20/20 Investigations, Inc. The Curious Letter. Chapter 10.

Lena’s grandmother called her again so she went to see what was wrong. “Okay Mr. Cat, what happened last night?”, I asked, “now is a good time to talk while we are alone.” Meow.=I need to use litter box, you put it in bathroom. “Oh, a big mistake on my part, I will change that”, I said. Meow.=Not your fault. When I come back I see human Charlie in hall. He wave to me to come so I did, that big mistake for me, I know I should not have done that but I thought I could trust him. He whisper to me that he have something important to show me, so he pick me up, then I feel little sting in my neck, I not be able to move. Then another man in kitchen give me big needle and I go to sleep, then wake up in trees. I not remember anything else.

Not remember anything else.

“That’s enough Mr. Cat,” I said, “from now on we trust no one, and I mean no one.” The cats look at each other. Meow, meow?=Not even Lena? “Not even Lena Muffin, not right now anyway,” I said, “we just need to be very careful until we find out what is going on. First thing is we need some time, I think I might have a plan, but we have to look for that treasure, so…” I whisper instructions to the cats. “Come here you 2,” I said, “time for a hug.” I picked them up and we all hugged. “I’m sorry Mr. Cat, I nearly got you killed and that hurts me,” I told him quietly. Meow.=It not your fault, I love you. Meow, meow.=Yes, not time for fault, I love you so much. It time for us to work so we can get these bad human people. “Okay,” I said, “right after dinner we start searching the attic for clues, then tomorrow we go out and look for that treasure.”

Yay, treasure hunting time!

Meow, meow!=YAY! They both said at the same time. After dinner I got Charlie alone and asked if he could get in touch with those other guys. He said yes, so I told him to say, give us 2 days to find the treasure and we will give it to them if they will let us go. We won’t say anything to anyone about this place, we’ll just forget we were ever here. Charlie said it was worth a try and off he went. Then the cats and I went to the attic to look around. At least there was a nice stairway leading to the attic. It was one large room filled from end to end with all sorts of stuff. There is probably a lot of family heirlooms up here, guess Lena will inherit everything.

Lots of junk up here.

Now, where to start looking? Over where they found the letter I guess. We searched around for about 3 hours but found nothing that would help us. Then, in an old dresser, taped under one of the drawers was a very old map. Several buildings were marked on there but nothing matched the buildings on this farm. Was it a different farm? But why have a map of a different farm? Why would the treasure be hidden on someone else’s farm? Then it hit me, the old homestead over where we found Mr. Cat! As I thought about it, trying to remember the buildings over there, everything fit together perfectly. Did no one else think of looking over there? Charlie certainly knew about the place.

Come over here and listen.

“We will check here tomorrow,” I told the cats, “I’m sure this is what we want, but it may not help us to find the treasure. Anyway, we will start there and see what we come up with.” Meow, meow.=That good idea, we start now. “No, not at night, we will wait until morning,” I said. Meow, meow.=Going to be too excited to sleep tonight. “Well, you better get a good sleep, we want you wide awake to help with the search,” I said with a big smile. “Hey, where’s Mr. Cat?” Meow, meow.=He looking over there. Muffin points over behind me. Mr. Cat had his ear to the floor, then he looked up and waved his tail for us to come over. When we got there he showed me a small hole in the floor, it was right over the kitchen. Charlie and another man were sitting at the table.

To Be Continued.

Pictures of Mr. Cat supplied by his human, Nina.

Previous chapters and stories can be found on my home page under 20/20 Investigations, Inc.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

155 Comments on “20/20 Investigations, Inc. The Curious Letter. Chapter 10.

  1. Wow ! Good thing that Mr. Cat found that hole in the floor ! Interesting story line ! Cats are smart and cuddly too ! ☕️☕️🕵️‍♂️😮😾😼👩

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yep, he is the man, Mr Cat got him it seems, come one Muffin, time for slingshot 💉oops, wrong smiley, it still ends with a shot isn’t it 😜Wise decision Steve, believe no one 🤨 Charlie is bad, very bad and selfish, Lena is shady 🧐 maybe, not sure if that’s the right word, I’m trying to expand my vocabulary okay 🤨 Muffin would help me 😾 why serious muffin? not wanting to help me? meow meow, yeah I totally understood that. Hey Steve, can you help me translate that 😳🙄😋

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, I’m not trusting Charlie right now, something’s not right with him, just not quite sure what it is yet. Not too sure about Lena, is she on Charlie’s side or is she on our side? Hard to tell sometimes. I want to trust her, I really do, but…😬👩
      Hmm, you just told Muffin she has huge feet,😲🙀 she’s not happy now, she’s in the corner sharpening her claws.😼 Better run and hide Simon.😳
      Time for bed, Good night Simon!😁🌙😴😴

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t trust Charlie at all and I am beginning to distrust, Lena! Poor Mr. Cat enduring that awful ordeal and poor Muffin was frantic. It was hard on you too! I hope what you hear through that hole in the floor furnishes some clues. And, don’t get trapped in the attic! ☕️☕️😿👀👂🐾😬

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I’m beginning to think there’s more going on here than we know about. Charlie is still hiding something I’m sure. I hope Lena is not involved, the cats still trust her, so that’s a good sign. I’m hoping to find out something through this hole, but it might not be anything that will help. Still….
      I would never have forgiven myself if Mr. Cat hadn’t survived, that was rough. But now we’re more determined than ever to get this case done!😒😾😾🕵️‍♂️👩

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  4. Wow, looks like everyone has secrets now.🙀 It’s sad that both Mr. Cat and Muffin had to go through all that. I loved their photos here!😸
    Keen to know who the guy you saw through the hole was🕵️‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Cat and Muffin will be stronger and smarter because of this experience, that will help them, and me too.
      Yes, who is this guy? Maybe just a neighbor stopped by for coffee, or….🤔😳😾😾🕵️‍♂️👩

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