Solitude On My Deck. #15 Summer Memories.

Good morning on this very chilly Saturday! The sun is shining beautifully, there is a northwest wind blowing, but not strong like yesterday, and it is chilly. This morning it was 46F (about 8C). Quite typical for this time of the year, but after having 92F (33C) on Thursday it feels rather chilly. Yesterday the temp was just 65F (18C) with a very strong northwest wind, making it feel quite cool.

It would have been okay for walking to the river, except for that strong wind. It is hard to hear properly with that kind of wind, and I like to hear what is going on along that path. But warmer weather is returning for a few days this coming week before it cools down to normal fall weather and stays there. Yesterday I went out to see about some pictures around the yard. Not much was happening.

White Pelican flying over the river.

Most flowers have stopped blooming. Insects were scarce and the ones that did show up were moving very slowly, typical when it is cool. So I decided to stay inside and get some things done indoors. Summer. My favorite time of the year. Spring and fall have their beauty too, but summer still is best. Up here in the north we do not get a lot of really hot weather, but summer is still the warmest part of the year. And we do not have to worry about snow in the summer.

Coming in to land with his friends.

Spring and fall can see snow at any time. Then there is winter, the longest season by far. It is cold. There is beauty in winter, but it is too cold to really enjoy it. Back to summer. Warm days. Lots of sunshine. Everything is so green, flowers are everywhere, birds are joyfully singing each day, lakes sparkle in the sunlight, rivers either flow lazily past or they roar with abundance of water, like this year. Once again I never made it to my favorite spot by the river.

The water level was so high it covered the path with nearly 2 feet of fast flowing water. But it was still nice down there, especially while the pelicans were here. But they left around mid August. I love watching those pelicans, and taking pictures of them, as you can see by the pics today. I could easily spend all day down there photographing those pelicans. They stayed mostly on the other side of the river on a granite outcrop along the shore.

They use those big webbed feet as skis when landing on the water.

Chipmunks were so busy this summer and always came over to greet me when I went outside, even though they had peanuts out there already. I guess they just wanted to say hello. They would stretch up on their hind legs looking at me. I would put down a finger close to them and they would hold on while I picked them up. Yesterday only one showed up and he only took a few sunflower seeds and left, not to return.

That was the first time since they showed up in the spring that the cup of peanuts I put out in the morning I brought in again that evening. Lately they have just been getting one cup each day, plus sunflower seeds. I even brought half of them back in last evening. The hummingbirds are gone now too so I no longer need to put out my hummingbird feeder.

Swimming along on a sunny afternoon.

It is sad to see my summer friends leave. But I enjoyed them all while they were here. I hope the chipmunks have not gone to bed yet, that would be very early. Last year some of them were still coming around in early October. I have not seen any show up this morning, but it was cold, so they might be waiting for it to warm up. Summer. Such a beautiful time of year. But so short. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2022 Steve McLeod.

157 Comments on “Solitude On My Deck. #15 Summer Memories.

  1. Chilly here as well…only chickadees and blue jays have made their appearance…nice to have them all year ! Have a great afternoon ! ☕️☕️🙂😻☕️☕️❗️

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have been enjoying the great indoors as I try to warm up the place! Still the one chipmunk today, it’s GPS, he’s the smallest one so guess he still doesn’t have enough food for the winter. Have a great night!😊😻🌛☕☕😴


  2. I feel your pain on seeing our beloved summer go, Steve. I also love everything about summer, even the heat where I live. Now the bugs…they can go!😂 It’s the absolute best time for me though! The hummingbirds haven’t left here, as of yet. Soon though. Yesterday, it was really sunny here before the rain moved in again. I can tolerate fall, because the beauty of the leaves changing their color. But that winter though…. 🙄🥶 I don’t particularly like being cold. I know those winters there are tough on you guys. Hope this year’s will be a mild one for you. Those pelicans are gorgeous! And I chuckle imagining the chipmunks standing up on their hinds holding to your finger. Have a great rest of the weekend, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Renee! Oh, but bugs are so interesting! Except for a few perhaps that like to bite. But even those stinging ones are amazing critters, 6 stings can’t be wrong! Yep, I love all those fall colors, even though they don’t last long up here. Still beautiful though. But that next season with the white lumpy rain, that’s something else again! Yes, I already miss my little chipmunk friends, though GPS is still around looking for food each day. I can’t believe the others have stopped already, it’s too early! Have a great week Renee!😊😺🌞☕☕🐿️


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