A Walk By The River.

Hello everyone on this cloudy and cool morning.  Only 61F or 16C this morning.  That is much too cool for July.  Feels more like May.  But this has been an odd year.  However, the last couple of days have been nice, more normal weather for us, so I was able to get out and walk around a bit and enjoy the beauty of nature.  I still think that spending time outdoors is beneficial to a person’s health.  Both mentally and physically.  Staying inside all the time is never a good idea.  You might disagree.  That’s fine.

Getting close to the cleared area.

So I decided to finally follow that path across the street and see if it really did go all the way down to the river.  And I made sure that I brought an extra battery for my camera this time.  Glad that I did too.  The first part of the trail you already know, so we will skip that and start where I left off last time.  Here the trail climbs a bit until it comes into a cleared area.  Then we walk across solid granite until entering the trees once more on the opposite side of this clearing.

The granite part of the trail.

Now the trail is very easy walking, mostly level or going downhill just slightly.  It is really a very pleasant walk through the forest and there are many large white pine trees along this trail.  So nice to see that there are some large trees around still.  Finally we get to a point where the trail splits. One goes to the left, one to the right. Which way now?  Hmm, the left trail goes downhill, so that’s the one I choose.  It would be necessary to go downhill to reach the river from here.

Heading downhill toward the river.

In a short time I could see some shimmering water through the trees.  Then the trail gets steep, downhill.Finally, more water showing and sparkling in the sunlight.  And I could here the roar of water as it comes through the dam just a little ways upriver from where I am.  There is a nice calm bay to my left as I get close to the river now.  And a very large pine tree.  The base of the tree is about 6 feet thick (nearly 2 meters).

The river at last.

The current in the river here is strong.  Definitely not a place for swimming.  Even a very strong swimmer would be pulled under very quickly and drown.  It has happened.  Just last year some people drowned trying to swim in the river.  Just not a smart idea.  The current is so strong that the water never freezes here, no matter how cold it gets.

But right here as I first arrive at the river it looked so beautiful, so peaceful.  I sat down just to drink in some of that beauty for a while.  The water looked so inviting.  Down in that bay the water was quite shallow for several feet before ending deep and dark.  The water was quite warm though.  The sun shining on the water gave it quite a golden color along the shore.  Such beauty that still has that untouched look about it.  Which is not always the case around here.IMG_4613

As I was sitting there dreaming amidst this beautiful scene an eagle came flying past.  At first he was being chased half-heartedly by a herring gull.  Then a broad-winged hawk joined in so the gull left.  That hawk, about the size of our crows, was a bit more enthusiastic in chasing the eagle.  However, that eagle didn’t seem to pay any attention.  And considering the size difference, it’s easy to see why the eagle was not concerned.  That was a big eagle.  Knowing the size of the gull and the hawk, that eagle had a wingspan of between 7 and 8 feet.  That was one big bird.

A nice little butterfly decided to join me as I enjoyed the river scene.

Like most things with me however, it never stays just a calm walk.  Things happen, and so it was this time also.  However, I will save that for part 2 of the river walk.  Don’t want this to get too long.  I hope you all enjoy your day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.


83 Comments on “A Walk By The River.

  1. What a beautiful view! We should switch places since you like warm. It’s been in the 90’s this week with a heat index of between 100-105!!! I would love those 60’s right now. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • I would much prefer those 90s myself!! Now that I have found this spot I will likely be going down there more often. But being more careful than last time. Have a great day!😃🌞

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my… Steve, this is breathtaking.
    I love nature, and you make me feel like I was there..
    Thank you.
    ❤️I am so grateful that you are sharing this with us.
    Enjoy your day.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello Steve 😊 What a beautiful trail and place and river! It’s just amazing, untouched beauty indeed 😊 too bad the temperature is that low in July! hope it will increase a bit
    The scene is amazing and the river as well, beautiful pictures you have but hope you won’t risk it too much next time even for this beauty! 🙄
    People always underestimate the river and they think that it’s so easy, this is why the drown unfortunately! also here, we had many incidents and people died because they thought it’s not that hard 🙄
    Great walk and great nature and river, hope you’ll be having a great day ahead 🌞😺

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I envy you these walks! Convincing my husband to go on a hike will never happen sadly, and also, bugs. sounds like you’re enjoying July though!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for joining us today! This at least is a very easy walk, though that hill on the return trip is a bit strenuous. Only saw one mosquito on this walk too which is nice. Too dry right now for many bugs. Have a great day!😃😺

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow! Thanks for taking us along for the walk! The scenery was so nice and inviting! I sure hope you don’t meet that ‘ole bear! 🙀 But then again, you would probably have him eating peanuts out of your hand, too! 😄

    Liked by 2 people

  6. So its a walk right steve? How long did you walk anyway? Now i see walking and nature you have a peaceful mind its totally working out. Keep up ✨👏 Thanks for the ride 🤗 It is so beautiful.🥰

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for reading again today Simon! Yes, this I call a walk, not long enough to be a hike, at least for my definition anyway. It really isn’t that far though, wish I had known about it before. It is just such a nice peaceful spot where stress and worry can disappear. Have a great day Simon!😃😺


  7. Beautiful photos of a lovely trail. It looks lovely and 😎 cool, we’re still sweltering here in Nice.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Good evening Steve, here it was hot again, i wish to get some rain here, hehe, i always enjoy to walk in the nature, specially in the forest, i feel like it gives me some fresh air and mental power, feels good to be away from the city. Staying inside is always bad idea, for sure, whats the point? Life is short, gotta make the most of it, so before you die you will be able to say i m glad i lived, thank you, was beautiful. Unless for someone is beautiful to remember the yellow walls of the house😁not for me, but we all different and we chose what is the best for us, beautiful pictures Steve, i really like them, you should go prof one day🤗the path looks lovely, did you knew that the green colour has some power to calm down people? I read about it in the book🤗i thought it would be great idea to take basic before i saw all those stones there😁the river looks great and the places, just calling for a pick nick, please tell me you didn’t forgot grapes chocolate, sprite, water, lemonade?😁Things always happens to you😁you are not alone with this problem😁goodnight my lovely friend:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, thanks for stopping by Ilona and what a beautiful comment!!! You are right, green has a calming effect, which is why so many people in cities are so stressed, not enough green space available. Well, one reason for stress anyway. Yes, it would be a lovely spot for a picnic with the right person to share it with especially. Thank you for stopping by to say hello and chat a bit. It’s late for you, I am just about to eat my dinner. Good night my wonderful friend from Nice, sleep well tonight, dream lovely thoughts!😁🌙💛😺

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I know, I repeat myself: I really love your places! To be a little more original than usual I will tell you that your writing remember me the song of CCR “Walk on the river”. I don’t know why, but it is so. However I love that song.
    Have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Stu!! Yes, I did take a lot of pictures and I was down there again today and took a lot more pictures! I want to save some for use in the winter so I don’t have 6 months of snow pictures again.😂😂


      • Thanks so much for that! I will be going down there regularly all summer, things keep changing, maybe different birds will show up, might be good in the fall too once migration time starts.😃📷

        Liked by 1 person

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