Steve And Muffin’s Weekly Wildflower #4.

Hi everyone! In our wildflower series today we have the “low false bindweed”, also called the “upright bindweed”. This is a beautiful native wildflower with a terrible name which is in the morning glory family. It has 5 petals that are fused together making a sort of trumpet shaped flower about 3 inches across. They are not a vine type like most bindweeds, but are just a short stalked plant about 6 to 12 inches tall. They live in sunny or partial shaded areas, especially in jack pine forests, usually along the forest edges or clearings and along railroads. They like a dry, sandy or rocky soil. Bloom time is June and July. Here in Canada they can be found from Manitoba through to Nova Scotia and in the US from MN to Missouri and across to the east coast, plus down to Georgia. Have a great Friday everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2021 Steve McLeod.

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