Coffee With Our Friends #10!

Hello everyone and welcome to another coffee post and this one on International Coffee Day! That’s a great day for a coffee time with our friends! We do have lots of coffee, and teas as well, to enjoy today. And it’s so nice to see you all here once again. Today we are on a trip to one of my favorite picnic spots at Dixie Lake. It’s just a small lake east of our town about a half hour drive.

It’s really a beautiful spot and right along the highway so it’s easy getting to this place. It sits in an area where a forest fire burned through back in 1980, everything was black for miles around after that fire, but this spot was protected by water bombers that managed to keep it nice and green through that fire that burned a total of 275,000 acres of prime pine and spruce forest. But this beautiful spot remained nice and green. Apparently there was an experiment back in the 1960’s or 70s, all the fish in the lake were killed off and then it was restocked with rainbow trout. It was very successful and the trout thrived.

Another view of the lake from the picnic area.

Hi Jim, Dusty and Simon, so nice that you could join us today. Hi Ribana, Sheree and Jessica, thanks for coming today. Oh, and here comes Nina and Mr. Cat, that will make Muffin happy, welcome to our coffee time. Hi Correne and Teddy, Eugenia and Callie, Rossana and Mila, so nice to have you all join us again today. Here comes Muffin to say Hi and get all her friends together for treats and games. Hi John, Richard and Buddy, glad you could make it again.

There are lots of picnic tables for us to use, some in the shade, others in the sun, whichever you prefer. On this particular day the temp is 24C, 75F and the sun is shining so nicely. Not much bird activity though as most have already headed south. But it’s so peaceful here with those small waves lapping on the rocky shore. You can hear the wind singing through the pine trees, such a beautiful sound. Ahh, there’s a loon calling a little further down the lake. Most of them have gone now too.

Lots of granite rock and not much soil.

The adult loons will leave in early September, the young will stay for another 2 to 4 weeks longer. I see the cats are having fun running on the rocks and through the trees. It’s all granite rock through this area with very little soil, but lots of moss. In May and June it’s possible to find wild orchids in this picnic area, such as the pink ladyslipper, hooker’s orchis, northern green orchis and green adder’s-mouth. Such odd names to give the wild orchids. The green ones are hard to find usually since they are fairly small and blend in so well with the other vegetation. We’re too late in the season to see any of these unfortunately.

Pink Ladyslippers.

Our coffee times seem to always go by so fast, guess it’s time to get our cats together and head back home. I really hope you enjoyed a little relaxing time today! Muffin and I hope you can join us again, if we can get one more coffee time before winter hits. Have a great day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

49 Comments on “Coffee With Our Friends #10!

  1. Thank you Steve and Muffin for such a great time 😻🤩
    You always take us in such wonderful and relaxing places 😻😍
    That Pink Ladyslippers are so beautiful!
    Wish you both a wonderful day! 🤩😻🌸

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely place for coffee, tea, and chatting. Callie loves to mingle with Muffin and Mr. Cat. It was great to see everyone! ☕️☕️🍵 🍵 🍪🍪😺 😸

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As always Steve, you and Muffin are perfect hosts. My coffee cup remains half full while admiring the pics of Dixie Lake. I enjoy small lakes because one feels even more intimate with nature.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I enjoy these small lakes too and used to spend a lot of time at several of the lakes that I will be showing over the next weeks. Mostly they will show up in my new series, Steve’s Country Cabin Journal.


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