It’s Monday so…

Hello everyone and welcome on this rather cold Monday.  So, what do you think about Mondays?  Are you down in the dumps, or maybe full of grumps?  Would you rather sleep instead of jumping to your feet?  Do you just barely drag yourself to work, or school?  Weekends are just too short, right?  Who likes Monday anyway?  Nothing but clouds and gray, long faces, frowns and groans.  But why? 

A male purple finch at my landlord’s feeder.

Why not think of Monday as a brand new start?  Get yourself up early, get moving, eat a good breakfast, grab a coffee, or tea, hot chocolate, whatever you like.  Put a smile on your face.  Start smiling at the people around you and you will see them smiling back and that in itself will make your day so much brighter.  Say some nice things to the people around, be cheerful.  And most people will catch on and be cheerful as well, it’s just something that is contagious.

Muffin looking for some mischief.

Even if others don’t react right, keep that positive outlook anyway and it will make your day go so much more smoothly.  And, it will make your Monday one of the best days of the week.  It’s a fresh start.  Keep it going.  Things go wrong?  That happens.  But it doesn’t have to make your day worse.  Keep that positive feel.  Keep looking ahead, but not with dread.  That seems to be a common thing, people hate to look ahead because they see nothing but problems.  Wait, that’s a different topic.  This is Monday.  But hey, be thankful on a Monday.  You have a job, many don’t.  You are at school getting a good education so you can get ahead.  Many don’t have that opportunity.

A chipping sparrow, one of our smallest sparrows and usually the last one to return.

Be thankful for your friends.  Many people don’t have any and are alone.  Sometimes that can be hard to handle.  Be thankful for your family.  Believe it or not, many people don’t have family.  Be thankful for your house/apartment, wherever you live.  A lot of people don’t have that.  Be thankful for your food.  Many people go hungry. 

Be thankful for your surroundings.  There is a lot of beauty out there.  The trees, flowers, morning sunrise, the colorful sunset, the different seasons if you live in an area where there is all those seasons (okay, I admit, it’s hard to be thankful for winter!), but even winter has incredible beauty.  Look at all the nature around you, even large cities usually have parks where the beauty of nature is visible.  The feel of grass on your bare feet on a hot summer day.  Being stuck in an office when the weather is so beautiful outside.  How did that one get in there? Many people would like to have that privilege.

This poor squirrel is falling asleep while eating, must be all that fighting with the other squirrels.

I am thankful for all the wildlife around my place.  As you know, I live in a small apartment in town.  But there is an amazing variety of wildlife that visits on my deck. Tiny chipmunks and squirrels.  There are raccoons and foxes, wolves and deer, skunks and bears.  All have been on my deck frequently.  Plus a huge variety of bird life. Unfortunately the bird feeding laws in this town have hurt my bird population.  But I’m still thankful for all that do come.

It’s been a very cold spring here this year so things are not growing yet the way it normally would.  But there is some green showing up as plants start sprouting from the earth.  No leaves on the trees yet.  That’s late.  But the buds are swelling and it won’t be long before that emerald green begins to show in the bushes and trees.  That is always a wonderful sight.  And soon the flowers will be starting to bloom.  Well, probably not too soon.  Except dandelions.  Which most people hate.  I don’t.  They are bright and cheery little flowers and always the first to bloom in the spring.

A male mallard duck in all his spring beauty.

Don’t drag your way through Mondays.  Smile and enjoy the day instead.  Why not make it your best day instead of your worst day.  After all, we make the choice, whether a day is good or bad.  So why not make it a good day?  It makes us feel so much better when we do.  And wouldn’t you rather feel good instead of groaning all day?

Thank you so very much for joining me here again today.  I hope you all have a great Monday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod



64 Comments on “It’s Monday so…

  1. This poor squirrel is falling asleep while eating, must be all that fighting with the other squirrels. i just found my new favourite picture from your photography🤗
    Have a wonderful Monday!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Finally a shot including the insulators LOL! You never showed these when you were going through your collections.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Lee! That’s true, I never did get that far but probably will at a future date. I have a lot of other things that never got included as well so when I’m stuck for a topic I will likely do another tour! Hope you have a great day!😃


  3. A nice reminder to embrace each day, especially Monday! Despite its bad rep, it isn’t a bad place to start afterall.

    Love the photos. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi. Happy Monday. I think that we have been trained mentally to view monday as a bad day and friday as the beginning of a joyous weekend. This year I arranged my schedule to have Sunday and Monday off. I find that I feel better going into the work week. Sunday is my day of rest and Monday is my business day. But I like you requested to rethink how we approach Monday’s🌞

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello and good evening from Norway🦋 It is always a pleasure to read your blog on mondays Steve. I love your pictures and with your words it make my coffe much better. I smile when I see the picture of Muffin, so lovely cat.
    I hope you make you a great day.
    Here in Norway right now is snowing a little bit…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by Orchid! I truly appreciate that and your nice comment. Muffin meows her appreciation too.😸Snowing? Well, it is cold enough to snow here too, but I hope it doesn’t!😀Thanks again and I hope your evening is wonderful!😄

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a good day to be alive looking for mischief 😻 as always, Steve-your words put a smile on my face. This one was very poetic too. 🧚‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Muffin does get that way sometimes, this cold weather is affecting her too since she can’t have her window open, so she looks for other ways to have fun! My poetic side shows now and then, I sometimes like to write comical type poems. Enjoy your day!😃😹

