About Us.

Hello everyone and welcome to Steve’s Country!  This is a place to come, sit back and relax for awhile.  We have, perhaps, a slower pace here, like living in the country.  No need to rush, worry, or feel like you have to leave right away.  Just stop by, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy our daily coffee post, or any of the other posts throughout the week.  Perhaps you would enjoy coming along with me while I walk along the river path or through the forest.  Or stop by and meet all my different ‘wild’ friends, from little chipmunks and squirrels all the way up to deer and black bears.img_5078

This is also a place to enjoy some good old fashioned chuckles and humor.  As my sub-title says, “for a smile as wide as a country sunrise”.  We like to give you that smile to start your day or end your day, or any time in between.  There are posts here that will bring that smile and sometimes a good hearty laugh too I hope.  All designed to help relieve a little of that stress we all tend to experience from time to time.IMG_3819

The “we” referred to are my cat Muffin and myself.  Muffin has a big role to play in Steve’s Country as you will find out after reading for a while.  She is a major part of my mystery series which comes out 3 times a week and also writes her own posts each week as well.  She likes to add the humor part to my blog.img_5234-2There are also many different birds that visit us here.  I feed the birds which helps to attract them and they do help brighten up our very long, cold winters.img_0610-3  We live up in northern Canada where winter can actually last for 6 to 7 months of the year.  Plus we usually get a lot of snow and very cold weather most winters.  We also have short summers, but summer is so beautiful it helps us forget those long winter days.img_5823-1

Though it sometimes sounds like we live in the country, we actually live in a town which has a population of 15,000 people.  However, this is a tourist destination so our summer population actually reaches around 40,000.  Our town is located on the shore of a lake which is more than 4,300 sq km in size and has over 14,500 islands. img_6359

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all about “us”.  I hope you will enjoy your time here at Steve’s Country and that you would consider “following” us as well if you have not already done so.  And hopefully you will want to hang around here for awhile, we would love to have you join us.IMG_0484

We hope that you have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2021 Steve McLeod.

195 Comments on “About Us.

  1. Hi Steve, so I do enjoy seeing these little critters. I also do some backyard birding, and when I can’t get out at least I can see them from my kitchen while I’m working. We also had a little kitty, her name was Calypso. I brought her home when she was the size of my fist and she took to my hubby right away, who really didn’t like cats. Well of course in no time she grew on him. After having her for about 18 years she died, it was really heartbreaking. To this day we still laugh a lot about the joy that she brought to our hearts. God’s little creatures are a joy to be around. He knew what He was doing when He created mankind and He placed us in a garden to live.
    I’m looking forward to reading some of your other post and hope you’ll stop by from time to time.
    Take Care.

    Liked by 8 people

    • I will definitely be back on a regular basis, thank you so much for reading and for following my blog, it is much appreciated. I am sure that God created everything for a purpose and that certain animals with a view for bringing joy into our lives! Thanks for sharing about Calypso, it is always so sad when we lose our beloved pets. I hope you have a great week!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. That is such a sweet bond you and Muffin share! My husband’s dog Muffin we think was also abused and so she was a bit grumpy at times but the family loved her. I think it’s such a great thing to rescue animals! God bless you!

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Steve, your blog (and your comments) most certainly succeed in making me smile 🙂

    I absolutely adore the photos you share of Muffin (precious!) and these other stunning creatures. The chipmunk photo is amazing!

    I am following your blog and look forward to exploring more. Thank you so much! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Hello, finally i found picture of you🤗i’m glad to know you better guys, have a good evening

    Liked by 2 people

    • I figured that I better put one picture of me on here! But just one, too scary otherwise!😂. Thanks for your nice comment Ilona, I hope your day is going well!😁

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sei fortunato a vivere in quei posti meravigliosi ,io ho sempre avuto cani e ,ancora oggi ,dopo anni porto nel cuore il loro ricordo .Oggi ,nel mio giardino ci sono:una coppia di cornacchie, una coppia di gazze ,una ventina di piccioni e simili,merli e passeri,tutti mi aspettano per la colazione ,è uno spettacolo che mi riempie di gioia e mi rende la giornata migliore .Benedico tutti gli ANIMALI e chi se ne prende cura..

