They Keep Flying In.

Hello once again dear readers and it’s so nice of you to stop by today.  It’s a special day.  With more awards!  They just keep flying in.  And I don’t mind.  They are especially helpful when my brain isn’t working.  Which is most days it seems.  This nomination comes directly from Huguette at and she is a woman who likes to offer encouragement to others when they need it and she certainly has become a big supporter of my blog which means she must have a lot of courage.  She also likes to laugh a lot and have fun.  She lives in Lebanon, a very beautiful (and warm) place.  That’s one.  Thank you Huguette for this nomination, it’s much appreciated!!versatile-blogger-award

Versatile as per Google is “adaptable” “flexible” and here at WordPress:
The Versatile Blogger Award was created to celebrate blogs who have unique content, strong writing, and beautiful images or photographs.

Okay, one out of three isn’t bad.

Here are the rules for this award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Link to the blog of the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate other bloggers who bring joy into your daily life.

Seven genuine and honest facts about Me (and maybe Muffin)

Now, it doesn’t say that the facts have to be NEW facts.  And since this is the second time for this award, (or is it the third?), it might be hard to find something new.  But I will try.

1. Um, hmm, uh, this could be tough, I’m stuck on the first one.  Oh, I have one, I love COFFEE!!

2. Okay, we’re moving along here.  AHA!  I love French Fries!!  I could eat’em every day.

3. I enjoy refinishing furniture.

4. I have waaaaaaaaay too much stuff.

5. I have a messy desk and it drives me crazy, but if I clean it up I can’t find anything and it drives me crazy and being crazy drives me crazy….so I just leave it alone.

6. This is going along quite nicely, don’t you think? I’m a crazy type of guy that likes to take chances sometimes even though I’m serious in a fun sort of way which makes me a fun sort of person that likes to have fun.  But I am fun.  Really.  It’s true.  Sigh.

7. I can be a good friend.  Honest.  Just ask all my friends.  I do have some.  A few.  Well, I know there’s at least one out there.  Meow.  Aha!  Muffin!  MEOW!  Oh, she wants food.  Sigh.

8. Oops. I was supposed to stop at 7.  Notice, I did not even mention that I like warm places in these points!  One of these days.  Sigh.

Well, there we have it everyone.  Now, the nominations, if I have not nominated you yet, please let me know if you would like to receive an award and I will include you in one of my next awards.

That’s it for now, I hope you have enjoyed this today and please join me again later for another post.  Thank you all, enjoy your day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

58 Comments on “They Keep Flying In.

      • At least the sun is shining today and it’s not raining. It’s been raining all week. I read that you live in Canada too. Which province do you live in? Right now, I’m living in Alberta.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m in northwestern Ontario, little town of Kenora on the north shore of Lake of the Woods. And nearly the coldest spot in the country! It was raining here but it has stopped and the sun is trying to come out.🌞😃

        Liked by 1 person

      • My friend is from there! She told me that it gets quite cold because she lived so close to the lake. I moved to Alberta in January 2018 but was born and raised in southern Ontario, about an hour’s drive from Lake Ontario.

        Liked by 2 people

      • With the lake and river right here there is always open water no matter how cold it gets and that increases the humidity which makes the temp feel even colder.🥶 Small world sometimes! For some reason I always thought you were from the US.😂😸

        Liked by 2 people

      • Did you really? I’ve lived in Canada my entire life 🇨🇦 I talk about the US sometimes so maybe that’s why. Interesting you thought I was from the US. I wonder, what state am I from? 😂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Awe, this is so lovely, and it is well deserved Steve. Congratulation🦋 and it is so nice to read your answers.
    I hope your day is kind to you😊
    A big hug to Muffin, and, ok- you too if it is ok to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so very much Lillian! My day is going great and I hope yours was good too. Muffin meows her thanks for the hug and yes, I gladly accept hugs too, thanks!😄😸

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations dear Steve 😊🎉🎉 and thank you for the kind shoutout! Your blog deserves all the support and the proper read 😊 it was a funny post as usually and I enjoyed reading it especially the fact #8 😂😂
    Wish you a great day ahead and hope this desk will be a bit organized to stop making you crazy 😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Huguette! Thanks for stopping by, I knew you would like #8!😂😹My desk has finally gotten a bit too messy now, so time to organize again. Just never stays that way for some reason. Fortunately it’s a drop front desk so I can close it hiding the mess!😂 Hope your day is going good, it’s Friday!😁😸🌞

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes it’s Friday 😁😁🌞🌞hope you’re having a good sunny day! We’re having summer in the spring (35c)
        The most important is that you can manage somehow in the middle of this 😸 I can’t stand the chaos, leave me 5 minutes with your desk and you’ll not be able to recognize it 😂 I’m gifted with that
        Enjoy your weekend and it’s always a pleasure 😊🌞🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • 5 minutes? It will probably take me half a day to deal with this mess!😂It is a beautiful sunny morning, the birds are singing, at least the ones that are still here and it’s time for coffee!😁☕😜Gotta have that coffee! oops, and feed Sir George again.😁Hope you have a great weekend too! How can it be otherwise with such great temps! We’re hoping for 15 today. Oh well. More rain later today as well.😁🌧

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes! I’ll have a quick look, organize it in my mind then proceed haha
        Great it’s a sunny day and 15 is very good for the minuses I guess 😁
        Enjoy your ☕️ coffee 🌞😸

        Liked by 2 people

      • Oh well, warmer days are coming! I hope so anyway.😂It is coffee time for sure, with the music from the birds. And the fighting squirrels.😹And I should get writing too, or is that reading? Maybe both.😁😸

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Congratulations Steve! I’m not sure who enjoys these awards you been so blessed with…us, your readers and friends or you 😂.

    May they continue coming in brother. You do deserve them all!

    Liked by 1 person

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