Coffee on Tuesday! #5

23 Comments on “Coffee on Tuesday! #5

    • Hey Dusty! I’m here, sort of. Yeah, I got out for a few pics before the sun disappeared behind the clouds again. Getting a big storm starting later today.


      • That’s what they’re saying for here this afternoon also. Although not to severe. I’ll bet it felt good to get out and about in the fresh air?👃🏻

        Liked by 1 person

      • We’re supposed to get 3 inches of rain, 40mph wind and temps dropping to 40 tomorrow afternoon. Maybe some snow tomorrow night with a temp right around freezing.
        Yep, it was nice, just a bit short though. Going to try again Monday, that is our next sunny day.😀📷


      • Yeah, it is, quite a bit below normal, but the whole month has seen below normal temps except for a few days.


      • Yeah, i’m hoping the rain will move through quickly and get warm and sunny soon. It’s been really affecting the arthritis. But that kind of pain is, I’m sure, something you’re all to familiar to with.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, it really does affect pain levels. This could end up being a cool, wet summer for us. Without painkillers to help, I was really hoping for warm and dry this summer. But, we get what we get.


      • Indeed! I went and placed flowers on my parents grave this past weekend, as it moves to a different sibling every year in our family. It was a bit of a stroll down memory lane seeing some of the names of those whom I had known from childhood to now. It’s amazing how it can bring back the memories of that day of their funeral like a song does when you hear it. It’s a bit intense at times.

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      • Yes, I know what you mean. I would like to check out my parents graves again, I haven’t been there since before the pandemic. Unfortunately, my friend doesn’t like going to cemeteries it seems. I have asked several times but no definite answer yet.


      • It’s a quiet place! Peaceful even… hehehe
        Hey I looked up that Woodpecker I see at my feeder and it appears to be a Red Bellied Woodpecker. I didn’t know there were so many different kinds of them! Kind of nice to see the variety of birds we have here.

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      • I didn’t think of that woodpecker, we don’t have them this far north. Yep, it is amazing the number of different species of birds one can see just in a small area!


      • Yep, I saw a Blue Jay trying to balance on the feeder perch and still get his long beak into the feeder without losing his balance!!😂😂 Pretty funny!!

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      • Yep, they are quite amazing in their ability to get at that food! Well, I have to get up and move around for a while, sitting too much today and I’m getting very stiff. Talk later!😀


      • Hey Dusty! Sorry for the disappearing Steve, but I got some unexpected company, then had to check on a doctor quickly. Turned into a busy afternoon.😬☔☔


  1. no problem, sorry about today. Had some unexpected work thrown my way and list track of time.😒

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    • Hmm, this must be you Dusty, though it doesn’t look like you. Yeah, things happen. Nice sunny day here, but rather cool, more heavy rain tomorrow. Getting kind of wet around here.


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