Daily Pics #202.

Good morning everyone! Yes, I am very late getting this out today, an explanation will follow. It was cool this morning with a temp of only 12C (54F), much too cool for July. And yesterday at 2 pm it was only 15C (59F). That’s the kind of temp we would expect in September, not July. However, it is supposed to warm up again this week, so I hope that forecast doesn’t change. I didn’t sit on the deck with my coffee this morning, I decided to stay inside and listen to the birds through an open window. A bit warmer that way. Both the song sparrow and white-throated sparrow were singing nice and loud this morning. Plus a robin singing in the distance. And a solitary vireo was close by with his continuous song. I don’t think he took a break for about 2 hours. Coffee was the first chipmunk again, I think he has learned a valuable lesson. That is, come early and get the best and biggest peanuts, and don’t get chased by anyone. He’s even getting a bit braver and will come while I’m standing there.

Now for a health update; meow, meow.=hey, you say I can do this part. I changed my mind, better for me to do it. Meow, meow.=Not fair, you say me, that promise. And I can say those words too. Maybe you want sore feet? No, no, it’s all yours. Meow, meow.=Good, okay everyone, my human got sick with this COVID-19 virus, whatever that is. But it seem like it bad thing, hurt lots of people. He over it now, sort of, but he still have problems. He call them leftover symptoms. Not know meaning of that word. But he have fatigue all the time, hard for him to do things, not even walk much. Plus he have hard time concentrating, whatever that mean. That why he not reading your posts much, just not able to do it, and he very sorry for that, make him feel very bad. He even have real hard time writing his own posts, that why they late sometimes like today, or get missed totally. He might have these problems for months yet, doctor not know for sure. He need to be very, very careful now, his immune system (not know what that is) not good, he could get this virus again, maybe worse next time. I hope he get back to normal soon, this not fun thing for him. I get to talk about flowers too, top flower is called “dame’s rocket”, what weird name for nice flower.

In this picture above is flower called “daylily”, nice orange color, would look even better if pink, my favorite color, but still look very pretty. From my human and me, we hope you have beautiful Monday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2020 Steve McLeod.

78 Comments on “Daily Pics #202.

  1. I love the orange more… probably because I’ve been forced to like pink haha πŸ˜€
    When I started reading I thought for once you woke up late… but it was only the post πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Steve, 😳What Happened? Are you feeling good now? I was waiting for your post. Why don’t you guys search for “Kabasura” herbal powder. it’s an immune booster and antibiotic, if anyone in your country specialist in sidha medicine, try to contact them. This is a perfect immune booster to all aged people. Do try to find it, wish you guys have that drink powder available over there. Recover from that soon . Have a beautiful day.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Simon! Just having a hard time getting going this morning, I’m worn out already and I haven’t even had my walk yet!πŸ€ͺπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ I’ll try looking for that Kabasura and see if it’s available.πŸ€” It’s worth a try anyway. It’s a nice sunny morning but cool again.😬 Hope you have a great evening!πŸ˜€πŸ˜ΊπŸŒžβ˜•β˜•

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      • It’s worth a try Steve, here the government recommend it to everyone, and it’s a common herb here. It’s a mixture of herbs, check with Google and understand it’s benefit with your health condition

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      • Not sold here in Canada that I can find, only from India. I probably couldn’t use it though, I’m very allergic to ginger and clove. Thanks for the idea though. Time for me to sign off and head to bed. Good night Simon!πŸ˜πŸ˜ΈπŸŒ™πŸ˜΄


      • Then I think you should stick with basic antibiotics. Check with your doctor ASAP. It’s sooner the better. Take care of your health Steve βœ¨πŸ€—

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      • Already have Simon, thanks so much. Mostly I need rest and fresh air.πŸ™ƒ I should keep walking too, but stay on level ground and walk slow for now. That rules out going to the river though.πŸ˜•πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

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  3. Steve, trust your energy will return, soon. In the name of Jesus, all coronavirus-19 leave Steve, by the stripes of Jesus he is healed. Fatigue leave him! Decreeing Steve will enjoy his summer and what he anticipates for summer! Thank you Lord Jesus for your healing touch! Amen!

