Steve’s Country Cabin Journal #6.

Once we got on the hill dad sat down on the only rock large enough to sit on. “There’s nothing to for me to sit on,” I said. “There’s an old stump over there,” dad pointed out. “That has to be 50 feet away,” I said. Good, was all dad said in reply. Very strange thing to say. Dad got his thermos of coffee out and set his cup on a smaller flat rock beside him. Now, it’s not my fault he didn’t tell me that and I dropped another flat rock on the rock where he put his cup. We both heard the crunch. Dad just looked. Then he said, “why me?” “I wanted to be closer,” I said, “so with two rocks it’s high enough to sit on, that way we won’t have to yell at each other.” “Don’t count on that”, dad replied. Not sure what he meant by that. He often talked in riddles.

“Who put the lid on my thermos?” he asked. “I did”, said I. “Why did you put it on so tight?, he asked again. “You told me to put it on good and tight since last time it wasn’t tight enough and it leaked in your backpack, remember?”, I answered him while getting my lunch out. “I can’t open it, what did you use to close it, a wrench?”, he asked. “Yep, how’d you guess?”, I responded. Dad just looked at his thermos. Seemed like an odd thing to do. “Looking at it won’t open it”, I said, then started laughing again. “Ha, ha,” said dad, “you try opening it.” So I did, and handed it back to him. Dad just looked again. “How did you do that?”, asked dad. He obviously wasn’t watching me. “I used the wrench,” I said calmly. “Bonehead!”, said dad, “why didn’t you tell me you had the wrench?” “You didn’t ask”, I said while munching on my sandwich.

“I don’t have a cup,” he said finally. “You should have been more careful,” I reminded him. “I should have stayed in bed this morning,” he replied. “Don’t forget, this was your idea,” I said. “Don’t remind me,” he said quietly. Very strange thing to say, I thought to myself. Dad decided to drink right from the thermos. “At least you remembered to put milk and sugar in this time,” he said. “Actually mom made the coffee this morning,” I told him. “That’s why it’s so good this time,” remarked dad. Not sure what he meant by that, he never said that when I made the coffee. We were soon on our way and finding a few insulators but nothing special. Then we came to a hill, a very steep hill. “Guess we’ll have to walk around this one,” I said. “Not a chance,” said dad, this is a tough hill to climb which means no one is likely to go up there and that means there could be some very nice insulators just waiting to be found”.

“How are we supposed to get up there?,” I asked. “Not we, you,” said dad. Naturally. “I’ll give you a boost,” he said. So we tried that but I still couldn’t reach the ledge we were aiming for. From there I should be able to climb the rest of the way. “Maybe if I stand on your shoulder’s,” I suggested. So we tried. Standing on dad’s shoulders I could almost reach the ledge. I tried to stand on his head. Dad screamed. Then he moved and my foot slipped right down the side of his head. Dad screamed again. Then I was trying to just keep from falling, holding a little bush and moving my feet around and dad trying to grab my feet! We must have looked quite a sight. Finally I got back down. “This isn’t working”, I said. “We just need a little more height,” said dad.

This isn’t the same spot, but is close and looks much the same while I was on top of that hill.

“Why don’t we move that flat rock over here and you can stand on that, should be just high enough,” I remarked. Dad looked at the rock. It was nice and flat so dad figured it would work. Amazing he would go along with that. “Your ear is bleeding,” I said, “and you have a scratch on your face.” “It’s amazing I still have an ear,” he remarked. We both worked at that rock to put it in place. “Moves a bit,” said dad. I brought over another small rock and stuck it under the one end. Perfect. Dad got on the rock, no movement at all so he was satisfied. He should know better by now. Back on dad’s shoulders. I could reach the ledge now and there was a nice rock I could grab and by quickly standing on dad’s head I was able to pull myself up. I knocked some dirt and small rocks down in the process. I could hear dad scream again. He said something about all the dirt and rocks on his head. He should have been wearing his hat. Dad walked down the tracks and was going to help me get down on the other side. That should be interesting, especially if I find a lot of insulators.