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oooh-Do write some comical poems. Pretty please??
        You do the same. I’ve got my weeding glasses on and I’ve got plenty of weeding to do today. Those dandelions need dead-heading to look tidy and sharp! 🧚‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Right now I wish our dandelions would start to grow! There should be a lot by now, but nothing yet. I have been thinking about writing some comical poems to share on either Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. I want to get some order going on my posts. So who knows? Oops, Sir George is waiting for lunch.😄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds like a viable plan! Bit of order never hurt anyone, eh?
        Well I hope your dandelions start to grow too-they are a favorite harbinger of spring to me too. First food for so many critters. I love when the little yellow finches eat the puff ball seeds! Sir George has got it good! 🧚‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, Sir George calls and I run! He is getting quite tame now and will come down while I stand by the feeder. Next is to see if he will take food from my hand!😃

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      • Sir George is my Herring gull, a big fella with a 5 foot wingspan. They can actually be quite mean and dangerous if they want to be. Haven’t seen the bear around for a while, but ants are active now which is one of their favorite foods, so maybe that’s keeping him away.🐻

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh goodness, Steve-be careful!!! Have a great evening and see ya next time!🧚‍♀️
        PS. Hope Muffin liked the ending of my fairytale teehee 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t think Sir George would ever hurt me, but I admit I sometimes take chances with animals and I probably shouldn’t. Hey, good hint! I just finished chapter 6, nice ending. Have to read your last part yet. What’s next in your writing? Have a great day, mine started kind of early today.😃🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good morning, Steve and the growing menagerie! Yeah-I sometimes take chances too. Can’t help it.
        Thanks for going all the way back—chapter 6 is a favorite. But that wasn’t the ending I promised you! You’ll just have to “surrender” to the suspense….
        You also have a great day🌞

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I actually dislike Mondays very much!!!! I don’t know if I’ve ever had a good Monday…. Oh, wait… yes I have… back in March one Monday! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I swear we’re not going for global warming but an ice age. Spain is abnormally cold too.

    And I completely agree with positive attitude and gratefulness instead of focusing on the negative stuff. Just look at Muffin she’s probably bored that’s she’s looking for something fun. Wave to you Muffin! 😺

    For the record I too love dandelion and other wild flowers. I’m teaching my son the same thing. As I told my husband (who agree with me) without these wild flowers the side of the road and the forest won’t be as beautiful.

    Regards to your wild friends! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, that’s right, all these flowers add a lot of nice color, and dandelions are good to eat as well! Very healthy. This is one of our coldest springs in over 40 years. Thanks for reading Jessica and for your nice comment! I hope you have a great day, well, night!😃

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Since I do not work Mondays are just pretty much like any other day now except Monday is one day closer to garbage pickup day. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

      • I guess I should put a punctuation in there to make it sound better. It should say, since I do not work, Mondays are just another day closer to trash pickup day. Lol

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds good Buddy! Being closer to trash pickup would still make it a good day and not working makes it good too! Have a great evening!😄


  9. I love your advice to be thankful! I’m probably the only person I know that loves Mondays! I see it as a fresh start to a new week of being more productive. 🙂 Great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Michelle! I have always liked Mondays, except maybe when I was in school! Yes, indeed, it is a fresh start! Hope you have a great Tuesday!😃

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Good morning Steve 😊 seems it’s getting warmer, great! Thank you for these lovely pictures and for the positive vibes and loads of gratitude as well, we should always be positive and grateful and never take what we have for granted 😊

    Have a great day hopefully warmer 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Huguette, yes, today is supposed to be warmer, but that’s what we were told on Sunday, and the temp reached only 4 instead of 12! Our coldest spring in over 40 years apparently. I believe it! Now the forecast is for a cold summer. At first they said it was going to be hot. Sigh. Thanks for your encouraging words Huguette, enjoy your day!😃🌞

      Liked by 1 person

      • They’re just telling you anything these broadcasters 😕😕they should be kicked out actually
        We never know then how this could possibly change so let’s hope for the best always
        My pleasure and have a great warm day 😊🌞🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Nice blue sky, sun shining on the tops of the trees. Sir George and friends are fed and happy, there was even a nice fox on the deck when I went out, he ran off but not too fast, I think he’s getting used to me now. Thanks for stopping by Huguette!😃🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh wow sounds amazing! Now you have a new friend 😀 A fox! Great
        Thank you Steve enjoy the sunny day 🌞🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, these red foxes are so beautiful. We used to have a lot until mange killed off most of them, but they are making a come back now. As long as he doesn’t catch my chipmunks he’s welcome!😁🦊

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  11. By living in an attitude of gratitude we open the door for everyday miracles to enter our lives. Fyodor Dostoevsky brought light to how a simple cockroach entering his imprisoned cell brought to him a meaning for life that he once had taken for granted as a free man. He did not see it as a nuisance, but rather an example of the miracle life affords us. Monday’s can be rough, but only if yo make them that way. Thank you for this reminder and beautiful pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to read and give a great comment, it is much appreciated! Thanks also for the follow!! I hope you will enjoy more from Steve’s Country and have a great day!

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