Saturday’s Solitude #12.

Good morning and Happy Saturday to all of you! It’s a beautiful, sunny, summer morning, warm and calm. It’s going to be a hot day. Smoke is in the air once again. The sun is shining a bright orange, casting that orange/yellow glow onto all around. Sometimes the color is so prominent that it’s eerie looking out there. Even the sky can get that same orange color to it. The other day while walking to the river, the smoke became thicker than it had been and the color changed more.

A black-capped chickadee, just before things went quiet.

When that happened it became silent in the forest. The birds who had been singing and chirping suddenly stopped. It was calm. Not any sound out there. That was eerie too. It was like suddenly walking into a totally different world. I didn’t even see any insects flying around. Everything stopped. That was about 1/3 of the way to the river, and it stayed like that until I got to Scramble’s home. Even then, it took a lot of calling to get Scramble’s attention. But he finally came to get his peanuts. It was at that point that the sun broke through a little better and the birds once again began their singing and chirping. I found that to be quite interesting.

Scramble on that same day, looked like he had been doing some digging, perhaps renovating his home. He does have a nice smile.

The only other times I have experienced something like that was when a bad storm was approaching or when there was a total solar eclipse. It has been fairly quiet on the deck this morning. A beautiful morning to sit out there with my coffee and truly enjoy the wonders of a summer morning. The gulls had come early for their breakfast this morning, except for Sir Henry, I haven’t seen him yet today. The chipmunks have been coming regularly, and it’s like they have the timing down perfectly so they don’t show up at the same time and therefore end up chasing each other. Save the energy for the squirrel. Slim has been coming, but so far he has only chased the chipmunks once, and I was inside at the time.

A female goldeneye duck and her babies.

He almost got started in a chase a couple of times, but I pointed to him and said no, and he stopped. Then he would come slowly over to get his peanut and run away with it. He’s sort of learning, I think. At least when I’m outside anyway. He’s chattering again, but he’s in the neighbor’s lot, the lot with the trees, which is right behind me. Which makes this place so nice. It would be terrible to move away from this place with it’s wilderness setting so close at hand and all the little friends coming around each day. And then live in an apartment building with none of this. But sometimes adjustments need to be made, and I’m sure that one day this will happen. I hope you all have a very wonderful summer weekend and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

©2021 Steve McLeod.

29 Comments on “Saturday’s Solitude #12.

  1. Happy Saturday, Steve! Scramble is a cutie! Duck Mama and babies also! Hope you never have to find out how it feels to live in an apartment without the wilderness behind you! 😿

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Renee! Yes, it’s taken me a long time to make friends with Scramble since I don’t see him too often, but we get along great now. Poor Muffin would have a hard time living in a place with no squirrels and chipmunks to watch. Guess we would have to sit and watch each other! Hmm, then again, Muffin likes to watch me, that’s how she gets her laughs!😂😹It could happen though, Monday will tell.😳🙀

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m glad Scramble has finally warmed up to you. Well, Muffin has always liked to make us laugh here, at your expense! 😹
        Goodness me! I haven’t heard about this predicament of your having to move? 🤔…have you posted why already and I have missed it or is this personal? Will definitely be praying, regardless! 🙏🏼😿

        Liked by 1 person

      • I haven’t made it public yet, mainly because I’m not quite sure what’s going on. But I will find out on Monday. I appreciate your prayers Renee. We have a 0 occupancy rate here, which just means there are no places to rent at any price. But God is able anyway!🙂😺


  2. Great pics ! Scramble is so cute ! I noticed that the mother duck had five babies with her ! Sweet ! Rest well tonight both of you ! 🙂😻😴

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Have a Lovely Saturday Uncle Steve 😍 Beautifully captured Mama Duck and it’s family 😉 Frozen time 🧐 so you did time travelled , 🤔 um that’s strange 😮 so you are a first time traveller 😉 and scramble looking so adorable 😍 thanks for sharing his beautiful picture 😺🤗🤗 Have a good day 🥳

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Simon! It was so cute watching those little ducklings dive under the water to get their food of tiny minnows.🦆🐟 They are so tiny themselves I didn’t think they could dive yet, but they did. Have a great week Simon!😁😺🌞☕☕📷


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