Tuesday’s Blue Skies.

Welcome everyone on this beautiful sunny day!  I hope you will join me once again on my deck, enjoy the sun and watch all the different visitors that come around.  So, grab a coffee, or tea, hot chocolate, and a chair and join me outside.  It is so nice to see the sun shining again and provide a bit more warmth than we have been having lately.  Sitting at my desk this morning the sun was shining in my bedroom window and right onto my desk.  That just felt so good.  The sun has finally moved far enough north for that to happen and I really enjoy that.

Still one fox sparrow here, the others have now headed further north.

I was up early this morning.  2:30am.  A bit earlier than usual for me.  I do like getting up early.  As you know, I’m a morning person.  But this is a bit early even for me.  But, I forgot Muffin’s bedtime snack last night.  Bad move.  So she was hungry.  After I got up and fed her, I was awake.  No point going back to bed when I feel like that.  I have tried it before.  Doesn’t work.  Once I wake up, that’s it.  Usually it happens without Muffin’s help though.

There are a lot of white-throated sparrows around now.

So, I was up early, sitting at my desk, reading some blogs, Muffin looking out the window, a normal type morning.  Then Muffin gets puffed out and takes off.  Hmm, something scared her.  This is 3 am.  I didn’t hear anything come onto the deck.  I looked toward the window.  A face.  Human face.  I turned on the deck light and he took off before I could get a good look at him.  Police can’t help since I can’t really give any kind of useful description.  Except they drive around the neighborhood.  Why are people interested in me anyway?

Sir George was here while it was still dark looking for his breakfast.  He has to wait however.  Once it’s light I will take food out there.  He is getting friendlier all the time. I can stand right at the feeder now when he comes down.  He is already flying circles around the feeder while I put the food out.  Soon I will try and see if he will take the food from my hand.  That will be a major achievement for me, I have never had that happen before.  He is a large bird, 5 foot wingspan.  And they can do a lot of damage if they want. They have been known to rip someone’s head wide open.  But that’s normally when protecting their nest.

And of course, white-crowned sparrows as well.

When I went out with the food I didn’t look first.  I opened the door and a nice red fox was on the deck.  He just trotted off casually then stopped and turned to look at me.  So I talked to him a bit.  Then he casually walked away.  He is the biggest fox I have seen in quite a while.  Very nice fur too.  We used to have a lot of foxes around town and I used to feed them all the time.  Then they started getting mange and that nearly wiped them out.  Now they are starting to come back again.

My chipmunks seem to have disappeared.  Not good.  Squirrels are still around and that might be the problem.  Those 2 critters don’t get along.  Aside from LB and Whitey, the 2 males, there are 4 females, one is Chatter, the noisiest of the group.  Then there is Choco, short for chocolate because of her nice brown fur. Haven’t named the other 2, they are not as friendly.  I had 6 chipmunks last year, only 2 showed up this year, Rusty and Sylvester.  Watching those gulls floating in the sky.  That brilliant white against the deep blue of the sky.  Beautiful.  Watching them circling out there, they just keep going higher and higher until they are just a speck of white.  Amazing birds.

A close up of Sir George as I was standing next to the feeder.

Well everyone, I hope you have enjoyed being with me again today.  Soon I will start another series of adventures that I have enjoyed over the years. I really hope you will stop by to read those and enjoy them.  Until next time, enjoy your day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.


90 Comments on “Tuesday’s Blue Skies.

    • Thanks for reading today Kevin, it’s much appreciated! Yes, fishing is a good pastime too, thanks for the nice comment, hope you have a great day!😄

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  1. Hello Steve, thank you for sharing because I really enjoy to relax with your post. Your pictures is so wonderful, I feel so close to the animals🦋
    Sat hello to Muffin from me and enjoy your day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As always I really enjoy your photos of all your lovely birds! Wow! 2.30 in the morning! That’s sometimes when I go to bed! 😂
    That intruder is really scary – take care!

