The Investigators, Inc. The Spanish Mystery Case. Chapter 8. Melissa.

6 Comments on “The Investigators, Inc. The Spanish Mystery Case. Chapter 8. Melissa.

  1. Much happened in this chapter. Raymundo sort of became a partner with Steve and Mandar. Melissa defected to the Steve’s Wildcats but can she be trusted? If she and Melanie can be trusted, this is a big coup for Steve. Only time will tell. Melissa could help you with an antidote. Then you have the unknown person Marcelo who killed two your team. This is much to keep track of them.

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    • Yes, Melanie was Mike’s number 1 lieutenant, Melissa was basically her drug doctor. These two girls are definitely a big coup for us and the cats, Jennifer and Galyna all trust them, and so far I see no reason not to trust them. But we shall see what happens. Both of them could be a big help to us.
      Yes, we have somewhat of a partnership with Raymundo, since none of us have enough people to handle Mike alone. I don’t like helping Raymundo, but he’s not as big a threat as Mike.
      Then there is Marcello, we have to deal with him too, and we will. We can’t let him get away with killing two of our girls. That would be spotted as weakness by our enemies.🤔👩😾🕵️‍♂️

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      • Guess you have a bit of a partnership with Raymundo. Melanie and Melissa are a coup as long as they don’t jump ship. It looks like Marcelo needs to be taught a lesson.

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      • Yes, better to partner with Raymundo to fight Mike rather than trying to fight both of them right now. Yes, then there is Marcelo, he might be a bigger problem than we think. Melanie and Melissa seem trustworthy, hopefully they stay that way and are not trying to lead us into a trap.

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