Daily Pics #243.

Good morning to everyone! It is a nice, sunny morning once again and there is a south wind blowing lightly which means warm weather to return today! It’s going all the way up to 73F (23C) today, but tomorrow’s high temp for the day will be a bit cooler. Jasper and the chipmunks are having fun again this morning. Poor Jasper. He has a slight problem. He’s bigger than the chipmunks. Specifically, his back end is quite a bit bigger. So the chipmunks run in and out of all the milk crates quite easily while being chased. Jasper has problems, he doesn’t fit quite so easily. The morning he kind of got stuck on one and dragged it a bit before he broke free. The chipmunk was gone by that time. Naturally.

Actually he was just hiding behind a flower pot until Jasper left. Next time Jasper came back there was 3 chipmunks so the chase was on! But one chipmunk hid behind a flower pot and while Jasper was trying to chase the other 2, he came out, got his peanuts and left. This happened twice. Those chipmunks are starting to cooperate. Or some are just taking advantage of a good situation. While Jasper was chasing a chipmunk he flew off the deck again and one of the blue jays came down, went in the peanut box, grabbed a peanut and flew off just as Jasper came back. That got Jasper so the chase was on, way up the tree. Meanwhile the chipmunks were taking the remainder of the peanuts. Nothing left when Jasper came back so I put some more out. A chipmunk heard that and came up on the deck right away.

Poor Jasper. Instead of taking a peanut he decided to chase the chipmunk. Another chipmunk came, got his peanuts and left, with Jasper right behind him. So another chipmunk came, got his peanuts and left. With Jasper right behind him. The chipmunk made a sharp turn behind a flower pot. So did Jasper, except he turned to soon and went head first into the flower pot. He sat there, shook his head a bit, then came back, got his peanut and left. However, he did get about half of the next batch of peanuts, so he did okay. He may not agree. I hope you enjoy today’s 2 different bright flowers, have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2020 Steve McLeod.

75 Comments on “Daily Pics #243.

  1. Here , in Lebanon , the temperature has risen up to 34 C due to a hot breeze of air coming from the Arabian Peninsula deserts …
    I wish I would live in a place like where you live at least in summer because summers are cooler there …

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pretty flowers ! It is raining heavily here right now…did not expect rain today…the flowers and robins are happy with the rain, so that is good ! Rest as much as you are able…☕️☕️😺😀🐿🥜😴

    Liked by 1 person

    • We have been getting some rain the last couple hours, but not a lot. It will help to water my flowers, what’s left of them. Enjoy your evening!😃😺🌧


  3. Beautiful flowers, i remember seeing a picture you took of a squirrel and the peanuts 🙂 🙂 so cute. This story reminds me of that photo. I hope you are doing well

    Liked by 2 people

    • Nice that you remembered that. Had a good day yesterday, but today has been a rough day. Hard to even move around. I read your post but wasn’t really sure what advice I could give for that. Sorry. I know for my blog that last year I had a greater variety in posts and had a large readership. This year due to health I have had to slow down and stay more with a single theme and I have lost about 60% of my readers. Sometimes more variety can be a good thing. But it depends on the subject too and whether or not there is a lot of competition in that area. So not much help there. Do you know if muscle pain can be Covid related. I have had the problem since having the Covid virus, and so many other things that I hate to even mention them all to my doctor. This is all just so weird, it has been quite an experience and so many people I talk to don’t even believe it’s possible to have all these symptoms. Oh well, an interesting year. I hope you have a great week!😃😺🌞


      • Hi Steve, no worries about not leaving in my blog post. You sharing your experience about blogging and how you lost 60% of your readership by focusing on one topic is another perspective that I’m glad you mentioned it. This is something i need to ponder on.

        About the muscle pain – YES YES YES it is truly covid. Covid can have the same symptoms of flu. Let me tell you some weird symptoms covid can do to a patient – diarrhea, eye pain, bad headache, loss of taste and smell. Don’t worry just shoot me a question if you have anything about covid. I’ve been exposed to covid for months already and I am doing everything not to get it because my old parents live with me. You take care my friend. I don’t know if you have faith or religion, but I hope you don’t mind me praying for your healing. 🙂 🙂

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      • I keep getting headaches a lot too, something I just don’t normally get, but now I do since getting Covid. Interesting, sort of. Everything just kind of goes blank sometimes too, right while I’m doing something. And symptoms can sometimes change from one day to the next which is also kind of weird. I really wouldn’t want anyone to get this. We were told that it lasts maybe a couple weeks and you’re better, no one mentioned that it could last for months.
        Yes, I’m a Christian and do believe in prayer, thank you so much for praying for me, I truly appreciate it! Take care, stay safe!😃😺

        Liked by 1 person

      • Some people get their symptoms resolved in weeks while others in months. I see some young people like in their 30s they get better quick then after a week or two they develop blood clot in their lungs or legs. You take care too. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • We will continue praying for your healing. 🙂 🙂 I created a video two weeks ago about the things im doing to avoid covid 19, it is also posted oh my blog. I hope it can help other people. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you!
        I will take a look at that, even though it’s too late for me.
        Maybe you should do one for people like me, some possible long term symptoms, what to expect, how best to deal with it. Have a wonderful day!😃😺

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      • I will make content on that 🙂 🙂 and I will let you know when it is up already. 🙂 you take care and I hope today it’s better.