    Liked by 1 person

      • My pleasure, Steve! I had a fantastic day – a huge haul of books from my local library and dozens of hungry chickadees come visit and feast on my birdfeeders were all it took to make it one. 😄 Have a wonderful day too!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Most likely I will start the adventures next Monday. Attack cat? If someone came in here she would run and hide!😂😹Thanks for reading!😃


  3. You get 02:30? Oh my gosh, Steve, I consider that early bedtime! 😂 I often go to bed 4am (yes as I’m spreading around, I’m a vampire afraid of sunrise. I go to my coffin not bed.)
    Hahaha 😁 I’m on Muffin’s side. How dare you forget your closest friend’s snack? 👐 hi5 Muffin 😸
    And aww… I envy you for finally having some more closeness with Mr. George, I don’t envy you however if I was to see a man lurking around and took off in hurry. Gosh, I think my heart will jump out of my mouth.
    And I hope your chipmunks are alright. Try asking that beautiful fox 😉 maybe he can help haha 😀
    And yes gulls are lovely. I can’t understand why a lot of people don’t see how beautiful they are. Sure they sometimes laugh like they’re mocking you but they mean no harm right? 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, 2:30 is a bit early even for me, usually I don’t get up until 3:30. Normally Muffin reminds me about her snack, but she was too busy looking out the window when I went to bed.😂I’m sure the chipmunks are okay, at least the 2 that were here, not sure of the others. The squirrels just chase them away all the time and the chipmunks don’t like to end up in a fight with them! My landlord and her sister totally hate gulls and they can’t figure why they hang around the house all the time.🤔 Sometimes I think it’s best not to say anything!😂 Hope your day has been good!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes. I think that it’s best to keep that a secret 😊
        Btw, 03:30 is still very early. I almost want to faint at the thought of waking up at 9am. I’ll punch anyone bothering me before 8am.

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s good!😂 I have slept as late as 6am when I have been sick, but that’s it. I see you’re more of a night person. I have been an early riser all my life, even when I was born it was early morning!😂

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh my God Sir Steve you woke up when people enjoying their dreams. Sir Steve when do you go to bed?😴
    Missed Muffin’s photo.
    Wouldn’t it be nice if you share stories with her kittens 😻😻.
    I hope she is a really a caring and loving mother.
    My Sweetie hasn’t decided her safe place yet (sleeping at the top of the cupboard now). I’m sure Muffin would her help her, because she is too young to hold that much big responsibility. 😻😻
    Take care of yourself, lots of love for Muffin 😻😻😻😻😻

    Liked by 1 person

    • I normally go to bed at 10pm but last night it was 9pm. because I was extra tired for some reason. I never actually saw Muffin’s kittens. Muffin and her kittens ended up at the cat shelter and the kittens were all adopted by the time I went looking for a cat, otherwise I would probably have adopted at least one kitten too. Poor Muffin had a really rough life at the start, but I have been able to give her a nice home now for 5 years. She was wild when I first got her but she has turned into a very affectionate and loving cat. The lady at the cat shelter said that Muffin was a very good mother though. I will tell Muffin when she wakes from her nap in the sun! Have a great day/night!😃😺😻

      Liked by 2 people

      • Sounds surreal 😹😻
        It’s really nice of you. What ever we do for our pats is quite a bit conditional as we consider it our responsibility, but the way they respond to us is truly unconditional. They love us more than we do.
        I can’t even think about to give away my cats kitten, but they choose their way of life as grow up.
        May I share my Sweetie’s first kitten pic,he didn’t survive more than two months, but my Sweetie still loves him.
        Lots of love for Muffin 😻😻😻😻

        Liked by 1 person

  5. ☕️ Enjoyed the pics and the cup of coffee! It’s cool that you got to see a Fox up close again! I have had a fox cross the road in from of my car before on 3 different occasions. They are beautiful creatures!😄 As for that human creature you are dealing with, maybe the bear will scare the bejeebers out of him one of theses days! I still think Muffin could take him! 😂 It’s a shame you didn’t have your camera ready! 😔

