Steve And Muffin’s Wildflowers #17.

Hello everyone! Today’s wildflower is the “needle-pointed blue-eyed grass”. The needle-pointed refers to the pointed part at the end of each petal. They are such a beautiful blue with bright yellow center, so they really stand out nicely. It usually has 2 to 4 flowers on the end of a long thin wiry stem, but only one flower will bloom at a time. The flowers are about 3/4 of an inch (18mm) across. They prefer sunny locations and sandy soils that stay fairly moist. But they will grow in other soils as well if well drained. The leaves are very slender and grass like. Their main blooming time in our area is June and early July, but further south they will start blooming in May. Here in Canada they can be found in 3 provinces, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. In the US they are found from ND to Maine and south to Georgia and across to Louisiana. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2021 Steve McLeod.

218 Comments on “Steve And Muffin’s Wildflowers #17.

    • Hi Ribana! Actually that was 18mm not cm. It should be a beautiful day again with a high of 28 and mid 30s by Friday! I hope your day is beautiful and sunny as well!😀🌞☕☕
      Meow,meow!=Hi to my bestest friend in whole wide Singapore!😸😻

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s okay, I have made the mistake of using cm instead of mm! Yes, I really am enjoying this weather!😎🌞


    • Yes, it is one of my favorites. Thank you so much for following Steve’s Country! I hope you will find things you can enjoy here, it’s a place to come, relax and get a smile! Have a wonderful day!😀😺☕☕🌞


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