Sunshine Blogger Award #10.

Hello everyone and here we are with another Sunshine Blogger Award!  This time I was nominated by Mrs. Holliman and I thank you so very much for nominating me for this award!!  It is very much appreciated!  I haven’t been following Mrs. Holliman for very long but she has some interesting content so check her out if you have some time.sunshine-blogger-award

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
  3. Nominate new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in you post
  5. Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts 

My 11 questions to my nominees:

  1. What is you favorite thing about life?  Being alive.  Good friends.  Family.  CHOMP! AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! My foot!!  And of course, Muffin!!!  My foot!!! Bandages!!
  2. How do you feel about how the world is becoming? More dangerous! My poor foot. The world is getting worse too.
  3. Do you love the beach? As long as it’s in a warm place. I just love easy questions.
  4. Have your heart ever been broken before? Yes.  Getting easier all the time.
  5. What makes you happy? Muffin’s question.  Meow, meow, meow.  Which means, having my very own human.
  6. What is your favorite movie? Hmm, this one is tough. But I do like Abbot and Costello in ‘Hold That Ghost’.
  7. If you had to choose between Hawaii and Bahamas! which one would you pick?why Either one would be fine.  Why? They are both warm.  Hey, I was asked!
  8. Are you an outdoor person or indoor person?why Indoor during the winter, because it’s too cold outside!  Outside in the snow free season, because it’s much nicer outside and I enjoy spending time with nature, plus it’s much healthier.
  9. Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts? Mostly in nature, times with my dad, things that happen to me and MUFFIN!!! Whew, that was close.  These things are just getting so dangerous.
  10. If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you be? French fries!! Yes, I know they are not healthy, but they sure are good! Or strawberries, those are healthy.  Maybe blueberries, also healthy.
  11. What is one way you relieve stress at the end of the day? Hmm, reading. Meow. Just a minute Muffin. Watching the sunset. Meow!! Almost done Muffin, just wait. Spending some time on the computer. MEOW!! CHOMP!! AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! My foot again! Bandages!! Most important though is cuddling with Muffin!!! My poor foot!!

Now my nominees, I hope you have a cat, also, if you can please let me know when you have done this award, but remember, there is no rush to do it;


Now my questions:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. How long have you been blogging?
  3. What is your main goal for blogging?
  4. Do you prefer to vacation in your own country or go to another country?
  5. Would you like to experience a real winter with lots of snow and -40 temps for 2 weeks?
  6. If you could not use any electronic device such as computers, phones, etc, for 2 weeks, would it be easy or hard?
  7. Do you enjoy sweet things, like cakes, pies, cookies?
  8. Do you like to eat fish?
  9. Do you like coffee?
  10. Do you like to spend time alone?
  11. Are my blog posts too long, too short or fine the way they are?

Well, that’s it for this one folks, but there will be more coming up this week.  Amazing, I know.  I hope you are enjoying your week and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.


67 Comments on “Sunshine Blogger Award #10.

  1. Hi Steve 💞 many congratulations to you dear 💕
    Oh Muffin, why are you teasing Steve and I think Steve she has a crush on your feet 🤭😂😂
    Well, as usual smartly given answers

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations Steve! I missed you a lot these days…
    Thank you so much for nominating me…!
    After tomorrow, till Saturday I don’t have much work (yay! 😁) Maybe we can chat sometime then?
    Thank you again!
    Warm regards! 🌸💞

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I can see Muffin is being so naughty 😹😀 she wants to have her own answers!
    French Fries and strawberry 🙂 I memorized this 😄 not bad at all to spend lifetime eating those!
    Nature is indeed a great inspiration, it calms the mind and trigger our creativity I guess 🙂
    Easy questions are always welcome 😀
    Enjoyed reading another award and congratulations for another nominations 😀 I nominated you once, is it on your list?? 😄
    Have a great Wednesday Steve and hope it’s sunny and warm 😄😸

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Huguette!! yes, Muffin would like to do her own award again, guess I will have to let her do one on her own since she doesn’t get nominated anymore. Will have to pick one with easy questions for her.😺😻 Yes, nature does calm and also gets that creativity going, for me at least.🌳 Yes, yours is on my list, I’m just slow getting there!😀 It’s supposed to hit 30C today and sunny,🌞 so hope it does! Enjoy your day!!😄😸🌞🌳🐿

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi steve! Congrajulations ✨👏 Ha ha Muffin loves u 🥰 Indeed world is getting more Dangerous😳, Like a summer and a beach🤔 Come to chennai. Ha ha 😂 U r not leaving french fries are u 😂 Ha ha Oh muffin enjoy the fun with bandages 😂😂✨ Enjoyed reading steve. Interesting questions… Congrats to the nominees ✨👏

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Steve, being a life, feels good:, the world is going down and its so sad🌈,warm places are the best😁, Muffin is lucky to have for sure so are you, so are you😂, never heard about these movies before💚, Bahamas is better!!!:DDD Muffin seems to exited about this award today, even its yours, still😂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much Ilona!! Yes, it is very sad to see the world getting worse all the time.😕 Muffin and I fit together very well.😃😺 Hold That Ghost is an old movie from the 1940s and is very funny!😄 Muffin always seems to know when I’m doing an award post and she comes around to watch. She will sit right beside me while I do it, so it’s easy to imagine what’s going on in her little head!😹😂 Hope you have a wonderful day Ilona!!!😁🌞😸🌳☕

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