Daily Pics #239.

Good morning everyone! It is a fairly mild morning, but cloudy and there are thunderstorms in the forecast. Then it cools off. Starting tonight. But it is fall so that is to be expected. I guess our summer lasted a bit longer than last year though, by a few days, so that is always a nice thing. I am hoping for a long fall with some nicer weather than last year. It was cold and rainy all through fall last year, very unusual really. Late fall is normally cool and rainy though, which then suddenly becomes winter. Sir Charles actually came by for breakfast this morning, it was nice to see him back again. And there was actually a robin out here chirping this morning, most of our summer robins have departed south now. But the northern robins should be arriving shortly, and they will stay around until October sometime. Northern robins are bigger and darker in color than their summer cousins. And they can handle harsher weather conditions as well. Last night around 8:30pm, it was almost dark and it was time to bring in the bird feeders for the night.

While out on the deck getting them there was suddenly a very loud noise. Almost made me jump off the deck since it happened when I was standing on a box stretching out over the railing to get the one feeder, something I really don’t enjoy doing at the best of times. Anyway, I looked toward the stairs thinking “bear”, when it happened again. But it was the opposite direction. So I looked over toward the fence and there was that wild turkey! He had somehow got himself lost in the raspberry patch and I guess he couldn’t see how to get out. Those raspberry plants are 7 to 8 feet tall, so it does make it hard to see, even for a big turkey. And with the trees along the fence he wasn’t able to fly away. All he could see was a big open yard with something blocking him. Too bad it was so dark or I could have gotten some nice pics. But how to get him out of there? So I started tossing rocks behind him to direct him towards the front yard, and it worked. Then he flew and landed in one of the neighbors tall ash trees, possibly to spend the night up there. It was nice to see him again. Of course, it could have been a different one I suppose, but since both were males I would expect it was the same one. Muffin had fun watching him too.

Hmm, no time for the usual morning round up of squirrel and chipmunk antics. Here is another pic of that wild turkey just above. And for our featured image a nice group of wildflowers including daisies, pinks and a Shirley poppy near the front. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2020 Steve McLeod.

33 Comments on “Daily Pics #239.

  1. Good morning to you, Steve! How are you doing? I’m so sorry for this sudden hiatus, ny school started and my mood wasn’t really that good… 😦 but I missed WordPress so much!
    Meow, meow, meow, Muffin! (How are you doing? And I haven’t forgotten that picture 😁 I’m on my way, dear Muffin, but I’m so sorry for the delay 😞) Have a great day ahead Β°β™‘Β°

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning Sophie! So nice to hear from you again! I’m still recovering from that terrible Covid-19 virus that I had.πŸ˜• It did a lot of damage. I hope you feel better mood now. Muffin and I missed you.
      Meow, meow!=Yay! Getting picture, getting picture! You so very nice!😺😺😻😻
      Hope you have a wonderful day Sophie!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Ί


      • I’m so sorry to hear it 😦 Our neighbour had it so we’re in quite a risk too. And yes, I do feel a lot better~! Coming back to WP is like returning home ❀
        Meow, meow, meow Muffin= I'm so sorry to keep you waiting though, Muffin ❀ It'd be up this week, I promise, dearest <333
        Same to you! Have a great day ahead!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well, it’s sure nice to see you back again!😁
        Meow, meow!=Did you know I have boyfriend? His name Mr. Cat, handsome black and white cat with cute pink nose!😻 That okay, I understand, looking forward to picture!😸


  2. Hey Steve going back to your blog and reading is a breath of fresh air. I was away for a very long time, I hope you are doing great and in good health. Still love reading your content and photos πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, so nice to see you again! Glad you still like it here too! I’m still recovering from that Covid-19 virus, it really knocked me down and some symptoms don’t want to leave. I hope you have a wonderful day!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒžβ˜•β˜•

      Liked by 1 person

      • You got it?? Sorry I did not know. I am in florida working with only Covid 19 patients as a nurse. We became a hotspot, averaging 10k new cases daily at some point. We are doing better now. You have a post about your experience about covid? I thought canada has only few cases? Please let me know if you have ang questions about it. And hoping you will recover fast.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, I had it. Officially I’m now negative, but some symptoms are hanging on. I have found out a lot of people have this problem. I fight extreme fatigue all the time, brain fog, muscle weakness, headaches, just can’t concentrate at times on anything. Breathing is mostly back to normal, but some days it’s hard to breathe when I lie down. Some days it looks like there is good improvement, then it gets worse again. Doctor says this could last for months more yet. I have other health issues, including a compromised immunity so that’s likely why it is lasting so long. Wears me out some days though. It’s been hard to keep up with blogging. I didn’t write a post about it, just let everyone know I had it. Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes that is true, the symptoms come and go. And it takes a while to get 100% fully recovered. At least you are not admitted in the hospital. It’s been how many weeks now?

        Liked by 1 person

      • It has actually been 3 months now. There are actually a lot of people here in Canada that have had symptoms even up to 4 and 5 months. Some things have improved like my taste and smell have returned, but just recently. A lot of our doctors up here don’t recognize that people can have symptoms so long, but fortunately I have a doctor that does believe it. But he hasn’t had much experience with it, I’m his only patient with the virus. Only 45 people in our town have had it, but we are a fairly isolated place so that probably helps. There has been over 125,000 across Canada and 2 of our provinces are experiencing a big comeback of the virus now, worse than before.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Florida is a hotspot, and I can confirm that symptoms can last for months, our hospitals are filled with covid patients only and patient with other health problems not covid are having problems getting a bed in the hospital. This is how bad we are. I am glad you are getting well day by day, getting back the sense of smell and taste is a good sign. It’s really good that you live in an isolated place, transmission is not as bad compared to cities like here in miami. Keep me posted.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for your interest, much appreciated. This is another day where it’s harder to breathe, 5 days in a row now, but I find it’s easier to breathe when I’m outside, have no idea why, but it does make a difference. Having windows open helps too, but with our temps starting to drop having windows open won’t be an option!

        Liked by 1 person

      • When you sleep try not to stay on your back all the time, try to turn to your sides or sleep on your belly or prone. Take supplements. I mentioned this on one of my videos, vitamin C, Vit D, Zinc and Multivitamins but make sure they are safe to take with your existing meds. If breathing gets worse contact your MD maybe they can do a chest xr


      • By the way I forgot to mention, i may need your opinion on something πŸ™‚ i posted it on my blog, just in case you have time. Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. turkeys are not known to be the smartest bird. ben franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird for the usa! thank goodness clearer heads prevailed and the bald eagle won. lol

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, I can’t imagine wanting a turkey for a national bird! They are not native to this area, but were released into our neighboring province back in the 1960s and have done very well and are expanding their range. I am quite surprised that they can survive our long winters.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You are early 😍 Hello Steve, Have a wonderful Wednesday πŸ˜‡πŸ€— and don’t stand at the edge of deck, hold on to something, and did you helped the turkey to get out πŸ˜‰ Muffin must be watching the turkey like ‘Here jumps my food, fresh and alive’ πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Daisy’s looking so beautiful βœ¨πŸ˜πŸ’βœοΈ


  5. Love the daisies ! We have two hummingbirds at our flowers right now…they have been here for the afternoon…very unusual…rest as much as you can ! β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈπŸ˜ΊπŸ€”πŸ™‚β€ΌοΈ

    Liked by 1 person

    • Some of my hummingbirds have gone now I think. Still one male and two females. Yep, time for bed. Have a good night!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒ™πŸ˜΄


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