Morning Coffee At Steve’s Country #22.

Good morning everyone on this mild, foggy morning! Please help yourself to some coffee, sit back and relax with us for a few minutes. Muffin is waiting to greet everyone that stops by today! As I mentioned, it’s mild again this morning, 16F (-9C), and foggy. The fog is a bit odd for this time of year, the heavy clouds are normal, making it quite dark inside so my lights are still on. The birds are slow waking up this morning it seems, so far I have only seen 1 chickadee and 2 blue jays. That is also odd. Just a few houses in both directions from me there are people feeding birds this year, plus another person on the next street I have been told. That could have a lot to do with the lack of birds this winter.

Female mallard duck at the river.

Theodore was back again yesterday, I hope he will be back again today as well. There is a snowstorm coming our way, should be here this afternoon and continue all night and into tomorrow. It will make things look very nice for Christmas. Personally I think a green Christmas would be nice. Just for a change. I doubt it will ever happen though. But we did come close one year. After that it started getting colder again each winter. Oh well, this is the north, we kind of expect cold and snow around here. I see all 5 blue jays are here now and several chickadees, the 2 nuthatches, still haven’t seen the woodpeckers though. I also haven’t seen Jasper this morning. I’m sure he will be here soon looking for his breakfast.

Male mallard duck with his mate above, at the river.

This snow that is coming might make it hard to walk down to the river, unless some other people use the path too. Not a bird in sight right now, everything is so very quiet. This is also very odd. Birds usually are very busy at feeders prior to a snowstorm, eating as much as possible. I will need to be out early tomorrow morning before it gets light making sure the feeders are clear of snow and well stocked for the birds. All part of feeding the birds in winter. A chickadee has returned I see, oh, and a few more have come with it. That’s what I like to see. And today, some warmer looking bird pics from early summer, still going through a few of my favorites from this year and we will continue with favorites until the end of the year. But favorite flower pics I will keep until January. I hope you all have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2020 Steve McLeod.

16 Comments on “Morning Coffee At Steve’s Country #22.

  1. We got snow overnight and we’re expecting more snow. Normally, I would be in Ontario for Christmas but not this year #pandemic. I made and early Christmas trifle yesterday because the toddler and husband wanted it. Do you have any plans for Christmas?

    Liked by 1 person

    • No plans for Muffin and I, just staying home, opening our presents, Muffin usually just prefers to play with the paper instead of her new toys. I should bake some cookies though, my favorite snack!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜Έ

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      • Do you receive gifts in the mail? That’s really sweet. My toddler received gifts this year but not us adults, sadly. πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ My mom sent me some face wash imported from Japan, and a coat that I need to return if that counts. It’s true that cats prefer the boxes and packaging more than the toys themselves. Have fun baking! What kind of cookies will you be making? πŸͺ

        Liked by 1 person

      • I did get some gifts in the mail this year from my 3 oldest nieces, I haven’t opened them yet, which hasn’t been easy since they have been here for 3 weeks already! One cookie is called Spritz, not sure why, it’s sort of like shortbread but better, has more ingredients and an almond flavor, one of my favorite Christmas cookies since I was a kid. The other is a type of spice cookie, mostly cinnamon, another favorite since childhood. It’s a little hard making them, so they don’t fall apart, with gluten free flour. They should be made with a cookie press, but they fall apart so easy due to being thin, so this year I won’t use it. They won’t look as fancy though, oh well, still taste good!😁Muffin likes them too.😻

        Liked by 1 person

      • It’s so nice that your nieces are visiting this Christmas. Merry [early] Christmas! Those Spritz cookies sound familiar. I may have had something similar last year (they were almond-shortbread cookies?) if you’re looking for a traditional shortbread cookie recipe, there’s one under β€œrecipes” on my blog. Honestly, I mess them up every time I try making them – only my mom seems to know how to make the perfect shortbread cookie.

        Liked by 1 person

      • No, not my nieces, only the gifts came by mail, I worded that a bit wrong! I put the Spritz recipe on my blog last year when I talked about different Christmas cookies I like. There is one other cookie I like too, but it’s a bit harder to make and doesn’t come out right with gluten free flour. The dough has to be chilled for a few hours, I think that’s the problem. I will likely only make the Spritz this year, I’m still fighting fatigue and just can’t do much in a day. But that’s the way it goes sometimes. Shortbread can be tricky to make even though it seems like it should be simple.πŸ™„
        Only 3 days till Christmas. Merry Christmas Hilary, hope the 3 of you have a wonderful time!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŽ„

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  2. Thanks for the hot coffee ! The only birds that came were the chickadees…I may bake some spritz cookies…will be making my Swedish braided loaf and buns tomorrow…so there is a new strain of the Covid-19 coming…interesting…rest well both of you…β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈπŸ˜»πŸ™‚πŸͺπŸͺπŸŽ„

    Liked by 1 person

    • Things got busy at the feeders about 10 am and stayed quite busy, both evening and pine grosbeaks, plus redpolls and the regulars. Jasper showed up this afternoon. I hope that new strain doesn’t come here, wouldn’t be good. You have more energy than me! Have a good night!πŸ˜πŸ˜ΊπŸŽ„πŸŒ™


    • Oh well, no green Christmas this year, it will be white and cold, which is okay, I’m not going anywhere.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜»πŸŽ„
      Have a great evening Ribana!πŸ˜€πŸ˜ΊπŸŒ™

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