Touring My Town, #4.

Our tour boat, the MS Kenora.

Hello everyone on this rather chilly day here in the north!  By chilly I mean, it’s cold.  With a strong cold wind.  However, that won’t stop us from touring my town today.  After all, this is all in the summer right now, so that will help us feel a bit warmer anyway.  I think I may have already mentioned that this town follows right along the north shore of our lake so that makes the town rather long and narrow.  But driving through the town it would look bigger than it is actually.  So we will take another pictorial tour today, with some comments along the way. Bank_Large early 1900s-001

Here is a picture of the Imperial Bank back around 1900.IMG_5748

Today the building still stands and houses a restaurant.hose hardware from 1903 fix

Here is a picture of the Hose Hardware from 1903.  It was built from locally made brick.IMG_5746

And it also still stands today and is home to a pharmacy on the main floor and offices above.  Bad picture, the sun was just over the building.IMG_0132

We also have modern buildings like this one built a couple years ago and we ended up with a new store to shop at.IMG_0134

In the same building, sort of, although this section was built back around 1975, is one of our grocery stores.IMG_6192

Here is one of two nursing homes that we have.  It is a beautiful location but definitely not the better of the two nursing homes.IMG_6186

And last on our list today is the Clarion Inn, our tallest building in town.  It was originally a Holiday Inn when it was built in 1970.  It has changed ownership and names several times over the years.  It just recently had a large fire under the building so will be closed for several months.  That large gray portion along the bottom is conference rooms.  The top floor of glass windows is a restaurant looking over the lake, a swimming pool is at the very top.  It is actually built on pillars out over the lake, none of it is on actual ground.

I hope you liked our little tour today, have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.

39 Comments on “Touring My Town, #4.

    • Thanks for taking a look today Correne! Yes, it generally is a peaceful place to live. This province is a big one and being so far north is one of the negative points, and not just because of the long winters.😂😀😸It is a bit isolated even though on the main highway. Have a great day!

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  1. Thanks for the tour, Steve. Love the bank turned into a restaurant. You have some places to go indoors, even when it is cold. We just finished a 6 week cold spell where it was -5F to -50F. It warmed up to 10 F and it is almost too warm for a coat!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice tour Steve, wow all these buildings have lot of stories and emotions isn’t it ✨☺️, Lot of things coming in the head, not a good sign😳🙄☺️, and erase l what about the last building none of it is actual on the ground 😳 Plus during winter, who is going to swim at this top 😛 and at tat time these pools will be empty or filled with snow 🤔😉 Have a beautiful Wednesday Steve, is the sun started to shine ☺️🤔😉✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe! I should have mentioned it’s an indoor pool so the water is nice all year round.😄🏊‍♀️🏊‍♂️ You shouldn’t think about so much then.🤔🙄😂 Yes, that hotel sits just about the water, not on land, but it does have thin little pillars that it sits on.😳😲 I sometimes wonder why it doesn’t fall down.🤔🙄🤪😀

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      • Indoor pools 😳 don’t you call that as flood 🤔☺️😛😜 Yes Steve, i stopped thinking now.😸. After your explanation i still feel the same, why it doesn’t fall down 🤔🙄😁😋 , Hope the day is fine, You must be getting ready for bed. Hope all is well.✨

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      • I always wondered why they put the pool on the top floor. 🤔🙄 What if it starts to leak?😲 The whole hotel will get wet.😳🤪😄It was a bit warmer this afternoon, the clouds have moved in again and we are supposed to get some more snow tonight.🤪😜🌨🌨🙀😳 I’m trying to fight off a cold too.😬😕 Sigh. I don’t like getting colds, I get pneumonia easily. Another hour to bedtime. I hope you are feeling good and ready for a new day!😃😺🌞

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      • My god you got cold😵. Take care Steve, Have everything warm, If this can help, try it. Hot water+Ginger+Honey. Boosts immunity naturally. But ensure that ginger and honey is gluten free😉 Clouds again 🙄Sigh, it was warm for at least some time☺️ Take care Steve and Sleep well. Stay away from anything cold.

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      • Stay away from anything cold? Here?😳 That’s impossible.🙄🤪 But I do the best I can anyway. Unfortunately I can’t have ginger, allergic to it.😕 But my raspberry leaf tea with honey does work good, had some a little while ago.😀☕ Close to bedtime, good night Simon!🤪🌙😴

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      • It’s impossible indeed 😜😛 Great you have an alternative keep drinking and improve your immune system ✨😉 Good Night Steve 🕺 Muffin 🐈

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      • You still didn’t sleep 🙄… Sigh… Waiting for you to go sleep and here you comes, likes and comment 😉 I won’t disturb you further, you need rest. So Gud Night ✨🕺🐈

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      • For real 😏 You decided to sleep late didn’t you 😉 You just had a warm drink, you better sleep ✨🕺🐈 Have a peaceful night ✨😄

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