Cabin Fever Time.

Here it is, another day, another winter day, another day to stay indoors and drink coffee.  Lots of coffee.  Sometimes, however, it is necessary to go out, otherwise Muffin and I would get hungry.  And that is not good.  Especially when Muffin gets hungry.  That is really not good.  Especially for me.  And my feet.  Speaking of feet.  It has been suggested to me that I should go barefoot, and then I would not need to worry about getting wet socks and changing those socks so often.  Right.  Me go barefoot in the winter.  I don’t even go barefoot in the summer.  Bad thing to do.  For me at least.  Just not going to happen.  The floor in here is way too cold anyway.  My feet like to be warm.  And safe.

Another pic of my favorite little bird, the “black-capped chickadee”

I’m looking for something at the store, can’t find it, so I ask.  And the person, who supposedly works at the store, just stares.  Like I just dropped in from some other planet and I’m asking for some strange object.  And the person I asked is trying hard to think of something to say but doesn’t really know what to say.  Therefore the person finally just says something like, ‘I don’t know, not my department’.  Yet that person has been working in that department for the past 6 months.  Or they might say, ‘we don’t sell that anymore’, when in reality they never did.  Or they might say to try a different store, which translated means, ‘go away, I don’t want to talk to you anymore’.  Sigh.

And the “red-breasted nuthatch”

I phone some restaurants and ask if they have any gluten free meals and they say, “what is that?”, which answers my question.  Or they ask if that is some kind of foreign food, which on one hand it really is, and again, it does sort of answer my question.  But there are some restaurants that offer such meals now.  We have one.  Well, okay, there are 2, though one has 2 choices and one said yes, we have several different salads that are gluten free.  Salad.  I am asking for a meal and they suggest salad.  That, to me, is not a meal.  Sigh.

Another male “downy woodpecker”, there are 2 males that come around

It has been a long winter.  And it’s still only half way.  It’s definitely CABIN FEVER TIME!!!!!  And I have it.  I’m ready to climb the walls, bang my head on the ceiling, fall down (what do you expect?), roll on the floor, and, and…AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s okay.  I’m calm.  I’m fine.  Soon it will be International Cabin Fever Day.  That’s the last Friday of January, which is tomorrow.  It’s a time to be crazy.  Have fun, dress mismatched, different colored socks, eat cake.  Do something different.  I think I might go on vacation soon.  No, I can’t actually go anywhere.  Muffin and I will just stay home. Lock the door.  Don’t answer the phone.  Just stay home and look at pictures of Hawaii.  And Muffin adds…eat.

What are you looking at? Says this female “purple finch”

I will have to make sure I buy a lot of food ahead of time.  My vacation might last a month.  I get “cabin fever” every year, but some years are worse than others and this one is probably the worst in a very long time.  It started early due to my injury which kept me indoors earlier than normal.  Muffin has “cabin fever” too.  She gets that look.  It’s a special look.  Fortunately I wear slippers now that winter is here.  Helps to protect my feet.  From cold.  And teeth.  Okay, I’m just kind of babbling today.  Thanks for stopping by, have a great day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

75 Comments on “Cabin Fever Time.

  1. So you never out with your barefoot 🤔 strange😳 Looks like you are very much bored out Cabin fever really make you little weird isn’t it😉 It’s okay you have lot of fun to do inside home like mismatch dressed up and read books and lot more 😋 Hope you don’t do any more jumping until you recover 299% 💪. Hope you had a great day. Have a peaceful night ✨🤗


  2. The birds are well displayed Steve ! I go barefoot in the house almost always…thankfully I do not have cabin fever…sorry that you and Muffin experience this…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 🥶🥶🥶😨that is sooo cold Steve! I am not that surprised of this cold weather hope you and muffin have a nice hot day 🌞😉.😋😜

    Liked by 2 people

  4. wheeeeeee…. whoooopppp…. whoopppp… ye haw… haw he~! hehehehehehe ahahahaha yuck.. yuck… yuck… urgh…. Happy Cabin Fever Day!!!! Buddy!! 😲😬🤪🤪🤓🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

    Liked by 1 person

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