20/20 Investigations, Inc…The Palace, Chapter 13.

Well, here we are in a cramped, very narrow passageway.  I’m sure it hasn’t been used since the princess lived here.  No sign whatever that anyone else has been in here.  That can be a good thing, or not.  Is there a way to get out of here?  We can’t go back, so, we go ahead.  We walk slowly looking carefully for any traps that might be in here.  This place really is a maze of rooms, hallways and now secret passageways.  I wonder what we will find?  We find a dead end, almost.  There is a small, crawl through door, which slides upward, with a lot of effort.  It leads to a small empty room which has another one of these small crawl through doors.

The island.

Off we go through this door which leads to another small room, with some empty and very dusty, boxes.  But there is some stairs going down, barely wide enough to walk on. At the bottom of the stairs is another narrow passageway which goes only a short distance, then turns and goes down some more narrow stairs.  At the bottom of the stairs is a narrow door, which is open, and leads into a fairly large well furnished room.  Obviously it was meant for someone to live in, or hide in perhaps.  But again, no one has been here for a very long time.  Thick layers of dust cover everything.  There are candles so we light them and it makes the room much brighter.

From my vacation in Nice.

This would be a great place to hide the jewels, Sophia said excitedly.  That is possible, I agreed.  Meow!=Let’s look around!  But after looking around the room quite thoroughly we uncovered nothing at all that might help us.  Certainly no trace of any jewels.  There is another narrow door in here as well.  We can’t go back, so we may as well keep going, I suggested.  Everyone agreed, even Muffin.  I open the door and another one of those heavy wood doors slams down, shutting off the way we just came in.  That definitely means we have to keep going ahead.  Meow!=I’m getting really worried!  We’ll be okay Muffin, just keep those big eyes open.  Meow.=I will.

Looking toward the airport from my hotel.

We had to walk sideways down this passageway which I didn’t like too much.  I wouldn’t want to get trapped in here.  We get to the end and it turns off to the left and…a dead end.  Completely.  The we heard that familiar noise as another wood door shut off our only way back to that room.  This is not good.  Now what do we do?, asks Rossana.  I’m not sure, but look around, maybe there is a hidden door in here somewhere.  Meow!=Look here!  I had to look close but there was a small rock right near the floor that seemed to be sticking out a bit.  I push it with my foot and a large rock slid down to give us another small crawl through door.  We had to squeeze through this one though but we all made it.

But we didn’t enter a room this time…

To be continued.

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

55 Comments on “20/20 Investigations, Inc…The Palace, Chapter 13.

    • It is a rather large palace, most of it is closed to the public but part is open each summer to visits to help fund the renovations of the place which has been ongoing for several years. It’s a real place but who knows what it actually looks like inside? I have some info which helps me to write the story, most of which however is only fiction. But these old places always had secret rooms and passages in them and this palace was used as a fortress at one time as well. Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Yep. Now, what did I see? Did we end up outside? Is it the torture chamber? Is there a shotgun staring at me? Is it more stairs? Is there a giant spider blocking the door? Is it Muffin’s supper time?


  1. Lots of excitement here ! …waiting…love the pics as well !🕵️‍♂️🙀🔍☕️🍪


  2. I finally caught up. Thankful, this chapter is a bit shorter. I was falling a sleep, not because of the story. Loving it…My granddaughters have worn me out.

    The pictures are fantastic too. Wouldn’t mind exploring a place like that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you are enjoying it Chrissy! Yes, I would love to actually get inside that place to really look around. Probably doesn’t have any secret passageways though, but a lot of those old places did. Have a great evening!😁😸🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The biggest thing i hate is dead ends!!! You’re going and then you don’t know where to go! COOL steve!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. With all these little doors and narrow passageways, claustrophobia is coming! Indeed, to be honest I suffer from claustrophobia and I am short of breath !!! Luckily you stopped the narration. 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s good to know. But it hasn’t stopped yet, the dangerous part is yet to come. Will we get trapped in one of these narrow passageways? Will we end up in the torture chamber? Will we end up in the lake? Will we ever find our way out? Does Muffin want lunch? All this and more coming tomorrow!😁😸🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

