Daily Pics 2020 #80.

Good morning on this rather chilly Friday!  It really feels like winter again, with that temp down to the -25C (-13F) range.  But it’s not going to last, hopefully and next week, starting Monday, it’s supposed to warm up and start melting this snow again.  And maybe it will keep melting now until the snow is gone and the grass begins turning green once more.  Such a nice thought.  Spring.  Green.  Flowers.  Birds singing.  Actually, the birds have really been singing a lot lately. 

They know the weather is about to change and they are getting excited so they have begun to sing loudly each morning.  And in the afternoon too.  It is so nice to listen to them, and really, they do sound excited.  Last evening as the sun was setting there was still some birds outside at the feeders, very busily getting their last seeds for the day before heading off to their roosting spots for the night.  As the sun is setting it bathes the area with a more golden glow than during the day.  A darker gold color that changes the color of everything just a bit.  It’s really a very nice time standing there watching the birds until the last of them leaves for the night.

And now for some summer sunshine with more flower pics…


And we will start with a close up look at some “deptford pinks” and they really are a beautiful, bright pink color that can be seen from quite a distance.IMG_5417

And here we have a closer shot of a “spotted touch-me-not”.  With the sun shining on it, it really looks like there is a light at the top of the flower.  They are not a large flower, but like the pinks, are very bright and the plants can get quite large and be full of dozens of these flowers.

Thank you for coming by and taking a look this morning.  Happy Friday to you all and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

605 Comments on “Daily Pics 2020 #80.

      • God is in everyone and everything, after the winter comes the spring ,
        The bells of joy start to ring ,
        Rebirth of livelihood is a wonderful thing ,

        The divine is here , there and everywhere,
        For all of us , God would care ,
        Dare to believe that life is fair ,

        In the darkness of the night,
        Stars could be shining bright,
        The moonlight shows up in our sight ,
        Being from the divine light ,
        Things are marvelous and white,
        With God , by your side , nothing to fear and nothing to fright,
        Gather in love and with the almighty God unite ,
        Our powers we gather and
        May almighty God , the warm flames of justice and love in the world ignite

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Good morning, Steve and Muffin. Happy Friday😊 the moon is so pretty this morning rising through the pine trees. Glad it’s going to finally warm up for you in the north country.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning Nina and Happy Friday!
      Yes, I hope this will be the last of our cold weather, I’m looking forward to all this snow melting so I can get out and start walking again.😁😸🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🌲
      Have a wonderful day!😃😺🌞☕☕ Time for me to log off and exercise for a while.

      Liked by 1 person

    • God is in everyone and everything, after the winter comes the spring ,
      The bells of joy start to ring ,
      Rebirth of livelihood is a wonderful thing ,

      The divine is here , there and everywhere,
      For all of us , God would care ,
      Dare to believe that life is fair ,

      In the darkness of the night,
      Stars could be shining bright,
      The moonlight shows up in our sight ,
      Being from the divine light ,
      Things are marvelous and white,
      With God , by your side , nothing to fear and nothing to fright,
      Gather in love and with the almighty God unite ,
      Our powers we gather and
      May almighty God , the warm flames of justice and love in the world ignite

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Last pic is something different, touch me not is so beautiful, never seen this kind here ✨👌 Have a wonderful weekend ✨💐

    Liked by 2 people

    • God is in everyone and everything, after the winter comes the spring ,
      The bells of joy start to ring ,
      Rebirth of livelihood is a wonderful thing ,

      The divine is here , there and everywhere,
      For all of us , God would care ,
      Dare to believe that life is fair ,

      In the darkness of the night,
      Stars could be shining bright,
      The moonlight shows up in our sight ,
      Being from the divine light ,
      Things are marvelous and white,
      With God , by your side , nothing to fear and nothing to fright,
      Gather in love and with the almighty God unite ,
      Our powers we gather and
      May almighty God , the warm flames of justice and love in the world ignite

      Liked by 2 people

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