Musings For Monday. #18

Good morning to everyone on this chilly Monday! That north wind brought in some cooler weather again, but after today it should start to warm up for us finally. Even after all that rain on the weekend, and there was a lot, there is still a lot of snow around. However, the rain did melt a lot of it, and with the warmer temps on the way the rest of the snow should be gone this week. And maybe I can try walking to the river this week finally.

Looking across the narrow lake.

Providing I can get past that one wet area. That could prove to be difficult, but I will check it out anyway. It is nice listening to the robins singing in the early morning again. For those reading from other countries, this is the American robin, a common summer bird with a very cheerful song. It is a member of the thrush family.

A couple more birds have arrived from the south, on Saturday evening there was a song sparrow singing happily out here and Sunday morning there was a white-throated sparrow singing cheerfully as well. Both are very late returning this year, but it is nice to have them back. I am sure many more birds will be arriving this week, so many are late now.

It is a fairly shallow lake as well so water lilies thrive here.

Oh, nearly forgot, a pair of mallard ducks have come back as well, probably there are a lot of them back but there is a pair around here that showed up Friday evening. Maybe the frogs will wake up this week as well. It is always nice to hear the first frogs of spring. Amazingly there were still a lot of redpolls around yesterday, at least 40 of them still. They are going to have a short nesting season if they don’t get heading north soon.

Another part of the lake.

I am sharing some pics of a small lake from last summer. It is really quite a beautiful little lake though a bit hard to get down to the shore, except on the other side which is not easy to get too either. In earlier summer it has a lot of white water lilies which are very beautiful. Well, time to head out shopping, thank you for stopping by to read today. Have a marvelous Monday and God bless!

Steve and Muffin. (Praying for the people of Ukraine)

©2022 Steve McLeod.

17 Comments on “Musings For Monday. #18

  1. Chilly Monday? Tried added more sugar ? 🤪He he hope you forget that silly joke 🤣 don’t ever put a joke like this 🤪🤪 you should stop trying and ask someone about the wet place before you and find out ☺️nice, the ducks are back for you 😍 that is wonderful . enjoy watching them, ever these little frogs come to your house 😉 ever feed them? 🤔😉, Hope the short spring makes this May month a worthy one… Have a good day ✨🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • No, I need to check the path myself, that’s the only way to know if it is safe for me.🤔🙄 I have discovered that other people will say it’s fine but then I get there to that spot and it’s covered with ice,😬 or another area has water so deep there is no way for me to get across.😮🙀 What do these people do when they cross it, swim?🤔🙄 There’s no way around that spot! Well, the rest of this week should be sunny and warm which will be nice, we need some sunshine to get things dried out.😍😻🌞🌞😎 Enjoy your day Simon!😁🌞🌙😻


      • I don’t believe people too. It happened to me once when me and my wife got stuck in a flood area, i have asked for a safe exit and a person guided us to a way. When I entered the road it was completely flooded and it was dark, i was scared as hell in my car and luckily a large bus took risk and passed through the water, when the water waves moves the flood the water I followed the bus and came out of that. People give information, but it’s never accurate 😅🤣. Have a good day Uncle Steve, by the way have you checked it already, be safe and have some help around just to be safe 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • I just checked the very beginning but there was still snow and ice so I didn’t go any further. But I will keep checking each day, once that beginning part is safe then it should be safe all along. Except maybe that water area, I still might not be able to get past that for a long time yet. but I will check anyway. Have a good day Simon!😁🌞🦟🦟🌙😻


      • that’s nice, a little walk to check the status all by yourself ✨👍 be safe. Hope the water and ice disappears fast.. Have a good night Uncle Steve ✨🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Is the day light still on 🤔 Hope it’s starting to get dark later by night.. don’t stay awake for too long ☺️ Good Night 🤗🤗

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  2. You have to be alert for the bears out there ! Remember that Muffin would be an orphan if she loses her human ! 😢 That lake does have beautiful lilies ! I wonder how deep the lake is !🤔 sleep well ! 😴🙂😻

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m always alert, but its just as dangerous staying in the yard here, perhaps even more so, the bears came here all the time last summer, all through the day. And I can’t stay inside all the time, no photos that way. Not sure how deep it is but most of it is covered in lilies except a couple of areas which are likely deeper spots. Have a great day!😁😻🌞😎☕☕


  3. Such beautiful scenery, Steve! Be safe on your walk to the lake! Callie sends an extra hug to Muffin. ☕️☕️🌞👀😺

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