Daily Pics #253.

Good morning everyone! It’s a beautiful, sunny fall morning, the birds are busy, the chipmunks are chipping, Jasper is chasing, things are normal. But I have noticed something. I had 7 chipmunks coming this summer, then it dropped to 6, now it’s down to 5 coming each day. But why? It’s too early for them to hide away for the winter and none of them have to cross the street, so no car problems. Hard to figure why they would stop coming around. Suddenly this morning the crows and blue jays really start squawking. It’s the alarm calls. Muffin wants the door open so she can see better. She knows that alarm call means some interesting action outside. We both look around along the ground, probably a cat, though the birds seemed more excited than usual. A hawk, or owl perhaps? I start looking in the trees.

There it is! It’s a pine marten. I haven’t seen one of those critters for a long time. Beautiful little animals, but…deadly enemies of squirrels and chipmunks, two of the main meals for the pine marten. That’s what happened to the two chipmunks without a doubt. That warning call has come many times and I have not seen what the problem was, because I was not looking in the right spot. Pine marten are kind of like a large weasel, or a small otter, which they are relatives. Marten will go after weasels too. Weasels are another deadly enemy of the squirrels and chipmunks. And because there are a lot of chipmunks here right now, that would attract their enemies. It’s too bad he stayed hidden enough behind branches that I couldn’t get a picture. And it’s another of these critters that doesn’t like to sit still unless it’s after something. I hope it doesn’t stay around too much or I could lose more of my chipmunks. But it would be nice to get a good picture of one.

Zinnias and friend.

Today we get the last of the zinnia pics, I hope you will enjoy their bright and colorful beauty, the orange zinnia at the top compliments of Cicco. Have a wonderful Wednesday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

34 Comments on “Daily Pics #253.

  1. Finally, the orange one 😍😍 so beautiful ✨🤗 and Pine Marten 😱 OMG , sad news for the chipmunks, hope they are careful these days. And Muffin must have enjoyed the beautiful sight 😍😸 Hope she is warm 😼 and you are warm too 🧐 Stay safe, Don’t bother about posting the zinnias again, they look so beautiful 😍✨💐 Have a wonderful day ✨🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, I finally got the orange zinnia pic to upload,😜 don’t know what it was such a problem,🤔 but glad it worked now.😀 It’s a beautiful fall day, cold but warm, sunny but cloudy, great day for a cool walk!🚶‍♂️🤔🏞

      Liked by 2 people

      • I think that’s may be the orange one is having an ego that it’s the most beautiful one of all 😜… and warm days thats good news 😍✨😉 Have a safe walking 😸 Stay warm 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • 😵😱Why Why Why 😵 Again it’s cold 🙄 sigh, Stay warm Steve didnt expect that 🧐 unpredictable climate as always 😎 U mut be in bed now, have a peaceful night ✨🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • It made it to 12C today,😳 not as warm as it was supposed to be. Yep, I’m just on my way to bed,🥱 busy morning coming up. Have a great day Simon!😁🌞🌙😴

        Liked by 1 person

      • Just 12 C 🙄 I’ll cover myself like 🙄🤔 like 🤔 what was that supposed to be called as 🙄 forget it 😵. Have a peaceful Night Steve 🥰✨🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jacket weather 🤔 I think I heard that, I think I call it buffalo skin 🤔 no no a tanned buffalo skin 🤔 no no, a tanned stitched designed buffalo skin 😳🙄 I’m going far, forget it again 😜😵

        Liked by 1 person

      • 🤔Yup, they do that isn’t it 🙄strange behaviour of human on this planet 😳 How about we have some wires and mini batteries to charge ourselves warm 🤔 why nobody tried that🙄or is it whoever tried is not alive 😳😜😵 I’m thinking too much.😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • We do have electric heated jackets here, and electric heated mitts and electric heated socks. That last one wouldn’t be good for me since I’m always getting my socks wet.😲😲


      • 😳😵 are you sure 🧐🤔 they haven’t got copyright from me 🙄 it’s my idea right 🙄🤔 and you could try water proof socks 😜


  2. I had a Dalmation named Martin once. But he liked watching the squirrels not chasing them. I hope it goes back to the forrest and keaves your friends alone. Have a great day Steve!😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pretty flowers ! Sure hope you do not lose anymore chipmunks, squirrels and the sweet chickadees ! ☕️☕️🐿🐿🥜😮🤭😻‼️

    Liked by 1 person

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