Morning At Steve’s Country.

Hello everyone on this another beautiful, sunny day.  The brilliant green of the leaves against that blue sky is breathtaking this morning.  Sitting on the deck with my coffee, listening to the amazing chorus of birds singing as the sun just begins to peak above the hill.  Those beautiful golden rays gently touching my face.  The wondrous scent of a summer morning as the dew still lays on the ground.

No idea what these flowers are, but they looked so pretty along the walkway. They are quite small, about an inch (2.5cm) across.

Well, it looks like everyone is here again this morning so let’s all grab our coffee (or tea or hot chocolate, since not everyone likes coffee, very strange) and we will head down to the lake again.  But we will go to a different spot and see what we can find.  This location is actually very nice and is right by our local tourist information building.  There is a nice breeze this morning, quite comfortable really with the sun shining on the whole area.

You can just see the highway across this little bay.

This is really a nice spot for a picnic or just for having a cup of coffee and enjoy looking out across the lake at all the islands.  It won’t be long now and this will be a busy traffic area for boats.  We just missed seeing one go by but there is another one right now, they are heading under the bridge to the marina on the other side.  It is mostly smaller boats like that one, although there are a lot of larger boats as well, plus sail boats.  We will see some of these at a later time.IMG_3824

But it’s nice right here, even though right next to the main highway coming into town.  It is still quite quiet, you can hear the many birds singing.  The song sparrow which are in every location by water, plus there is some tree swallows flying around.  They must be nesting close by and will have their young to feed by now.  Over in those bushes a phoebe is singing his name loud and clear.  Too bad he won’t come out in the open so I can get a picture of him.IMG_3842

The gulls are calling to each other and there, did you hear that?  The laughing call of loons.  They must be fairly close, yes, there they are, coming out from behind those shrubs.  They are both around without a young one, so they must have lost their nest.  That happens a lot with loons for one reason or another.  There numbers are decreasing, even though some places, like here, they are still very common.  I love loons.  They really are a beautiful bird with their black and white plumage.  And they have very red eyes.  Unfortunately that doesn’t show up in my pictures.  Have to be closer to get that detail I guess.  But I’m quite happy with my pictures, the only ones I have so far.IMG_3879

Well, I know many of you need to get back to work or home so guess we will wrap up our coffee time for today.  I hope you have enjoyed our time together this morning, enjoy your day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.


52 Comments on “Morning At Steve’s Country.

  1. Another wonderful day from Steve’s Country 🙂 🙂 reading your post and enjoying your beautiful captures while heading to my Dad’s doctor’s appointment. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a beautiful location and energy coming from it. I enjoyed reading your post as always. Live birds and everything that alive. 🤗🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by Margo! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post. It is a very beautiful location even though a fairly busy spot during summer afternoons. Just being by the lake seems to always give a fresh boost of energy for me. Thanks for your great comment, enjoy your evening Margo!😄😸

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes indeed, every new day is a good day and it is a very beautiful morning! It rained a bit overnight so this morning smells so fresh and the sun is about to peek over the hill to give us another nice sunny day. Thank you Margo!😃🌞😺

        Liked by 1 person

      • I love rain Steve! It’s is reminds me of something calm and beautiful. 🙂🙂🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rain is beautiful for sure, so many people hate rainy days, but I enjoy them, they are calming and provide new life!😃😺🌧


  3. Good morning Steve 😊 Hope you’ll be having a great day today as well! What a lovely view and pictures and the blue sky and water are really amazing and it’s really a great place to relax and enjoy! And the laughing call of loons is well weird haha 😁😸
    Have a great sunny day and weekend as well 😸😸

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good afternoon to you Huguette! I hope your day is great and less stressful today. That is a great place to relax and enjoy the lake and the bird life, though from now to mid August it is a busy place in afternoons, mornings are still okay though. It is very close to where I live but not as close as the first park I showed. Those loons are amazing birds, I love both of their calls, they are definitely in my top 10 favorite list of birds. You are right though, their call is a bit weird, that’s probably why I like them! Enjoy your day Huguette!😁🌞😸

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a calm day gladly 🌞 hope your day will be great and sunny ☀️
        Amazing place actually and sure it will be busy in the afternoon 😸
        Lovely birds indeed!!
        Hope you’ll be having a great weekend ahead 😸😸🌞

        Liked by 1 person

      • Glad you’re having a good day today, clouds have come back and now it is supposed to be more thunderstorms.⛈ That forecast changes so fast sometimes, however, the odd time they do hit it right. Like when it’s supposed to be cold, never wrong on that one it seems!😂Busy weekend getting ready for my trip and making sure everything is ready for Muffin and her kitty sitter. I’m sure Muffin knows something is up, she’s acting different.😼Might not speak to me when I get back.😁😿

        Liked by 1 person

      • The forecast only work when it’s cold 😂 How convenient is that! hahaha
        Oh Muffin is smart and she feels something for sure! Hope it will all be great and will go smoothly, Muffin is good, she’ll not punish you hahah 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m excited about this trip, my first vacation in several years. I will just have to wear my shoes the first day or two when I get back, that’s all!😂😹😼

        Liked by 1 person

      • She will indeed!😹 My insulator post will be out today, have already started it but have to go out for a bit, will finish it when I get back. Enjoy!😁

        Liked by 1 person

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