Sunday’s Sunshine #2.

Good morning on this beautiful, spring Sunday morning! It’s a cloudy and cooler morning but it still smells so nice and spring fresh outside. Help yourself to the coffee and sit back, relax and enjoy the morning. My day started rather early, about 2 am early, which is a little too early even for me. Why so early? Bert showed up and was making noise on the deck looking for something to eat. I didn’t leave him anything, but there was a handful of sunflower seeds on my main feeder, which he couldn’t quite reach I guess. So he left. A short time later he was back making even more noise than the first time. Sounded like he was tossing boxes all over the deck. So I went to see what Bert was up to and then chase him away. Muffin was terrified, which is odd, she has kind of gotten used to Bert.

A sunny petunia from my container garden last year.

I turn the light on and look, oh,oh, it’s not Bert, this is a different bear and he’s much bigger. I would put his weight at 400 pounds at least, perhaps closer to 500 pounds. That’s too big to have wandering around on my deck. He completely destroyed the one hanging feeder that I have kept fixing. Now it needs more than just fixing. Then he went after my main feeder, and took a bite out of it. My feeder! He almost pulled it right down, and likely would have done so, but I had to intervene now before he did. I banged on the window. He kinda looked. Hmm, okay, at his size I guess he won’t scare easily. I measured him against the railing at about 7 feet long. He’s going to be one big bear by fall. Anyway, I went and opened the door so I could chase him away.

Another petunia.

He walked slowly past. I yelled and banged the door. He moved a bit faster until he got to the steps, then he stopped and turned his head to look at me. I yelled again. He stood there. Hmm, this is not working too good. But he did turn and walk slowly away, and never came back. Maybe that’s why Bert likes to come during the day. A snowstorm is heading our way, should hit us tonight and tomorrow, with about 4 to 6 inches (10-15cm) of snow. And cold for a day or two. That will bring a lot of birds around looking for food. The joys of spring! Spring snowstorms are not unusual up here in the north. But the sun still shines, even though the clouds are in the way right now, forget the clouds, enjoy the sunshine! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Β©2021 Steve McLeod.

164 Comments on “Sunday’s Sunshine #2.

  1. Glad you could able to kick out the new bear… Yay!!! congrats you scared a bear..πŸŽ‰.. and this is why you up so early 😲 have you slept again after it’s gone? πŸ€” Take care.. and stay warm from cold weather… Have a lovely day Steve & Muffin βœ¨πŸ’

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wrap up with a nice soft blanket and let it snow knowing the cold clouds and Snow will all soon be gone!😁😁 Happy Sunday!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰πŸ˜

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, the snow is coming ! How to put up a feeder higher than you have it ? That would be difficult ! Maybe you have to lose some birds in order to get rid of the bears ! No easy solution ! Be beary careful ! β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈπŸ»πŸ»πŸ™€πŸ€”β˜ΉοΈ

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    • Yes, I will lose all of my birds if I have to stop, but I do have one idea that might work, I’m going to try it out. My main feeder is the hardest one, without it I lose the gulls, that would be bad. Yep, bring out the shovels again!πŸ˜³πŸ™€β˜•β˜•πŸŒž

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  4. How gently this stalk is carrying the soft and beautiful flower🌺🌺
    Does Bert love these flowers or he just want to be friendly that’s why comes during day time.
    Though the night scene was bearyπŸ™€πŸ˜Ώ but beautiful morning flowers made it Bearable 😻😺
    God bless you both!

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    • These flower pics are all from last year, no flowers yet as it’s still too cold. We don’t normally get any flowers blooming until May. I think Bert wants to stay away from the big bears that are out at night, like the one that chased him away last night.😳 I could probably make friends with Bert quite easily with a little food,πŸ˜ƒπŸ» but it’s not legal to feed bears here, there’s too many problems with bears in town.πŸ˜•
      Thanks so much Saba for joining us here! God bless you also!πŸ˜€πŸ˜Ίβ˜•β˜•πŸŒžπŸ»πŸ™€πŸ˜»πŸ˜»

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      • Beautiful flowers, no doubt.
        Shall wait to see them bloom again 🌺😍😊🌹
        I don’t know much about bears, Sir Steve. Do they make group or friends? Can big bear become friend of Bert?
        Cats are good in making friends.


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