Life’s Recipe.

Hello to all of you around the world!  Another cloudy day here with just a few lazy snowflakes falling to the ground.  The chickadees are busy at the feeder.  Baxter the blue jay and his 9 friends are waiting for some more peanuts.  Chuck, the crow, and family are enjoying their lunch.  Muffin is sleeping on her favorite bed atop my insulator shelves.  And I am here, talking with you.  After my mom died I got her cook books and tucked in one of them I found this recipe titled “Life’s Recipe”.

So, let me share this “recipe” with you…

1 cup of good thoughts1 cup of kind deeds

2 cups of consideration for others

3 cups of forgiveness4 cups of well beaten thoughts

Mix thoroughly, add tears of joy, sorrow and compassion.  Flavor with gifts of love.  Fold in 5 cups of prayer and faith to lighten the other ingredients and raise the texture to greater heights of living.  After pouring all this into your daily life, bake well with the heat of God’s love and serve with a smile.

So simple…

That we could easily do this each day.  Kindness and consideration for others seems to be so lacking in society today.  And love seems to have gone out the window.  And don’t forget that smile.  There’s no cost to any of this, so why do we find it so hard to do?

I hope you all have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2019 Steve McLeod.

39 Comments on “Life’s Recipe.

  1. Steve🥰😀 I love this Recipe already and its a delicious thing to have in our life. Well said Steve, This is a key thing for happiness. Hope you had a good sleep. How is your leg now?. Hope things are fine. Wish you a beautiful day Steve✨🤗✍️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Simon!😃 I slept good, but I’m in more pain today than normal, don’t know why, maybe because I vacuumed this morning?🤔🙄 Sigh. Hope you are having a nice late evening!😄🤪⛄🌲

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Nina!! Nice to see you again! I haven’t seen any action on your blog for a while. Thanks for reading today, yep, no calories with this one.😀😺☃🎄


      • Good day, Steve! Yeah—I got caught up in production—but a new video out now. Hope you enjoy!
        I love that you have your mom’s cookbook! Sweet memories. 🍩

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds great, will check it out right away! I don’t have the cookbook anymore, gave it to one of my nieces, figured she would make use of it more than me. But I do have a lot of recipes that my mom wrote down on index cards. They had all my favorites anyway!😁😸


      • Hmm, a new series for Steve’s Country, Muffin’s Cookbook.😻 I need something new.🤔 Looks like I’ll be sitting here until the end of January.😕 My winter blogging plans kind of went out the window.😲 I might go with them.😳🙄


      • Oh nooooooo!!!! Sigh….
        It is a lot to keep up with, new material, huh? And you do such a great job making everyday special. Hey! Muffin’s Cookbook: Daily Life’s Recipes for Happy Cats—and Healthy Humans…or something like that. Cause cats can’t live by mice alone. And we humans could learn so much from our cats, no?
        How is the therapy progressing? Are you still in much pain?

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      • Hi Nina, I just got back from my latest ultrasound treatment. Things are improving, but it’s slow. Movement is better and improving on walking, still need a cane to walk and can’t walk far, but at least there is noticeable improvement so that is encouraging. It’s taking longer because I live alone and still have to do things, so not getting proper rest. Trying to do better now though, doing less, things will just have to wait. I did find someone to shovel snow for me, though he doesn’t do a very good job, but it’s done anyway. Pain can still be bad at times, but even that has improved quite a bit.
        Yep, hard to have new material when I can’t do anything. I’m okay for Dec, I think, after that I’m not sure. A lot of people are waiting to see winter pics, but I can’t get out to get any yet. Sigh. Unless I use some from last year.😂📷😹


      • Oh good, I’m glad to hear that. Yes, healing is slow…but it happens. 😊
        I think it would be neat to know more about your family. Where did they come from and how did they settle in your town? It seems like your family was very tight…with grandma’s cozy crochet slippers…
        I enjoy seeing your old family photos too! It’s so nice to have family memories. Happy times. Getting through hard times. Lessons learned….all of it! It’s fun when you share the silly stories too. And yes— pictures from last year are good too! Any chance of you posting pics from your France trip?
        I’m curious and I’ve wanted to ask you for a while now—if you don’t mind me asking—did you grow up attending church?
        Well, time for me to sign off for the evening. The pantry is stacked and so is the wood. Now the storm can come. I actually like writing when it rains. Helps me think. See ya tomorrow! 🌈🙈🌟

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      • My family history isn’t too exciting, we were quite poor when I was a kid, sometimes down to bread with peanut butter and milk to drink. But we survived quite well and all went on to do well in life each of us with different occupations. Spending time with my grandparents at their country place in the summer and sometimes for Christmas. A lot of hard times and a lot of good times.
        Yes, I should start to show more pics from France, I did just a few while I was there. I didn’t travel around really, just stayed in Nice. It was more of a just get away and relax trip, not a sightseeing trip so much. Getting away from stress for awhile. Worked too. I have lots of pictures though, still not sorted properly. Sigh. But I am planning to start showing them soon. Part of my Dec schedule of posts. Stay tuned!
        Yes, I did grow up attending church. My dad was pastor of a church here for almost 24 years.
        I’ll be here, thanks for stopping by to chat Nina, always so nice.😁😸⛄🎄


      • Sounding more and more interesting and inspiring actually. 😊
        Did you ever think to become a pastor too? Do you remember any favorite sermons?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good morning Nina! Finally back home, had to get some Christmas cards in the mail and do some shopping.🙂 Too many people at the store today, dangerous walking around.😬
        No thoughts of being a pastor, but I did end up as a Sunday school teacher for kids. And I would fill in for our pastor when he was sick or had to be away. But that’s in my present church, not when my dad was a pastor.
        Yes, I can remember many of his sermons, wish I had them recorded. I was going to record a lot of the stories my dad had from being in WWII, but his cancer moved faster than we thought so never got that done. But so many interesting things growing up. Good thing mom was so good at budgeting. I enjoyed my childhood though, even with the tough times we went through. And that old house we lived in, the one in the picture! Quite the place. Actually we moved a lot when I was a kid, I have kept up with that tradition.😂😹
        Hope you are having a great day and the storm isn’t too bad!😀😺⛄🎄☕☕


      • Storm is blowing in fast—clouds are really dramatic! Wow. Crazy shades of gray and blue. Tops of the trees are swaying so much…
        Thanks for sharing your memories. Sounds tough, but loving and supportive. So important to have the support of your family. Cancer took my Dad too. I did get him to record a story he used to tell me as a kid before he died. I hope my sister still has it. I still remember his war stories too…
        I would love to read about some of your Dad’s sermons! That would be fun for January—a nice way to start off the year.
        We also moved a lot when I was a kid. That was hard on me in some ways—but in others it’s proved helpful I guess. This is the longest I’ve lived in one place—15 years—its been nice putting down roots here, but at the same time having seen the changes—and not always for the better—has been hard. Ah well.
        Ok, I’m off to play in the garden in the wind—I still tomato plants to pull up! See you soon! 😊😻🙃


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