Daily Pics #238.

Good morning everyone! It’s been a strange morning. I have lost all my gulls except Lady Pearl and her new mate, but they only come once a day. And there are so many crows around now, they are really making things hard for the other birds. The blue jays are around each day now, but if I manage to get some peanuts to them the crows are chasing after them right away. I don’t want to lose the blue jays, there is only 3 at the moment, I usually have 10, because they help protect the small birds during the winter. So it looks like I will have to stop feeding the remaining two gulls so the crows won’t get any food, then they should move on somewhere else. I hope.

Speaking of mice, Muffin was upset that I didn’t mention this yesterday. At around 4:30am I heard a loud scramble out here and then Muffin’s victory meowing. She had caught a mouse again. This place has a mouse problem. I thought my last apartment had a lot of mice (mostly voles in that place) and I thought this apartment, being nicer, would be mouse free. It isn’t. There have been a lot of mice and voles come in here. Muffin catches them quite quickly, and unlike many cats, she kills them immediately. Probably because when she was on her own with her kittens she needed these critters for food. But, these are deer mice. They can, very often, carry disease. The most common is Hantavirus and 38% of people getting this disease die from it, others can have serious problems for long periods of time. Here in Canada about 30% also carry lyme disease. Not fun critters to have around. So I’m glad Muffin gets them fast and she lets me have it every time and I toss it out for the birds. And give Muffin a treat. She figures it’s a good trade. Speaking of…no, wait, I’ll leave that one for now, this is long enough for today.

Those flowers on Sunday which I didn’t know the name of are “Angelonia (Serenita Rose)”. Thank you Simon for finding the name for me! The top flower today is my blushing pink geranium and the flower in the pic just above is one of the last hollyhocks in my landlord’s garden. I hope you all have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2020 Steve McLeod.

52 Comments on “Daily Pics #238.

  1. Very Good Morning Steve, You are late today posting it ✨ Hope all is good. You should stop feeding them, these crows are a huge mess and greedy and impatient bird, no wonder why we hate it. Mouse again 😳 and voles too πŸ™„ You should do something about it, find where it comes from and seal it’s path. Beautiful flowers 😍 last hollyhock 😳 Tats sadπŸ™„ Hope ur landlord will grow more hollyhocks in coming days. oh I forgot it’s because of the fall right πŸ€” is it wrong πŸ€”. , Thank you so much for the credits 😍πŸ₯° Have a beautiful day Steve βœ¨πŸ’πŸ’

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yep, no more hollyhocks until next summer,😳 hard to believe,πŸ€” the hollyhocks are only around for about 2 months. So sad.πŸ˜• Actually most of our flowers are only around for that length of time, many only bloom for about 2 weeks. I know where the mouse gets in, but sealing that spot is not easy, right behind the toilet.πŸ™„ But I will be working on that spot later. Sigh. Clouds are here, thunderstorms are coming!πŸ˜¬πŸ™€ Have a good night Simon!πŸ˜πŸŒ™πŸ˜΄

      Liked by 1 person

      • thats too long πŸ˜³πŸ™„ sadly I’ll miss that beautiful flowers😳 behind the toilet πŸ€” that’s sad, get help, don’t try for yourself πŸ˜‰. Thunderstorms 😳 muffin is not going to like that 😼 have a wonderful day Steve, I’m too late yesterday, couldn’t reply to your comments πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Έ

        Liked by 1 person

      • It’s easier to fix the problem myself, just have to get at it.πŸ™„ Muffin won’t be happy, no mice.😾 It’s still nice and sunny but cool.😎🌞 It’s lunch time and only 19C.😳


      • Wow, that means that is a perfect time for a walk 😍 did you go for a walk πŸ˜‰ But stay warm , so that you don’t catch cold ✨ Hope your day was awesome πŸ’

        Liked by 1 person

  2. i live in an area, in between places where the kangaroo mouse has been found to carry the hanta virus. i set traps to catch the mice and when i do any sweeping in the garage, where the mice have been found, i wear a n95 mask. it seems the urine and feces of the mice carry the virus and when the urine/feces dries, breathing in the dust will infect you. with all the wild land around me, i am constantly traping mice/rats. i keep no food in the garage. too bad the crows are chasing away the other birds. they are very aggressive like that.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yep, it’s the urine and feces that are the problem, hopefully I can stop them from coming in. We can’t get N95 masks here, the government is grabbing all of them, can’t even get the KN95 mask, which is from China. Yes, the crows can get very aggressive is right. I just hope I can get rid of them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • the n95 mask i use is the non medical type and sold in the hardware stores for use when doing yard/painting work. i bought several long before the virus

        Liked by 2 people

      • Smart, those are no longer sold here. I should have bought some when this virus first started. I do have surgical grade masks now to use.


      • the experts say not to wear the hardware type n95 as they have the exhaust valve. i dont wear them out and about, only at home. i wear a proper mask, like the one in my pic when out in public.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, that’s true, I was only thinking of using for other purposes so I don’t have to use up my proper masks for cleaning around home. It’s hard to get masks up here to use for going out and yet it’s mandatory to wear a mask. It would be nice if they made masks available, I want to wear them.


      • I have bought my masks that I wear in public on line. There doesn’t seem to be an issue of getting any masks online there seems to be plenty.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I have tried, but it always comes back saying they are sold out, even when it says they are in stock, and it will be October to November for delivery. But a friend of mine sent me some from where she lives so I’m okay for awhile now.


  3. Good thing you have a cat who catches, kills and brings the evidence to you ! You are #1 Muffin ! Another hot day here ! Probably the last one this year…love the pics ! β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈπŸ˜ΊπŸ†β€ΌοΈ

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, she does her job well! Didn’t get hot here at all, not even as warm as what they forecast. Cool weather coming alright.πŸ˜¬πŸ™€


  4. Hahaha…Muffin was active very early in the morning 🐁 😺 Luckily she’s keeping you safe πŸ˜‰πŸ˜»
    Hopefully the diseases don’t pass to cats πŸ™€
    I love geraniums, so beautiful 🌸

    Liked by 1 person

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