Looking. #8

Hi everyone! Well, on my trip to the river on Friday there were lots of white pelicans swimming around and sitting on shore. It took a few tries of calling to get one of them to look my way but he did so very nicely and I quickly clicked. They are a beautiful large bird and getting one looking at me was a nice bonus for my day. Enjoy your day everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2022 Steve McLeod.

36 Comments on “Looking. #8

  1. Steve, great photo of the pelican. Looks so refreshing. Glad you got to walk to the river and get your photos, along with refreshment.

    Here in the Far North we have had unusual hot weather and have more than 2 million acres of forests burning with thick smoke, in our area. Praying for rain.

    Blessings! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry to hear about all the fires, our Yukon Territory is like that this year too, dry and lots of fires. It’s getting very dry here now too, but no fires yet. It doesn’t take long to dry out the land around here since there is not much soil on that granite rock. Thank you so much!😊😺

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      • You’re welcome! 🐈😊 Feel for those living in the Yukon Territory and praying for rain in both places. May your wet season continue to you do not have forest fires, in Jesus name!

        Liked by 1 person

      • It was a mainly cloudy day with thunderstorms and only a few drops of rain, though it sure got dark during the storms. Cooler now but sunny. I was in bed this afternoon, couldn’t sit or walk around the pain was so bad. That’s why I wasn’t here earlier. Pain is still bad but at least I’m sitting now.😁


      • That’s progress!!πŸ˜‰ There was a lightning strike nearby here today that caused a short power outage and cable interruption for about 90 minutes… that’s why the internet surfing.

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      • hehe! Yeah, here on Friday our Rogers Telecommunications went down. They are the largest internet, phone and cable provider in Canada. Half the country went down with it! Govt, stores, interac, debit cards, some credit cards, gas stations, no internet, no phone service, even 911 went down. Only way to shop was with cash, some stores just closed because tills wouldn’t work. ATM’s wouldn’t work. Hard to believe that so much was connected to them. My internet was down for a couple hours only and my phone is with Bell so that was okay. Bell is our second largest.


      • Yep, too many companies are getting too big so everything is too connected. Now they want to make some changes to make sure there is some kind of back up plan so at least emergency systems don’t go down. It even disrupted airports, right during a time when they were having trouble keeping up with the increased demand. But if something happened to Rogers and Bell at the same time, our country would come to a complete stop!


      • It was good, yes, I was there, felt fine this morning. Kind of strange how my back suddenly went wild this afternoon.


      • Could be the weather!!πŸ˜¬πŸ˜¬πŸ™„ I didn’t sleep soundly last night. I was up 6 am!! 😝 so I’ve not felt real well all day.

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      • Yeah, maybe. I hope I sleep tonight. Oh, I’m back, had to feed Sir George. Lady Pearl wasn’t here tonight for some reason.


  2. I remember one of these bird trying to eat a larger snack like a rabbit once and disappointed it walked away πŸ˜…πŸ€£ beautiful shot! 😍

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