Daily Pics #123.

Good morning everyone on this wet Saturday morning!  We had some rain last night which made everything kind of wet.  Which means the river path is going to be even wetter in certain spots which had been starting to dry out.  Oh well, rain is also needed to make things begin to grow nicely and bring out that beautiful green once again.  However, those nice warm temps we have been enjoying are going to disappear for a week or two as well.  But they will be back eventually.  Patience is the key, we can’t always have the weather we would like.  And that applies to other things as well.  Sir George didn’t seem to mind the rain.  He came by for his evening snack and of course there was nothing on the feeder.  So he called to me while looking at the window, then he looked down at the empty feeder.  Then he called again and looked down at the empty feeder.  He did this 3 times so I gave in and gave him some food.  Then he gave his usual “yep, yep, yep” as if to say thank you for bringing out some food.  He does it all the time, what else could he be saying?

Now for some more nice spring pics to share with you…


In the above photo we have a female and male “hooded merganser”.  They are smaller than the common merganser shown before but the male is a bit more colorful.  Here the male’s crest is down, when raised it is quite large and white.IMG_3902

In the above photo we have Mike, the male mallard duck that comes to get seeds from me each day.  Usually his mate Maggie is with him, but last night he was by himself.  It would have been nice to get him in the sun, but it had already set by the time he showed up for his evening snack.

And there we have today’s pics for your enjoyment.  Stay safe everyone, have a wonderful weekend and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

179 Comments on “Daily Pics #123.

  1. Love the photos! I think we’re getting some of that rain. It is chilly and about to rain this morning here in Colorado. I always love a good spring rain. Have a blessed Saturday, Steve!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Ryan! Yes, we got quite a bit of rain overnight, now we need some drying weather for a while. But a strong north wind is bringing in cold air already and there is a possibility of some snow tonight. But Monday warms up again. Enjoy your weekend, God bless!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So happy to see your little friends Steve, And the weather is unexpected, we should be grateful with what we have and have some patience for enjoying the right moment. Did you saw news, that Trump has announced a cure drug for corona. I hope this should be given to everyone so that the world would be corona free✨🤗 Have a beautiful day Steve and Muffin 😸🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, this time of year the weather can change fast up and down.🤪😜 I missed that about a new cure for corona, but we don’t get much US news here.😕 I should get a US news app. I hope it works and gets spread around the world quickly.😁😁🥳
      Enjoy your evening/night Simon! Did you do any drawing today?🤔✍

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      • I was busy eating 😁 Today I had too much snacks from my Mom, but I did a lion, the one from The lion King Cartoon, a similar kind. It looks cute. You might like it ☺️ I’ll probably share on Monday with a better art 😉😁 Yes, I hope that medicine from Gilead’s called remdesivir should spread all overt the world fast… Let’s hope ☺️🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • After snacks means more workouts! A lion, that sounds great, look forward to seeing that one.😁🦁 Yeah, I looked that up, hope it does work out good, that new medicine, that would be very good indeed.😁
        Good night Simon!😃😺🌙😴

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    • Happy weekend Saania! I wish I could have gotten a pic of Maggie too, but she’s not quite so brave. Thanks for stopping by!


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