Blue Monday.

Hi everyone on this blue Monday!  I have always wondered why it’s called blue Monday?  I mean, what is wrong with blue?  Personally blue is my favorite color.  So for me, calling it blue Monday means it’s a great day!  Okay.  I’m strange.  I know it.  But you know, I think sometimes we let names affect how we feel way too much.  Blue is a color.  How can that affect our mood?  Unless we let it affect us.  Which is wrong.  Like Monday being a terrible day.  It’s a terrible day because we let it be terrible.  Instead, why not call it a great day.  And head out the door to work or school or whatever with a smile on our face and saying good morning to everyone we meet.

I just gave Rusty an extra big peanut.

Well, providing it is morning anyway.  Otherwise people will look at you kind of strange if you say good morning in the afternoon.  As humans we tend to always focus on negative things.  Why?  It doesn’t help us to worry about things.  Just makes us feel worse actually.  And normally we worry about tomorrow.  Although yesterday today was tomorrow, and tomorrow today will be yesterday, nevertheless yesterday tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow because today it would be tomorrow yesterday and tomorrow will be today tomorrow, or would have been the day after tomorrow yesterday.  So why worry about tomorrow?  Hmm.

A beautiful sunny fritillary.

I think it’s time for thinking about some country pleasures.  Without the country.  A nice soft summer shower.  The sun shining through the leaves giving a dappled shade to relax under.  Perhaps you have no yard, but maybe you can still see some trees out the window.  Open the window and listen to the birds singing.  Or the crickets chirping at night.  Maybe some frogs are using their ‘singing’ talents to serenade you at night too.  Here we have the loon that calls during the night.  I have even heard owls sometimes, though that is rare here.

A groundhog wandering around down by the river.

Ever walked barefoot through the grass on a hot summer day?  Perhaps lay in a hammock on a lazy summer afternoon?  Sit on the porch early in the morning or later in the evening when the air is a bit cooler?  Perhaps your dog has come along and put his head on your lap and gives a soft contented groan?  Your cat jumps on your lap and curls up purring so lovingly?  Have you seen a colorful butterfly flutter by?  Have you had a squirrel come and take a peanut from your hand?  Ever been to the park and watched children at play, whether yours or someone else’s?

A female mallard standing on a rock which is a bit underwater. That rock is now sticking out of the water about 18 inches (42.5cm). Due to lack of rain lately the water level in the river is dropping every day.

This is just a small list of ‘pleasures’ that everyone can enjoy.  Maybe not all of them, but I’m sure some of them you can enjoy.  And there are probably many more that you can add to the list.  Just stop and think about it for a while.  With so many pleasures to enjoy each day, why do we worry about something referred to as blue Monday.  Besides, blue is a very nice and pleasant color that is actually a ‘calm’ color.  Just look at the sky.  How can that be an anxious color?  Or make us feel down or discouraged?  Hmm.

Well, I better stop for today or this will end up getting very long indeed.  I hope all of you have a very happy Monday that will last all week!  God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.


53 Comments on “Blue Monday.

    • Yes indeed! I have always found blue to be a soothing and very pleasant color. One medical study I read said that green and blue were both calming colors. Thank you so very much for your encouraging words Samyak!! Would you mind if I use your comment in a future post? I hope your day has been going well!😃😺🌞🌳


  1. Wow it’s always my pleasure to get a mention from you.. Really Steve you will hearts everywhere you go..the kindest soul I’ve ever seen.. I will strive to be this kind from now on😅💙💙

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Blue is my favourite colour too ! Love the pics…I can just imagine how lovely it is to be walking with you on your excursions through the woodlands ! It is truly uplifting for one’s soul !

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh yes, I don’t understand it too. Blue is such a great colour! No, I think it shouldn’t be used to describe a gloomy feeling. 😦 Grey maybe used as an alternative 🙂
    Great pictures, like always! The butterfly is so beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much Sophie! Yes, grey would be better. A couple of those butterflies were very nice one day and allowed me to get some nice pictures of them.😃📷 I’m still trying for a butterfly I see when I go walking.😀📷 I’m doing better with dragonfly pictures though!😄🌞😺🌳

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re librarian has your best interests at heart and means well. That’s a good librarian in my opinion. 👍

        That’s a tricky question because last night I was crying and really upset at something/someone. This trigger causes me a great deal of negative, emotional pain. Then I did some meditation at 2AM in the morning hoping it would calm my nerves help me sleep. I guess I’m OK… just trying to take things day by day. 🌺

        Liked by 2 people

      • Our library ma’am is great!
        Also, I am quite worried about you. I know it’s always hard to convey emotions… but believe me, you have all of us beside you. If you are in pain, and wish to share, we are definitely there to listen! You are really amazing, I believe it in my heart! Lots of love and hugs to you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry for jumping in. That’s always best, taking things day by day and try not to get stressed about yesterday or tomorrow. I think we always need to plan ahead, but not to the point of worrying ahead. I meditate too, but mine is a bit different likely than yours. I just like to sit and think about positive things, beautiful things, that always helps to calm me down.🙂 And read something positive. Like rereading some of my posts.😀 Okay, I’m biased.😏 Nonetheless, reading something positive or even humorous can be very helpful.🙂 I hope you have a wonderful day Hilary!😃😺🌞🌳🐿


      • The only way I can deal with my stress seems to be through exercise 💪🔥🔥I’ve been working out recently was able to get off the low-dose antidepressant for over a week now (haven’t told the Dr yet…) and despite the high risk of relapse, I can feel that the natural endorphins running through my veins is more effective than that medication ever was.

