20/20 Investigations, Inc…The Hotel, Chapter 3.

In the morning, after a delicious and huge breakfast, Jessica and I went to town.  Amazingly Muffin wanted to stay behind and look around some more.  I told her to stay in the hotel and I opened all the doors for her and put her slingshot on her nice and snug.  Then I gave her some instructions and we were off to town.  Muffin doesn’t really enjoy shopping and she did hear a mouse during the night.  She loses all fear when there is a mouse around.  The town, if it can be called that, is only about half an hour away.  There is one old style general store, with gas pumps out front and a nice little coffee shop to one side.  There is a small police station, another small hotel which also has a restaurant inside.  Plus a few houses and vacant buildings.  Seems like the town was a bit larger in the past.

Becker, a couple days ago.

The interesting part was the fact of another hotel in town.  After our shopping we sat and had some coffee in the little coffee shop.  They also had good muffins in that place, so I bought a couple extra to bring back for Muffin.  She loves anything maple flavored!  I asked Jessica about the other hotel.  She said it had been closed for several years but it opened again just 2 months before her and Bill bought their hotel.  Apparently a single woman bought the place.  She was young, very pretty, a little taller than Jessica and had short dark hair.  Her name is Patricia Williams, said Jessica, but everyone calls her Trish. Has she ever been out to your place?  Only once when we first bought the hotel, she came out to invite us for dinner at her new restaurant, so naturally we went, said Jessica, in a town this size it’s only natural, everyone is so nice and friendly here.

Becker again, same day.

Everyone except the one who killed your husband, I reminded her.  We can’t trust anyone, so no talking to people about me.  That’s okay, said Jessica, I haven’t told anyone at all.  Good, if someone asks, I’m just a new handyman staying out there to help you for a while.  Sounds good, said Jessica, does that mean you’ll be doing some handyman work for me too?  Sure will, have to make this look real.  On the way back to the hotel, Jessica asked if I thought that Trish had something to do with this.  Everyone is treated as a suspect at the beginning, I said.  Bill did go over there a lot to help her with different things, commented Jessica, but why would she kill him then?  Lots of reasons.  Perhaps she fell in love with him but he wasn’t willing to reciprocate.  Jealousy can do strange things to people.  However, don’t think that way, she is probably innocent.

Mama, waiting for her baby to catch up.

Do you suspect me too?, asked Jessica.  Like I said, everyone is a suspect at first, but don’t worry about that, for some reason I don’t think you had anything to do with Bill’s death.  Jessica just looked at me.  We get back to the hotel after about 2 hours and the front door is wide open again.  This isn’t good and we both go running inside, Jessica right behind me.  I call for Muffin, but no answer.  I call again and Muffin comes jumping down from inside the fireplace.  How odd.  Muffin, are you okay?  Meow, meow!=We need private talk, lots to tell.  Is anything wrong?, asked Jessica.  Meow, meow.=I saw ghosts.  She’s quieter this time.  Muffin and I are going to look around outside for a while.  Okay, lunch in half an hour, Jessica called out from the kitchen.

Muffin, taking a break from detective work.

Once we got outside Muffin started to tell me what she saw.  Meow, meow!=2 ghosts come in front door, look all around and close all doors.  Muffin, there are no ghosts.  How often do I need to tell you that?  Meow, meow!=There is ghosts, Jessica’s husband and a woman!  What?!  I pull out a picture of Bill and show Muffin.  Meow, meow!=That’s him, the ghost!  But Muffin, Bill is dead and buried.  Meow, meow!=Exactly, now he is ghost and woman must be too!  Hmm, this is getting interesting.  What did the woman look like Muffin?  Meow, meow.=Young, pretty, taller than Jessica and short dark hair.  That sounds like Trish, the woman who owns the other hotel.  Now we’re getting somewhere.

To be continued.

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

61 Comments on “20/20 Investigations, Inc…The Hotel, Chapter 3.

    • Did Muffin really see Bill?🤔 Maybe she did see a ghost.👻 Maybe she needs glasses.👓 Maybe she’s just trying to get me to leave.😾✈ Maybe I need more coffee!😹😂☕☕Thanks for reading Dusty!😁😸🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🔎🕯🔦


      • Maybe!!! But if she’s seeing ghosts you’ve got real problems! Somehow though I think you’ll find the answers!!😉 You alwYs do!!🤠😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • So true, but if Bill is alive, then I’m out of work, since I was hired to find his killer.😬 Hmm, this is getting complicated.🤔🙄 But who would want to kill him and not his wife?🤔😳 But sometimes not every case can be solved.🙄 Another possibility.🤔


      • But maybe Bill isn’t the only one who looks like Bill? Maybe Benny looks like Bill? Or maybe it was Benny who was killed and not Bill?🤔 Oh you’re right! This getting complicated! Or!! They could actually be ghodts that Muffin saw!😲 Or! Maybe Muffin made it up to see if Bill’s wife would react? Aye yae yae! Now I need to wait until Monday to find out! You and your stories so many posibilities!🥴

        Liked by 1 person

      • Some good points there for sure, only time will tell what’s going on and why. I don’t want to give things away.😁 Besides, I’m not sure myself.😬🙀😵 Oh well, guess we will all see on Monday which direction this will go. Or will we?🤔🙄😄🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🔎🕯🔦


      • Nope, no cookies, though I was going to try and bake some today. Then I decided to continue with my cleaning instead. Sigh.