    Our weather has been on the cooler side with rain every day and temperatures in the 40’s F and low 50’s F, in the middle of summer! Today it is sunny and already up to the low 60’s, in the Far North. Steve, strength is your portion and some rain free days!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much for your prayers! It’s been a rather long road that at times seems to get worse rather than better.
      Oh my, that’s even colder than us by a little, not summer temps. Even though today was sunny, it was still cool, too cool for sitting in the shade. Yes, sunny warm and dry days seem to help me out quite a bit. Rainy cool days wear me down very fast.
      Hope you have a great week!

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      • You are welcome, Steve! God hears and answers prayers. Quick recovery of your health, through Jesus for you. Yes, we have had a cool and wet summer. It seems like it rains almost every day and the rivers are full. I do prefer the rain to having smoky and hot summers with forest fires surrounding us.

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      • Yes, He certainly does! June was a wet month for us which is normal, but this month has been quite dry, the river dropped another foot this past week but it’s still a foot above where it was last year at this time. Rainy, cool summers are hard on my health at the best of times, worse this year. Hot and dry is good for me, I always feel my best then. We have over 200 forest fires in this part of Ontario right now, but none are very big, the largest is around 30,000 acres, most are less than 5,000 acres. We haven’t had a real bad fire season in several years, which is nice.
        Have a wonderful day, God bless!

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  4. I’m sorry to hear you still are feeling the effects of COVID-19. I hope the doctors can figure out the best treatment for you so that you have a full recovery…

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  5. I was hoping you were doing a few posts because you were always walking around. I am very sorry to hear this news and I hope you recover 100% quickly. A big hug πŸ€—

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  6. I was wondering what was wrong, as you are usually on top of things ! Covid-19 affects people in different ways…and your symptoms are not new…lovely pics ! Thanks ,Muffin , for the info about your human ! β€œ God is my Refuge and Strengh, a VERY present Help in times of trouble !” Psalm 46:1…β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈπŸ˜ΊπŸ™‚β€ΌοΈ

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Sharon! Sometimes it seems like it goes backwards, but that’s how this thing works. Hope you have a great week!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Ί


  7. Whoa… you changed the colour of your writing! Are you using the block editor? I’m surprised it’s so cold in Ontario these days. My mom had been telling me that it’s super hot in southern Ontario.

    Whenever I’m feeling sick, I drink emergen-C even though it’s probably just a placebo. I also take a bunch of vitamin C tablets. I started making honey lemon candy as well which seems to help. I can give you the recipe if you want. Feel better soon! 😷

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sorry you are dealing with the effects of COVID-19. That’s scary that it reached you. I thought for sure you wouldn’t get it. Do anything you can to boost your immune system to fight off this icky virus. I still stand by the homemade honey lemon candy.

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      • Considering we didn’t have many confirmed cases here I didn’t think it would be a problem, but things happen. But I’m happy it wasn’t any worse. Boosting my immune system is basically impossible, all my medication tears it down. It’s been bad ever since I had polio when I was a kid. So I have always gotten sick easily. That candy sounds good though.
        Enjoy your day Hilary!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒž

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      • I sent you an email with the recipe! Check your inbox πŸ™‚ There’s 4 ingredients and you probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen. I also sent the end result of the candy I made. So far I’ve made the recipe twice and will definitely be making it again! πŸ‹πŸ―

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    • I changed something? Actually I’ve been using the block editor since the end of May, but I always use the same dark blue font on white background. If you see something different let me know. Not that I can do anything about it, but let me know anyway.
      I can’t take vitamin C, I get an allergic reaction to it. That honey lemon candy sounds interesting, probably would be good for a cold or flu. I would be interested in the recipe, thanks!
      Thanks Hilary, have a great day!πŸ˜·πŸ˜€πŸ˜ΊπŸŒž

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      • I’m using the basic reader and it’s always been basic black writing. However, on the reader it seems to display block editing… or something. It’s probably a WP update.

        Sure thing, I can email you the recipe. Get well soon! 🌻🌻

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      • That’s odd, I have been using dark blue since Jan 2019. I will use black on award posts now since it is a pain to keep switching back to blue for every new block, and there are a lot of blocks on an award post. I know when using the WP app some people see different colors for some reason, don’t know why. Thanks!