      Liked by 1 person

      • I choose the lake! A good swim in the fresh air can only be healthy!😅
        And yes, maybe Muffin will be hungry … My cat is always hungry, despite her 17 years, so a young cat like Muffin must be very hungry!😸

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, Muffin likes to eat, especially after exploring something new, even in real life! Might be a long drop to the lake and rocks below!🤔😳🙀🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • But you keep going down! If I don’t get it wrong…🤔🤔🤔
        You should already be below lake level or at the same level anyway. Two strokes and a bit of luck (and maybe no currents!) and you land on one of the beaches of the island!😄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Don’t forget, the last stairs went up though, but still we wouldn’t be much above the lake yet.🤔 But who knows, we haven’t finished yet!
        But what if it’s a really windy and stormy day? Huge waves, we wouldn’t have a chance.😬😳 I think I did go down one too many. But I didn’t mention where we started exactly. But it’s what happens next…😳😳😲😲🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • I can’t say I understand everything perfectly… Something always eludes me! 😅 In the translation I mean. Now I just have to wait to read the next chapter.😃

        Liked by 1 person

      • I should have mentioned we started on the top floor, so that gives 5 levels to go down, but…I can’t say any more! More surprises coming up!🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

    • Will we be trapped in there? Will we end up in the torture chamber? Is someone waiting for us? Will we end up in the lake? Will Muffin miss lunch? Coming up tomorrow! Thanks for reading along Eugenia!😁😸🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️☕☕

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds like an escape, but what on the other side? don’t tell me you jumped from canada to italy😜😬 Wonderful speed Steve, Love the flow of story… Keep writing, waiting for next chapter 😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, what is on the other side?🤔 A man with a shotgun?😬 A torture chamber?😲 A big hole dropping down to the rocks and lake below?😳🙀 Will we ever find our way out?🤔🙄 How can we breathe? 🤪Will we starve?😜☕ Will Muffin ever stop eating?😾😹 All this and more coming up today!🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️ Story is in Italy, I’m still in cold Canada. Sigh. But spring is near!😁😸🌞

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nope I was imagining a beautiful garden 😸 Now you spoiled my imagination with all the questions 😜😄 Muffin never going to Stop eating 😸😸 Spring is near 😍

        Liked by 1 person

      • Maybe a huge spider blocking the door?😬🕷 Maybe snakes all over the floor?😲🐍 Maybe a bed on which to lie?😀🛏 Maybe a tomb for us to die?😳☠💀 True, Muffin needs her energy to help us get out of here.😃😺😻

        Liked by 1 person

      • Don’t you get goose bumps while thinking all of it 👻👻👻👻 I did 😳🤸 Love the questions 🤫🤔 Let me think this way 🧐 I’ll keep up my creativity 😄🙄🤗✍️

        Liked by 1 person

      • I have a weird brain, I like thinking all sorts of different things like that so it helps me with my story writing.🤪😜😳😂😹 I’m already thinking about my next story and this one isn’t finished yet.🤔🙄😄😸 I’m not even sure about the ending yet.😂😹🙄🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ha ha you will definitely figure out a ton of Ending for this amazing story. Fans are here, I’m sure you won’t disappoint us. Looking forward to next part 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Simon! That bird is an “evening grosbeak”, one of our beautifully colored birds and usually here year round, except this winter. Have a nice evening! Things are back to normal again.🤔🤪😜😄


    • Hopefully soon, still had to do some things, lost some stuff I was working on so had to start over,😳 so I’m a bit slow today.🤔🙄 Sigh. Enjoy your evening, if you’re still up.😁🌙

      Liked by 1 person

      • I was and now I am 😄 Hope thing’s are fine, don’t overdo anything 😉 Stay warm with Muffin and take things slowly. No hurry Even it’s a redo Steve ✨☺️😉 Have a peaceful night ✨

        Liked by 1 person

  6. My journey starts tonight which is your next day morning ✨😉 early bed 🥰😍 Love to go for early bed.. sadly right now I can’t 😳 anyway I’ll do that in spicy land 😁

    Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha you didn’t sleep yet✨🤔 Have some good sleep, we can have some good time next morning as I will be awake at evening 😂 wish the snoring guy should not be there 🙄 this time 😸 Good Night Steve ✨☺️


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