Muffin’s Daily Fun! #102

20 Comments on “Muffin’s Daily Fun! #102

    • Sometimes human people get stuck on internet thing and pull hair out when it not work! We not going to have internet on Sunday here and no electricity either. Maybe I bite my humans foot so he can have fun!πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΊπŸπŸ‚

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      • Whoa, Muffin, you’re a genius 😹

        But you should teach those humans a lesson, they deserve it. Hmmm, I have an idea, charge your camera or devices and go out with Steve, I’m sure you guys will have fun πŸ˜ŠπŸ™Œ

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      • Yep, we going to be all charged up and ready! My human have battery thingy too for more charging if we need to. But human weatherperson say it going to rain on Sunday, so guess we stay home and play!πŸ˜»πŸ˜ŠπŸπŸ‚

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      • Nice! Yeah, those are essential.

        I love rain, we haven’t had rainy days in weeks now. I’m sure God has a plan.

        Have a great, relaxing weekend, Muffin and Steve! πŸ™Œβ˜•πŸ«

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      • Oh, we get so much rain this summer and lots more coming next week too! It help to keep forest fires away though, so that good. But I not like it when there is thunders!
        You have nicest weekend time too human Katherine!πŸ˜»πŸπŸ‚

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