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  6. Please be careful Steve! I hope that wasn’t the same guy who was threatening you. I pray the cops get him. That is serious and thank God you were awake at that time. I think the Lord woke you up, so you would see him. Please take that threat seriously and be careful. I am really praying for your safety brother. God bless you and keep you safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for your prayers Ryan, much appreciated! It does sometimes make me a bit nervous. Perhaps your right, the Lord wanted me awake at that time, makes sense. God bless!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Good morning Steve and thanks God for the sun! Finally! 😀 I won’t comment about the 2.30 am haha I already did!
    Ser Georges shot is extremely amazing 🙂
    Well it’s whether Squirrels or chipmunks so probably they will appear when the squirrels leave which is bad not having both :/
    Red fox sounds friendly let’s hope they won’t become hostile and hurt!
    Looking forward to reading your adventures 😀 Have a great sunny day hopefully 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Huguette! It’s still dark and the birds are singing joyfully outside. Rusty (chipmunk) was around yesterday afternoon, late, but he was nervous looking around for the squirrels. But at least he came. He and Skamper were the bravest of the 6. Skamper probably died over winter as he was the oldest and they only live about 4 years. Foxes can be tamed quite easily but it’s necessary to be careful, they can get rabies. Supposed to be another sunny day so I hope I can get some pictures📷, didn’t do to well yesterday. My neighbor was outside so I couldn’t spread seeds around to attract birds!😂Maybe today! Hope you have a great day as well!😃

      Liked by 1 person

      • This neighbor is annoying, I hope the wolves will find him 😂
        Well hope the chipmunks will be around more and hope Skamper didn’t die, just found another place 🤔 such short period to live 😖
        Then there’s hope of taming the fox 🦊 why not 😊
        Hope it will be a sunny day and neighbor free 😂😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s not nice Huguette!😂😂Gave me a good laugh though! Now that the days are longer I should be able to see the fox more so I will try working with him.🦊 Yes, I hope it’s neighbor free! The sun is starting to shine now.🌞😃

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  8. Hi Steve! Are the animals stopping by today? It’s Raining here today and kinda cold again. (It’s Wednesday here BTW) Which doesn’t surprise me as I am only a few hundred miles to the South of you, and a little bit east. So it should be Wednesday there also. But I can never be too sure… You are always ahead of me so I think you must move faster than me. Does that make sense? If not don’t think too hard on it.. I don’t want you to get a headache!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Too late…headache started trying to figure out what you said. Sigh. It was sunny here, but the clouds have moved in and it looks like rain.🌧 Not much bird activity, not being able to put seeds out has really hurt. Oh well. I was hoping that fox would be back,🦊 I was ready for him today.📷 Didn’t show. Hey, some blue sky has showed up, maybe I can get some pictures after all.😃

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      • I sure hope so! You sound tired. I see you have been up early lately. The time change always effects me for a few months. I better let you go so you can get some pictures. I hope your headache goes away.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You must have good hearing, considering I didn’t say anything🤔. Oh well. I’m always up early, especially in summer, not because of the time change, I just like getting up early.😄 Why waste all that time sleeping?😂

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  9. Wow Steve! You are a definitely a morning person. I was up at 5:00 today for a pre-dawn walk. The skies are lightening more quickly each morning, and I am looking forward to a 6:30 walk at a nearby nature park. Perhaps the deer will still be out before they retreat to the thickets.

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  10. Stay safe; Steve! Can you get a security system installed with a window sticker? A face in the window is among the scariest things I think. I even put it in my book. Shudder.

    Love the birds. I was outside over the weekend and a group of what I think were six turkey vultures were circling over our house moving in a sideways pattern down our neighborhood. It was breathtaking. A few were low enough where I could see the sunshine going through their feathers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That would definitely be turkey vultures. There are a lot around here now too. I’m too cheap to spend money on a security system but I am going to make some changes. Thanks for taking the time to read and for your great comment. I hope you have a wonderful day!😃

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