      • Didn’t have everything I needed for baking.🤔 Sigh. And I wasn’t going back to the store again today!😬 Too crazy there for me!!😳😲🙄


      • Lots of people grocery shopping up there? I haven’t gone yet. I thought I’d wait until this evening let the crowds pass. I hope they will still have food left when I go! Hehehe😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • I shopped yesterday. People are panicking up here and buying everything in sight, nothing but bare shelves all over the place. But mostly buying other stuff, not food. TP, paper towels, tissues, cleaning supplies( I needed and couldn’t get), hand sanitizer, soap, laundry detergent(I also needed and couldn’t get). I got my food anyway. But it was crazy the way people were hoarding stuff. And it will be a while before the stores get more around here. It’s just crazy. Sigh. I don’t like shopping at the best of times, but I really don’t like huge crowds. It was like shopping right before Christmas. And people were coughing and sneezing all over the place, and not even covering their mouth or nose. Sigh. Poor lady at the checkout, the lady ahead of me was coughing constantly without covering her mouth.😲😳😬😂People panic so easily.


      • The important thing to do now is wait for the stores to restock and then go get what you need to last you about 6 weeks. But TP and paper towels shouldn’t be on the list. Soups and nonperishables and drinks with electrolytes in them. Once you have those your set. It’ll all pass in a few weeks I think. But what do I know.😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • The problem is stores around here don’t restock that often, could take days or weeks to get new stock in here. Sigh.


      • Most definitely, fresh air, stay away from people, exercise, stay away from people, eat right, stay away from people.


    • But maybe Muffin really saw a ghost.😬👻 Or she’s trying to get me to leave.😾✈ Or I need more coffee!🤪☕☕ Enjoy your weekend waiting for chapter 4!😁😸🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I really enjoyed it! Today is going by too fast!😬 Need to get my nature’s art out today, something a bit different for today’s post.🙂 Chapter 4 on the way!😳😬 Hmm, not sure if I fall under the classification of great minds!😂😹

        Liked by 1 person

      • Okay, I’ll go along with that.😂😹It’s staying cold today, not warming up much. So much ice out there now, I have to be very careful with my walking.😬 But off I go.😁🚶‍♂️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good. Germs don’t like fresh air. We woke up to snow this morning, but it melted just as quickly. Lots of fast moving clouds. Really pretty day. But too windy for pictures. Already seeing false morel mushrooms. That means real morels coming soon!! Yum!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. This is a poser ! Can’t wait to see what is going on ! Poor Muffin ! 🕵️‍♂️☕️🔍☕️😿🙀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, this has taken an odd twist giving more questions. Muffin is doing a great job, so yes, she deserves her naps!😃😺😻🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️☕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. okay, Now Trish seems to be a suspect, But why? If there is an affair with Trish and him Jessica is the one that supposed to be dead isn’t it? 😉 May be trish is innocent or may be Jessica is not innocent like she looks 😀 May be muffin is changing the crime scene. Great One Steve, you are breaking all the expectations.. 😉 Good work, Keep up 🙂 Looking forward for the next chapter 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, things are not always the way they seem to be, or should be.🤔🙄 If Bill and Trish are having an affair, they would kill Jessica,😲 but if Jessica found out, then maybe she killed Bill.🤔😲 But then why hire Muffin and me to find the killer if she did it?🤔😃😺 Very strange.😬 But if Bill is dead, why is he walking around?🤔🚶‍♂️ Is he really a ghost?👻☠ Has everyone gone crazy?😵🙀 Should I pack up and leave?✈ I need more coffee!!😳😳☕☕😹🙄🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🔦🕯

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s a good question, Bill and Trish is like a real suspect, but we still need to figure out what author has in mind 😳🙄 You know he will give an unexpected suspense in next part, I know him, just a planet away from my home, with his muffin 😜 I’ll ask him 😁 😋 let me know if you see him 😸

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, that author is a tricky one,😾😉 got to keep an eye on him,🤔👁 he’s a suspect too.😳 After all, he’s involved in this somehow,😬🤪 maybe withholding evidence!😲 Hmm….🤔🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      • You know right 😉 I know it too 😜 I think he has an affair with Jessica, I think he manipulated her to invite him to investigate the case by himself ☺️ let’s keep an eye on him 😎

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha 😄 silly I know that. What I meant is that since EVERYONE is a suspect… she’s not completely out of the hook. You’re also keeping an eye on her hehehe 🤭

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, that’s true, I always include the client as a suspect too until I prove otherwise. But I think Muffin has other plans!🙄😸😻


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