Daily Pics 2020…#16.

wood sorrel

Good morning everyone!  It is another one of those cold mornings here.  A good morning to be inside with a cup of hot coffee and looking outside.  Unless you’re like me.  Then looking outside isn’t so great either.  Actually I don’t mind looking out from the warmth of within.  And watching all the birds as they arrive at the feeders for their breakfast.  Too early for that yet however, but Muffin doesn’t mind looking out a bit early while it’s still dark.  Then, as it starts to get light, she suddenly has a lot of energy and wants to run.  Helps her to warm up after sitting by the window I guess. 

A cold morning means we need some warm flowers…


Starting with the ox-eye daisy with it’s bright white petals and warm, sunny center.  It just says, warm summer days.IMG_7106

Then we have this beautiful lavender “arrow-leaved aster”.  This is one of our more common asters in our area and a lovely late summer wildflower.

There we have today’s wildflower pics, which I hope you have enjoyed.  I also hope you have a great day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

908 Comments on “Daily Pics 2020…#16.

  1. Pingback: 10 Things That Make Me Happy Tag – In His Service and Loving It

  2. Now this names sound reasonable. Who ever named this flowers paid a little attention to the way flower looked 😉✨👌 Beautiful flowers Steve! Have a beautiful day 😉

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