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    • Yep, they are having fun with Jasper! Maybe Jasper will learn after awhile, or maybe not. Jasper will be on his own soon anyway, the chipmunks will only be around for another month anyway.😕🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿
      I hope you have a beautiful week Ribana!😁🌞😻

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  4. Poor Jasper has so many challenges! He’s quite the character though and fun to read about. Beautiful flowers and love the vivid colors. I hope you feel better soon! 😺🌺 🌸🌞☕️☕️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Steve 😉 Very good morning, 😎 I know I am late, been busy talking to myself more in this month end 😁 Poor jasper it is fun reading about these little critters jumping here and there 😂 you should suggest him some workout to reduce the fat on his belly. 😎 and good news is my pants let me inside free these days😁😁😁 Not all the pants, but some are okay these days, I have to burn little more fat around the hips, will be back in shape in a week or two 😉 I hope🙄😜 Let’s see. Hope your pains are gone now, or is it reduced 🤔 Take care and have a beautiful tuesday 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think it must be all the peanuts Jasper is eating!😂🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜 He does get a lot of running exercise and climbing, and flying. But it doesn’t seem to help him. Probably sits too much in between chasing chipmunks!😂😹🐿 Hey, good for you, that’s fast!🥳 Still lots of pain, but not quite as bad I guess.😕 It was so nice and sunny, but the clouds have returned and more rain coming later. Enjoy your evening!😃😺🌙

      Liked by 1 person

      • I didnt expect that fast 😳🙄 looks like these are thin fats, it has gone too soon 🙄I miss the heaviness 😳 not sure why 🤔 but I knew the truth now 😸 I can get fat fast 😁😁. Oops these pains, and this cold weather 🙄😳take care and stay warm all the time and avoid this pain causing Activites, have a great day ✨💐🤗

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      • Good morning Simon!🌞 Stay warm?🤔 It’s too cold to stay warm.😜 It’s cold and yet we’re having a thunderstorm right now.😳⛈🙀 That’s so weird, should have thunderstorms when it’s hot, not when it’s cold. I stayed inside cleaning today. Cloudy, rainy days are good days to clean.😁🙄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good Mrng Steve ✨😍. Have you been working all day 😼 hope you are not having any pains, do your stretches and try to stay warm, why is it always cold out there 😳 keep some fire and sit next to it 😋 until you sweat 😁 a good way to keep warm. But good thing is your house is clean now, 😎 what 🤔 how many times you clean 😳

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hmm, the only fire I could do is a candle but that won’t help much. I didn’t say I was cleaning my house, just cleaning. I was cleaning some of my antique items that are way up high😲 and only get cleaned when I feel adventurous,😳 like today.😜🧗‍♂️ And I didn’t even fall.😁 Banged my head a few times, but I didn’t fall.🤪🙄

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      • 🤔hey ever had an idea to lit a fire outside your house with all the dead leaf 😜 we use to fun with it when I was a kid at my native place, we bring lot of dried sticks and by evening we lit fire and sit and talk around, it was fun 😍 and to stay away from mosquitoes 😂😇. You did felt too adventurous, glad you didnt hurt yourself, head is an exception, it happens when you are tall 😜😂🤣

        Liked by 1 person

      • Are you trying to get me into that nice hotel with bars on the windows and all these people walking around carrying guns?😳👮‍♂️ Can’t have fires like that in town,😬🔥 good way to get arrested and get a big fine!🤪 We used to have fires like that when I lived in the country, it was lots of fun.😁😸 Have a great evening Simon!🌙


      • 🙄😳Is that a crime, my god that’s not fair 😳😳 In my country we burn it like whenever we want wherever we want and nobody asks 😼yeah it’s a lot of fun, without getting behind bars 😍then you should shift to country 😋

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      • not much change in my weight this week 😁🙄 not sure why, I haven’t stopped my workout though 🤔 not sure why 😸

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      • 🙄🙄laughing at me 😼 I’m starving here 😱 Nisha is very strict these days with food 😂 I already have good foods these days and she cut down the quantity 🧐 I’m going to be thin like a skeleton soon 🙄🤔

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      • She’s just being nice to you by saving you all that money that you would have to spend on new clothes.😜 Easier to shrink you!😂😂🤣🤣


      • 🙄Yes, but the craving is inevitable 😳😱 I realise now how people struggle to loss weight loss controlling all the urges to eat 😁 it’s a hard job, but it’s working out 😉 I wish I have a magic spell to turn myself 🧐😜

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      • That’s why Nisha is there to help you control those urges.🤪 Tell her that whenever you get an urge to eat more she should put a big metal bowl over your head and hit it with a metal spoon.😲 You soon won’t want to eat!😂😂🤣🤣Good night Simon!😁🌙😴


      • Is that an advice to have some bumps on my head 🙄 😂😜and you are still awake 😸😸 try to count muffins teeth instead today 😜

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