂️

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      • I think she was just trying to help me, but she should have been able to hear the guy talking. But perhaps not. Sometimes there’s not enough time to think, just do.😳🤔

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  2. Pingback: The Investigators, Inc. The Game. Chapter 8. – Nelsapy

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