Daily Pics #138, Part 2.

Hello once again everyone and welcome to part 2, something different for our daily pics today.  This is a long weekend for us and a very important weekend normally.  It is the beginning of our tourist season which this year is the beginning of nothing since no tourists are coming.  It is also the beginning of fishing season.  Plus it is generally considered the beginning of the gardening season too.  This is also a tough one since things need to be done online right now, though greenhouses and garden centers will be open again this week.  So that will be nice.  What a beautiful day to be by the river, sitting on the bench, looking down the river.  Not much wind, the sun shining brightly, a few clouds here and there.IMG_4459

In front of the bench the rock goes nearly straight down to the river, but it’s only about 20 feet.  The water is very low right now, it has gone down over 2 feet in the last 2 weeks.IMG_4485

So it’s possible to go down to the rocky shore and walk around now.  This area, above, would normally be under about 3 feet (about 1 meter) of water right now.  It’s nice to sit on one of the rocks close to the water’s edge and enjoy the view.IMG_4484

In the above pic, look at the closest tree, you can see a dark ring near the base.  That is the level of the water when this area of the river froze along the shore.  There isn’t enough current along here so the river does freeze along the shore here.  Then going up from the dark ring you can see another area of the tree with no moss, then a clear marking where the moss begins again.  That’s the height of the river back in September, 8 feet higher than it is now.

That’s it for this one, but we will continue again tomorrow with more spring pics to enjoy.  I hope you all continue to enjoy today, stay safe and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

39 Comments on “Daily Pics #138, Part 2.

    • Thanks so much! It is so odd to see the river this low in the spring, just doesn’t happen. Just checking on it, it should be at least 3 to 5 feet higher right now, some years can be even higher.


  1. I enjoyed the walk with you ! Wish I was there taking in the view ! Sleep well…☕️☕️🌲🙂😴

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I always enjoy your pics, Steve! Love the bench! I can see myself sitting there gazing out across the water! It’s sad that the tourists won’t be coming, but maybe a blessing in some ways!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Renee! It is nice and relaxing sitting on that bench.
      For some of us, not having tourists around is nice, especially for shopping which would be terrible with all the restrictions on distancing. It’s bad enough on a normal year.
      But our area survives on tourism so it will have a devastating effect on the area economy.
      So there’s good and bad with it.
      Thanks for stopping by Renee, always nice to see you!😁😸🌞☕☕


  3. That was a wonderful tour for sure, as you had mentioned before the water level is way down than its usual level. I could see the marks just like you mentioned at the base of trees. That’s really bad after such a long winter the water level is going down 🤔 Someone must be drinking all these waters 🧐 that was really fast isn’t it 😉 Enjoy the beautiful spring ✨🤗

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    • Hey Simon, didn’t recognize you at first,🤔 nice new pic!😀😺 Yes, it’s amazing how fast that water is going down,😲 now it’s at mid July level,😳😳 much too low for May,🤔 that’s not good really.😬
      Thanks Simon, glad you enjoyed the little tour, hope your day is going well!😃😺🌞

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