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to read! Yes, it is nice having our animal friends around us. Sounds like you really enjoy your many birds, just as I do. Have a great day!😃


  6. Era il mio quarto cane e il nome era BOBO ,aveva un occhio nero e uno azzurro,lo avevano abbandonato perchè diventato troppo grande .Impensabile ,era affettuosissimo e faceva parte della famiglia a tutti gli effetti.Saluti.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Looks like he was a beautiful dog! So sad that people will abandon animals, they shouldn’t get one in the first place then if they don’t want to keep it. Have a great day!😃


  7. Hey, I love this page. I was not particularly an animal lover, but now that my children have flown off the nest, I am welcoming birds and animals into them. ☺
    I have two hummingbirds whose kitchen seems to be my hibiscus tree. I had three very small birds whose name I don’t know, whose bedroom seemed to be a small tree I have in front. They no longer come, but the tree is still out there to be let out.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for reading and sharing your comment! Hummingbirds are always fun to have around, as are other birds, they add some extra life to our surroundings! I hope you have a wonderful day!😃


    • Thank you so much for your kind words, and for following my blog! I hope you will continually find something here you will enjoy reading. Have a great day! I am on vacation right now, so my posting won’t get back to normal until later this week.😃😺🌴

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh my dear, your fotos are great and your cat is fantastic 🙂
    In our life we so often are missing natur. I am living in a big town in Europe and the next wood is so far away.
    Your pictures make me happy.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! I like to show the beauty of nature and all the benefits that it has for us. Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday!😃😺

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Quando guardo il tuo blog mi rilasso e immagino di essere immersa nella natura ,è una sensazione bellissima . Buona serata.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning Rhiannon! Thank you so much for stopping by. Yes, Muffin is a cute one and she has become the “star” of my blog! Especially on my mystery story series. I hope you will keep coming back to check my posts. Have a wonderful day and week ahead!😃😺🌞☕☕


    • Sorry I’m slow in answering but your comment went to spam and I haven’t checked that for a couple days. Thank you so much for your kind comment and welcome to Steve’s Country! I’m glad you have enjoyed some of my posts and I hope you will keep coming back for more! Have a wonderful day!😀😺🌞

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kristian! Nice to have you join us here at Steve’s Country! I hope you enjoy my mystery stories and everything else. Thank you so much, have a great day also!😀😺

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Audrey, thanks for following and I enjoyed your blog, you will likely see me around there fairly often. I love country even though I was born and raised in the city. This little town is perfect for me, even though the winters are brutal, normally at least, except for this one. Have a great evening!😀😺


  10. Pleased to meet you, Steve. I was introduced to your blog by way of Brother’s Campfire.
    I’m living in the opposite direction, Florida. Our summers usually last about 8 months, Spring/Fall for 4 with a sprinkling of winter a day here and there.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi GP! So nice to have you join us here at Steve’s Country! Wow, now that’s the kind of weather to have! I hope you will enjoy it here and come to visit often. I am actually going to post another story over at the Campfire tomorrow. Sorry for the slow response, I have been away all day. Have a great evening!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Dear Steve,

    What a substantial “About” page you have created to introduce yourself and your blog! Well done!

    I really like your subtitle “for a smile as wide as a country sunrise”.

    Wishing you a wonderfully productive autumn doing, enjoying or blogging whatever that satisfies you the most, including writing more posts to inform us of Steve’s Country! Keep up the good work!

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much SoundEagle for your kind words! I have been thinking lately that I need to upgrade my About page a little.
      I like my blog to make people smile and feel relaxed when they come here, which is why I came up with my subtitle.
      Once again, I thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful day! 😊😺

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Steve,

        You are very welcome. Thank you for wishing me a wonderful day.

        I concur with you about making people smile and feel relaxed. The 13th of November was World Kindness Day! And the simplest way to be kind to others is to convey a friendly and genuine smile.

        May you find the curiosity to peruse my “About” page, where I look forward to interact with you. After all, I wonder whether my “About” page will make you smile and feel relaxed, and whether it will make you feel other emotions.

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, very true, it is amazing what a smile will do for people. A nice smile to other people is something that seems to be forgotten a lot these days. Yet it is something so simple and beautiful to share.
        I will come by to visit your about page tomorrow, I look forward to seeing it.

        Liked by 1 person

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