        As for meditating, it’s the negative triggers that put me in a bad headspace. So I focus on nothing…. The pain is usually in my chest, neck, and shoulders. I cannot avoid negative triggers since they’re on social media (even WordPress!), outside the apartment, at the mall, magazines, books, TV, word of mouth etc. This anger has been fueling my workouts and that’s why I started doing them, to release the physical pain of resentment, jealousy and frustration in my body. So silver linings maybe? Dunno yet. 🤷‍♀️

        I can’t say I’m having a wonderful day, but I can tell ya it’s an endorphin-infused sweaty kinda day. 🧘‍♀️🌱

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      • I agree, those negative triggers are all over the place. One reason why I stay off social media, except for WordPress (and yes, that can be bad too, I have experienced it). I also agree that exercise is a great idea, for me just walking works good, but it’s different for everyone. And it’s better than medication too. Always silver linings, we just need to look for them. Keep pressing on!!😃😺🌞🌳

        Liked by 1 person

      • I had to unfollow a few people on this platform, not because I have anything against them (they’re wonderful people and I will refollow them in the future) but because their content was too emotionally triggering for me. It was a reminder of my own failures and weaknesses, and how much of a crappy year it’s been for me because I did not reach my own goals (and they did)…. I rather not open fresh wounds I had just covered with bandages. 🤕

        Walking is great!! ♥️ Sadly, I had to switch up the kind of exercise I do and do the exercises I used to think were “stupid and a waste of time”. It’s fantastic that walking works for you. Stick to what works and brings you the most joy. 🙏🏻💕

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I can understand that, better to stay away from those blogs for now. All exercising is good, sometimes we need something more vigorous too. During the winter I need to add some other exercises to my day since outdoor walking can be rather slippery around here and with all the hills, it just doesn’t work good. Keep at it!😃😺


      • We just need to make every day a good day, then we wouldn’t need a color for the down days. Keep looking ahead and never give up!😄😸🌞🌳🐿

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  4. That peanut is bigger than his face, and yet, the chipmunk doesn’t quit. Hear that, everyone? We can all learn from Rusty the chipmunk not to let our food intimidate us. Take a bow, chipmunk. You did well my friend, you did well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We can actually learn a lot from these little animals. They are hard workers and they really don’t give up. I have seen them work at a peanut for quite a while and I’m saying, there’s no way he can get that big peanut in his cheek. But he does! Thanks for reading today Hilary, I hope you have a great day!!😃😺🌞🌳🐿

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  5. Hello Steve and hope your Monday is great so far🌞🌞 ! It’s really great how you turned the blue meaning to a beautiful one, and you’re so right! Blue is a beautiful color and being negative never served anyone at all and worrying about tomorrow is a total waste of time 😊
    As you mentioned, we always have beauty to enjoy and we should benefit as much as we can, we can always find it when we look closely 😺
    The mallard shot is really amazing and artistic as well! Good work 👌
    The groundhog as well, looks like a little bear 😄
    Is that a recent picture for Rasty? Hope he’s back :/
    Have a great remaining of the day and thank you for this post 🌞😸😸

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Huguette! Happy that you enjoyed this morning’s post. Sometimes I don’t know what I’m going to say until I sit down and start typing, like this morning. I just recently heard again the term blue Monday so started to go at it. I have heard the term many times but not recently so it got me thinking a bit.🤔 Thanks for the nice compliment on my pictures. Yes, Rusty was back this morning!😃🐿 Friendly as usual, not sure where he was, if it was earlier in the summer I would say he might be with a female, but it’s too late for that kind of date. Visited another park this morning and got more great pictures for a new coffee break.😀📷 Enjoy your evening and thanks for reading today!😄😸🌞🌳🌙

      Liked by 1 person

      • Great to hear Rusty is back 😄 it doesn’t matter as long as he’s not hit by the car or so!
        Yes sometimes ideas flow the minute we sit in front of our screen and it’s great to always have new pictures for more coffee breaks 😸
        My pleasure and hope your day will continue to be productive 😄😸🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I’m certainly glad Rusty came back, it would be terrible to lose both my main chipmunks in the same summer!😬🐿 I might have to take it easy the rest of the day. When I was out walking this morning I fell backwards and landed on a large rock,😲 so my back is rather sore right now. It was kind of hard walking back after that too.😕

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes sure it will be so terrible!
        Oh my 😯 you should take care! These falls can be so harmful :/ hope you will recover soon!

        Liked by 1 person

      • It can be slippery on parts of that path because it’s so steep and covered in pine needles and there are lots of big rocks in the way in one area. Hopefully I will be back to normal by tomorrow.🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • you should take care I’m sure in the nature you face lot of hard roads! Let’s hope it’s not a big injury then and you will recover fast 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello hello Steve, here I am… I had some issues with my internet… but anyway.. awww, I’m in love with your friend-Rusty- it is so cute and friendly❤️
    And your picture of that butterfly, oh my oh my, beautiful.
    I hope you are fine Steve.
    I love your words and a good cup of coffee😺😀

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thank you Steve for sharing some mighty fine Monday thoughts. I have extra nuts to share with some of your friends. My love of them is on hold for two weeks until my permanent crown arrives.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey, thanks so much for reading!! I’m sure my chipmunks would love that! I hope you have a great day, even without nuts!!😄😸🌞🌳🐿


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