To Be Continued.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

21 Comments on “Steve’s Country Cabin Journal #6.

  1. Lol ! I can just picture you two together trying to climb that hill ! I love these adventures ! Keep writing ! ☕️☕️😮🤭😀☕️☕️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 😂😂😂 That is simply amazing. I can sense how good you could make coffee 😜 and he was a strong man 😱 ear bled and scratch on his face and walked with you facing all 🙄 and he still didn’t called up a doctor. I knew people that calls an ambulance because they got bit by a mosquito 😒🙄 yes such healthy conscious morons exist 😂Loved it from the start, and why did you used a wrench to close the lid 🤔 I should try it too.😝 Have a lovely day Steve, Hope your Thursday was safe,😌 Have a safe Friday too 🤗🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you enjoyed this Simon, we always had so much fun on our hikes. Even when we got hurt a bit. Yes, both of us would get hurt at times,🤕🤭 I will be writing about that this winter.😁✍ I used a wrench because dad had complained the time before that the lid wasn’t tight and his coffee leaked out into his backpack,🙄 so I wanted to put the lid on tight this time, so I used the wrench!😂😹 The day is going well, have a good night Simon, say hi to Nisha for me.😃😸🌙😴


      • Sure Steve, I’ll say a Hi to Nisha 😍😻 and don’t forget to wave a Hi back to Nisha on the direction of 8° 5’17 9016 N and 77° 32’18.4272 E, she precisely stays here now 😄😅 maybe I’m right or maybe not but definitely somewhere close to here😂😜. Loved reading, and I’m sure will enjoy the coming posts too 😻😍😻

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh my, now you have me running around the apartment trying to figure out if I’m in the right spot!🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ Time to rest and say HI! huff, huff, puff, puff.😂🙄


      • 😂😂😂 That was a lat long I’m sure you knew that 😜 was curious to know the lat long of the place she is now and I saw ur comment while I google 😂😂 Hope your workout is over now running around 😉😄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, that gave me a good workout, tripping over things,😳 smashing into my bookcase,😲 jumping over Muffin,🤭🙀 trying to make sure I was in the right spot.😬 Finally had to give up.😂😂🙄


  3. Hi Steve, I’m amazed at the number of comments 🤔 usually it will be large, isn’t it 🤔 maybe all are just busy 😉 let me jump to next post 😁

    Liked by 1 person

      • No not really ☺️ people are busy, after corona people have started to get real real busy and I’m sure that’s why they don’t come into blog, but they’ll come back for sure 😉 let’s hope 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • I hope so, but it seems to be a definite slide down hill right now.😳 If this keeps up there will only be a handful of people left by the end of the year.😬 I’m thinking maybe I’m doing something wrong.🤔 Last year I was doing so well.😕

        Liked by 1 person

      • awww, come on Steve🤗 You are doing amazing, problem is lot of inactive bloggers these days, people start a blog and disappear often. Blogging is not like other social media platform. People often get stuck into the web of social media and they disappear over there. You are doing amazing, which I would repeat again, if you don’t believe me, check out al your followers last post, you’ll hardly notice very few of them are active these days, good thing is new people are coming 😍 and we can still hope new followers and new people ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, a lot of people are giving up on blogging and just spending time on other social media.🙄 I guess it’s easier there, I don’t know.🤔 But I still have some good regular readers so I’m thankful for them!😀 And hopefully more readers will come again too. Thanks Simon, enjoy your Sunday and relax a bit!😁😸


      • Yep, more readers are on the way, waiting for you, be ready to interact with them 😍😍. Well said, be grateful, gratitude is the key for a happy heart 😍😍. Wow look at me talking philosophy 😄😍 oh is that philosophy 🤔 or just happiness 🤔hmm😼 what is philosophy then 😨😒 I should figure that out, while I try to do that, you have a nice sleep and I have prepared my breakfast chapathi 😁 and no side dish, sugar again 🙄 pls don’t ask me to make one, I’m too lazy to do it 😅😅

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sugar with breakfast is okay,😃 gives energy for the day,🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ and when at work jump up and down🤸‍♂️ to remove your coworkers frown!🤪😂 Sorry for short comments today, I’m not feeling well at all.😕😞🥺

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hey that’s totally fine, I can sense that. Take care, health first.. we can still blog later.. and you have tons of post for reblogging so don’t bother about content. take rest ✨✨


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