Mystery Blogger Award #8.

Sir George (back) and Lady Pearl.

Hello everyone and welcome to another award time!  I was nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by Eshal, thank you so very much for this, it is greatly appreciated!  Eshal is a relatively new blogger and I’m sure she would like to have more visitors so please check out her blog, say “hi” and give a follow too!

The Rules:

  1. Put the award logo on your blog
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  3. Mention the creator of the award
  4. Answers the five questions you were asked
  5. Tell the readers three things about yourself
  6. Nominate ten to twenty bloggers
  7. Notify the bloggers( tell them you nominated them) by commenting on one of their posts
  8. Ask your nominees five questions with one weird or funny one
  9. Share a link to your best posts

The creator of this award is……………..Okoto Engima!!!

3 Things About Me:

1.  I enjoy walking in the forest at night calling owls.

2.  I enjoy reading, especially on a rainy day in summer or on cold winter days.

3.  I enjoy meeting and talking with all of you!

Eshal’s Questions:

  1. Have you ever been bitten by an animal??  Yes!😲 From numerous tiny insects to chipmunks, red squirrels, cats, and dogs!😳  The first time was when I was 4 years old and a German Shepherd attacked and bit me.😲😳 That gave me a fear of dogs in a big way. I’m still a bit nervous around dogs, but it’s not bad anymore. I was also bitten by another dog, when I was in my late teens, which I didn’t like.  My carry on suitcase landed on his head, which he didn’t like. After that we became good friends.😂😹
  2. What’s the best WI-FI name you’ve ever seen???  No idea, I don’t pay attention to them.🙄🤔
  3. Is cereal soup? Why or why not???  NO!😜😂 I don’t like mushy or soggy cereal.😬
  4. If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called😂?  Peanut mush?🤔 Peanut slush?🙄 Peanut cream?🙂 Peanut dream?😁 Peanut spread? 🤪And for some, Peanut dread!😬
  5. What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?  I certainly hope it’s not blogging,😳 I enjoy this too much and want to still be blogging in 5 years.😁😸 Social media perhaps?🤔 Cars?🙄 Phones?😲 I have no idea really.😛😵

Now For My Nominees:









My Questions For My Nominees:

  1. Do you enjoy hiking?
  2. Do you enjoy walking or running best?
  3. Do you enjoy swimming?
  4. Do you enjoy camping?
  5. Do you enjoy cooking?

Well, that’s it for this award, I hope you enjoyed it.  Thanks again Eshal for the nomination and sorry it took so long to get it done.  She actually nominated me back in February.  I’m a little behind, which is kind of normal for me.  I hope you all have a great week and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

© 2020 Steve McLeod.


66 Comments on “Mystery Blogger Award #8.

  1. Congratulations Steve and Muffin!! You guys are on a roll.

    I am so grateful for the nomination… I have so many I have not done … I will take a page out of Lydia’s book and maybe do a video acceptance …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You really deserve the Mystery Blogger Award ! And Muffin definitely needs one ! ☕️☕️😿😀⭐️⭐️☕️☕️

    Liked by 1 person

    • She has an award coming up too, or is that two? Something like that. And she’ll be helping with more too.
      Thanks, have a nice evening!😁😸🌞🌙


  3. Congrats Steve! Love your questions and your smart answers, and funny indeed ✨🥰😍 Thanks for the nomination. But I’ll be doing it a bit late, due to the challenge I’m participating now.😁✍️ have a beautiful day ✨💐

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Saba!!😀😀😺😺🌞🌞☕☕
      Yes, I can still clearly remember that time when I was 4 and that dog bit my jaw!😳😳 Yes, I generally stay away from dogs now, unless I know they are friendly!😂😹🙄
      Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day also Saba, with Sweetie and kittens!😃😺😁😸😍😻
      Muffin meows hi to you and Sweetie!😺😺😸😸😻😻😻😻🐱🐱

      Liked by 1 person

    I am sorry i commented so late!
    You did great!
    Have a nice day!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Congratulations Steve! Eshal had some good questions. It would take me too long to write about my animal bites. Glad you didn’t repeat that one 😂

    Thank you for the nomination. I’ll start working on it soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: The Mystery Blogger Award 2020 – Something to Stu Over

  7. Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award – In His Service and Loving It

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