It’s Monday Again!

Happy Monday dear readers!  I am excited today! I finally have 100 followers!  Wow, that is just so fantastic, thanks to all of you for making this possible and I hope that everyone will continue to enjoy my little ‘country’ blog!

Why country?

I have been asked why I call it ‘country’ when I don’t actually live in the country.

Muffin 2
I figured it was time for an updated photo of Muffin. She decided on the side profile for this one.

  That’s a good point.  But I really do love country…all kinds of country, from country living, to country decorating, country antiques, country birds and other animals.  Besides, it sounds a lot better than Steve’s Town.  Really, it does.  I must admit my little patch of country is rather small.  But it is a busy patch!  There is always something going on out there with birds, squirrels, chipmunks (in season) and all the way up to deer, wolves and bears.  So it’s kind of like country in town type country.  Or something.

Reality is back.

Friday I was thinking spring.  Today it is back to reality.

pine grosbeak A
This male pine grosbeak is just one of many that were out here today.

  Well, it has been for a few days actually.  It has been bitterly cold again.  Normally it would be much milder by now.  But hey, our weather hasn’t been normal since last September.  Oh well.  It will warm up.  Sometime.

Photo time.

Since March is now upon us, it won’t be long and our winter birds will be heading back north for the summer.  Strange critters.  I can understand going south.  But north?

redpoll A
There was also a lot of redpolls out here today, more than usual. They are amazing bundles of energy and don’t like to sit still longer than 2 seconds.

  Anyway, I decided to brave the cold and try for some more pics this afternoon.  Sometimes my brain just doesn’t work properly.  If it was working I would have stayed inside where it is relatively warm.  But no.  I had to go outside.  Nearly froze.  Couldn’t feel my face.  Or my fingers.  So much for warm gloves.  It was that wind that made things even worse.  Yet those tiny little birds just kept bouncing around out there, trying to eat as much as they could to stay warm.  I have been feeding and watching/studying birds for…well, for quite a while.  And I never get tired of it.  A wonderful part of God’s awesome creation.  So I am once again sharing some photos from today’s frozen line up.

My apartment…

It has been suggested by some that it would be nice to have a photo tour of my apartment.  It amazes me that some people enjoy nightmares.  Personally I prefer a good night’s sleep.  Not that my place is dirty.  Or even messy.  Though some might argue that last point.  My apartment is just, well, it’s full.  Like very full.  Overly full.  Overflowing type full.  That’s because my apartment is very small.  My last apartment was much larger.  And it looked rather empty in comparison.  Put the same stuff in here and, and…well, suddenly it’s over full.  Sigh.

Speaking of Muffin…

I got home last evening and Muffin greeted me as usual.  But she was gone again rather quickly.  Odd, I thought.  She went over and was looking under one of my shelf units.  I called her and she came back to me.  Briefly.  Then back to looking under the shelves.  Okay, that got me curious.  She often knocks one of her toys under there, but she never gets that excited about it.  She just goes after another toy.  So… I had to look.  Lying down on the floor is not exactly an enjoyable pastime.  But I got my flashlight and down I went. Muffin was even more excited now.  That made me a bit nervous.  I thought, perhaps it was one of those giant spiders again.  It’s a little early for them, but, who knows?  And I didn’t like the idea of being flat on the floor with one of those critters on the loose.  But…there was nothing.  Muffin was sure that something was there.  And kept going to that spot several times.  So just maybe…sigh.  I sure hope not.

Break ins.

Have you…hmm, I think that will have to wait for next time.  Until then, I hope you enjoy the next few days and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod


31 Comments on “It’s Monday Again!

  1. Must be a mouse hiding under the shelves !…the bird pics are so clear and wonderfully “ clothed “ by our Awesome God !…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats on 100 followers! Hmmm, my kitty does the same thing and he has me convinced our lil mouse is hiding too.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Keep bread/rolls out of the way too, that’s how we found out we had one!

        Liked by 2 people

      • I think it’s probably the bird seed that might attract them but I finally have it all in sealed in (hopefully) mouse proof containers.🐁. And then there is my mouse trap 🐈! And she doesn’t miss!😼 Thanks for reading, enjoy your day!

        Liked by 3 people

  3. Congratulations Steve on 100 followers. We certainly love your country full of great animals!

    She must have been seen a mouse? She could have been looking forward to dine.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Tebatjo for your kind words! She might have been after a mouse alright, I would certainly prefer that instead of a spider! The spiders here get up to 4 inches across, apparently they can actually get bigger and that’s really scary.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Congrats on 100! Your blog is one of my favorites to read on here, quite honestly. Hope it warms up for you sooner rather than later. Beautiful photos as always. Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, thanks so much Peregrine! If the forecast is right the snow might start to melt a bit next week. I sure hope they are right this time! All this cold and snow is getting to me. Sigh.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks Steve! It’s very encouraging I think, and the support of other more seasoned writers was huge for me. I still feel grateful to be a part of this amazing community. I enjoy your posts…..they are so refreshing and I love your knowledge and photos of birds.🐦

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you much for your encouraging words! I have studied birds and other animals for a long time working with many organizations like the National Audubon Society and our Canadian Wildlife Service. Due to health I had to stop that but still enjoy them as I can. I have been at the photography for less than a year and have been really enjoying it. God bless.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Wow!!!! That’s awesome! God bless you too! I don’t know what health challenges you face but I do know how hard it is to be broken. I’m praying for you. 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Congratulations on over 100 followers! It’s pretty exciting isn’t it? 😉
    Muffin’s a beauty, as is the male pine grosbeak! 😄

    Liked by 2 people

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