The Investigators, Inc. The Spanish Mystery Case. Chapter 12. Where is Mike?

3 Comments on “The Investigators, Inc. The Spanish Mystery Case. Chapter 12. Where is Mike?

  1. Am surprised at Mike’s death but is she the right Mike??? Trust that it wil be learned what is wrong with Steve. Not a good thing to faint at inconvenient times. Could there be some device inserted in you? Cynthia is doing very well for someone under the age of 18!

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    • I am sure it was the real Mike, Melanie and the other two girls were sure, and they knew her well. However, Ariele and Fabien got away, and Fabien is just like Mike, so I’m sure we will meet again at some point. Yes, we need to find out what is wrong with me, so time for a complete checkup. Yes, Cynthia is doing very well. Like some kids, she had to grow up fast at an early age to survive. So, just as she looks to be in her early twenties, she also seems to be at a maturity level of early twenties as well. I wonder what will happen to us next?🤔👩😼🕵️‍♂️

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