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      • I think block editor keeps the original formatting in the reader. I’ve never seen it appear in blue before on my phone which I use to read blog posts. Lemme know if you got the email. πŸ™‚ If you do make the candy, please don’t burn yourself! I cannot stress enough.. be careful. πŸ™πŸ»

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      • I got it and sent a reply, I haven’t been online all afternoon. Yes, I will be careful with that, especially considering how accident prone I am!😳😬

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      • I like this recipe because it doesn’t have eucalyptus in it. The store bought varieties all have eucalyptus in them… I got so annoyed that I figured I could make a better version! These candies are soothing and very tasty, sick or not. πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—

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  8. im sorry to hear you have been sick. and i hope you get as well as you can very soon and any lasting effects are non harmful. do you know how and or when/where you contracted the covid???

    Liked by 1 person

    • I must have gotten it from someone at the store, people here seldom wear masks and they don’t respect the physical distancing rules at stores either. Very sad. It’s mostly people under 50 who never wear masks it seems. And I know at least a couple who were coughing around me before I got this, they didn’t even try to cover their mouth either. It was just shortly after that when I came down with this. I wish people would use a little common sense.
      Thanks Buddy, hope you have a safe and enjoyable week!


      • You didn’t say if you were wearing a mask when you were at the store in with those people. As that should have protected you but there has been some reports that you can get the virus through your eyes. I hope you get well very soon

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      • Yes, I was wearing a mask at the time, but that particular brand of mask was recalled due to providing very little protection. Faulty production of the masks apparently.


  9. Dear Muffin please force your human to get some rest as he seems to not understand but I’m sure he understands you πŸ˜»πŸ˜‰
    He needs a good rest and lots of vitamins, fruits and veggies will help! You both like them so shouldn’t be a problem!
    Please take care of him! Huge hugs to both of you πŸ˜»πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜»πŸ˜»

    Liked by 1 person

    • Meow, meow.=I try to convince him, not work good, even biting feet not help much.😼 He say if he relax too much then he lose followers.πŸ™€ He already lose a bunch ’cause he can’t keep up reading posts. I say he get more. I also tell him to do health update in separate post, more people see it then, not many people read daily pics. But he not listen.😾 Sigh. Time to bite feet again.😹
      Thanks so much Ribana, I am going to rest more now and try to eat better.😁 Have a great evening!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒžπŸŒ™

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      • You’re right Muffin! He’ll get more 😻😺 he just need to take it easy 😼 He should listen to you! I’m sure you’ll find ways to make him listen 😼😺
        Steve, you should better listen Muffin, she knows what she says πŸ˜‰πŸ˜»πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜Ί

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      • She did a good job today,πŸ˜„πŸ˜Έ every time I was going to do something she would get up and want attention😻 or she would come and curl up on my lap just as I was going to get up.πŸ™„πŸ€ͺ It’s like she knew!😹😻 So I got rest today anyway!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Thanks Ribana! Have a good day!


    • Thank you so much Saba!
      Some days I feel okay, like today.
      Other days, like yesterday, I feel terrible.
      This virus is a strange one, it can last a long time in some people and does a lot of damage to our body.
      I hope and pray these problems will not be permanent.
      Thank you so much, I hope you have a wonderful night and Friday as well!πŸ˜€πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜»πŸ˜»

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      • Unfortunately for me I have a compromised immune system, so I have a hard time even fighting a cold or flu, it’s been that way all my life.
        But you are right, all shall be well! Thank you Saba!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸ˜»

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      • Sometimes it’s more of a brain game. We can build immunity if we try 🌲🌱☘
        You live in beautiful nature that itself is a great healer 😺🌲🌱☘🌺
        And above all, when Muffin is there you needn’t worry for anything 😺😻

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      • Oh my, if it’s a brain game I’m in trouble.
        Yes, that is so true, being surrounded by nature does wonders in healing, so do animals like Muffin, and even the chipmunks and birds. They provide much happiness which gives us a positive attitude which is also great for healing.
        Have a great day, I mean evening, Saba! Enjoy your weekend also!πŸ˜πŸ˜ΊπŸŒžπŸŒ³πŸžπŸ˜»πŸŒ²πŸ¦‹πŸŒΈπŸŒΌ

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      • You can’t be in trouble, Muffin shall take care of you and everything 😺😻😹
        Have a meowous day with sweet Muffin 😻😺😊🌳☘🌱🌺

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