Think Spring!

Greetings everyone on this first day of March and of course that means SPRING!  Well, I can think about it can’t I?  It doesn’t look much like spring.  It doesn’t feel much like spring.  Although the temp did get up to 11 degrees F. today.  And that did feel quite mild. I was able to stand outside for quite a while taking pictures of my birds and my fingers didn’t actually freeze for a change.  That part was nice.

white crowned sparrow 2
This is a white-crowned sparrow. They only come through here during spring and fall migration. They go much further north for the summer.

  It really was nice.  And the sun was shining most of the time.  It almost felt like spring.  Almost.  Sigh.

Spring arrives…

This month anyway.  Sort of.  At least spring arrives on the calendar.  Not necessarily in reality.  The last 2 years there was snow on the ground until the end of April.  Sigh.  But the worst is behind us.  Normally.  Although we can get a lot of snow in March.  It’s usually the snowiest month of the winter.  I hope not this year.  Even with all the snow we have had there is only about 24 to 30 inches on the ground right now.  That’s not so bad.  Good thing about snow, it settles under it’s own weight.

This is Sir George, a herring gull. He and his mate, Lady Pearl, come for food each summer. He is standing on my bird feeder and it’s 5 am. These birds are big, his wingspan is about 5 feet.

  Right now I like to settle under the blankets and hope it’s all a bad dream.  But I keep waking up to reality.  Sigh.


I thought I would share some spring pics of birds today.  The featured image at the top is a white-throated sparrow.  I just love their spring song.  This is one of my favorite birds.

Speaking of birds…

One time I was participating in an owl survey.  Yes, I know.  I’m a bit crazy.  Okay, I’m quite crazy.  Fine.  I’m just crazy.  But it was fun.  In order to do a proper owl survey, however, means going out after dark.  Not too many owls like to be out during the day. There are some, but not many.  I got to be quite good at imitating their different calls, and they would come in very close to me at times.  Made things a lot easier.  This wasn’t something to be done in town however.  Makes people uneasy.  Me included.  So it’s off to some country roads where not many people are located.


Like to follow me.  One night I was down this one little used stretch of highway and there was a nice spot to pull off the road, so I did.  Turned off the car.  And the lights.  And amazingly another car comes up behind me.  Great.  I mean, it’s 1 am.  Who would be out this late?  The car lights stay on.  A spotlight comes on.  Oh, police.  That did make me feel a little better.  I turned my interior lights on so they could see me okay.  One officer approached me.  Another came around the other side, about 20 feet away.  With his gun drawn.  What’s this?  The first officer shines his rather bright flashlight in my face.  Then asks me what I’m doing.  I told him.  I don’t think he quite believed me.  I showed him my ID for the survey, plus my personal ID.  He called his partner over.  Then they suggested I not stay there.  Apparently they were looking for someone that was considered armed and dangerous.  That’s nice.  I left before they did and headed back home.  Enough for one night.  Besides, I had been out for 2 hours already anyway.

Short today…

Due to technical problems.  That means me this time.  Having one of those rough kind of days again.  It happens.  Rough, as in way too much pain.

Tired mama
Mama Chip last spring, after a hard day looking after those little ones.

  Please check out my other pages if you want, new things being added all the time.  Muffin seems to be taking a break again.  But she will have something new soon.

So for now, good bye until Monday, I hope you all have a great weekend and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod

39 Comments on “Think Spring!

  1. Steve, I love your story about being pulled over to the side of the road and the cops coming by. Birders are a pretty funny bunch. I’ve gone on a couple of birding adventures and we have always had a blast. Unfortunately when you’re driving with normal people, (like me with my hubby) they don’t understand the need to pull over suddenly to the side of the road, if you see an eagle or an owl close by.😃😃

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I wonder if you ever had a day without snow? I read one time (while back) of an elderly white lady who lived in some part of Canada where her house was covered all in snow and it was said to be this way through the year. I think i still have the missionary pamphlet. My heart really sank!

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are usually snow free from mid April until October. Usually. Doesn’t always work that way though. Sigh. And it does get warm in summer, up to 90 to 100 degrees F. at times. So it’s not all bad!

      Liked by 1 person

    • It’s amazing the things that happen around here! We are on the main east/west highway through Canada, no other way to go but through here, that means a lot more criminal activity. I have had some scary things happen to me, will be sharing more in coming posts, though some I wouldn’t share. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Have a great evening!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Fun reading, Steve, and you captured some wonderful images of those sparrows and that gull. I took ornithology in college because it was the one science course (which I needed) that fit best in my schedule. A great happenstance it turned out to be! The professor was so excited about birds, most of us in the class became enthusiasts too. Still have my Peterson’s guide and binoculars!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a good read! Thank you for the birds captures and information 🙂 it’s good you weren’t arrested but it’s funny when you read it!
    Here in Lebanon the spring starts officially on March 21st which is also the mother’s day! But it feels like spring now with 17 degrees C
    Best of luck 👍😊

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