Fantastical Friday! #15.

Good morning and Happy Friday to all of you! Before anything else today, Muffin😺 and I😀 want to take this moment to thank you all so very much for stopping by to read all about Steve’s Country! Even though there isn’t much to write about these days. I’m staying at home and there’s not much going on around here right now. The flowers are nearly all gone, and so are the insects that are attracted by them. My gulls still come, but they are having some trouble lately. Yesterday 3 of them fell to the ground into the raspberry patch. My bird feeder isn’t very big, it’s not really meant for these big birds, but it does fit two of them if they are not pushy.

Sir Henry on the feeder while the apple tree was still standing.

But sometimes a third tries to get on, that’s when problems happen and one gets pushed off and falls to the ground. Why don’t they just fly away instead of falling? Glad you asked. Gulls are big birds, at least these herring gulls are big, and they have long narrow wings which are great for soaring high in the air. But they need some take off room to get airborne, or they fall. Those narrow wings don’t give a lot of lift. One managed to just miss the raspberry patch and walked around to the front yard to take off. No problems there. Another one ended up right in the raspberry patch, but because the bear has made trails through the patch, that one was able to follow a trail out to the driveway and take off.

The third one wasn’t quite so lucky. It fell right in the tangled branches of the apple tree. And was stuck. Sigh. This was at 8pm, kind of late to be out with all the bears around. But I couldn’t leave my gull down there, so off I go. It’s dark down there and those raspberry plants are between 6 and 7 feet tall. Taller than me. Anyway, off I go following the trails and stand there cheering the gull while it finally jumps up on the branches and over the other side, following around the tree and into the neighbors yard where it could take off. And I came back. It was cold out there too.

Even a tiny flower like the yellow avens brings sunshine.

The high yesterday was only 59F (15C). That’s more like a late September temperature. But it’s warming up this weekend, so they tell us anyway. But it’s a brief warm up of maybe 3 or 4 days. The chipmunks are busy, happy with their sunflower seeds and peanuts. It’s only 48F (9C) this morning, but the sun is shining brightly, the sky is brilliant blue, it’s a beautiful end of summer day! Have a wonderful day, and weekend, everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin. (the top featured image is Scramble from the river path. I haven’t been down there, it’s an older picture.)

©2021 Steve McLeod.

400 Comments on “Fantastical Friday! #15.

  1. Your temperatures are similar to ours in the Far North. We had a low of 44 F last night and will have a high of 60 F with rain showers. The ground cover is yellow and red as Fall is here. Winter and the white stuff may come in September and winter begins in October. Enjoy your warmer days.
    May God’s blessings pursue you all your life! 😊😺

    Liked by 1 person

    • The temps we have had the last couple of days are more typical of late Aug or September, this is too early. Yes, you’re way ahead of us. We do sometimes get snow in Sept but it melts right away, but sometimes it arrives in early Oct and stays. Normally though our winter snow doesn’t arrive until early Nov. The lake here really helps to keep things milder longer here, but go about 10 miles out of town and winter can be 4 weeks earlier than us.
      Do you get any sunshine in the winter? That would really affect me, even our winters with short days can be hard on me, seems worse now than it was years ago, guess it’s age.
      Thanks so much, have a wonderful weekend and God bless!😀😺🌞


      • Our shortest day of daylight is 3 hours and 20 minutes. The sun goes from just over the horizon from southeast to southwest. The snow reflects light so it is never pitch black. We do have short days but the light is always increasing or decreasing. On full moon nights I used to cross country ski under the moonlight–no artificial light. Our winters are long– 8 to 9 months, so you have to embrace them! 🏂⛄️⛷

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      • That’s a short day. That would be hard for me, might need a sunlamp or something to help out. I used to do a lot of snowshoeing which would make hard packed trails, like a sidewalk and I would go walking on them at night, especially if it was a full moon, amazing how bright it would be. Enjoy the weekend!😁😺🌞

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  2. Love the squirrel ! Our favourite squirrels have not shown up for two weeks or so…we are suppose to get rather warm temperatures on Sun-Tuesday …perhaps the last “hurrah”… enjoy your day ! ☕️☕️🙂😺

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Scramble is a nice squirrel, he won’t likely remember me by the time I get back there. Yes, that’s the same temps here too for those days, very likely our last heat for the summer/year! Have a great weekend!😀😺☕☕🌞


  3. Glad to hear the skies are blue again. Enjoy! We are in the “unhealthy” smoke, but got a bit of rain this morning so that helped. Looking forward to winter! ❄️🌨☃️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Our smoke has cleared away nicely, but that can change with a change of wind again. It ended up being only partly sunny today with a temp of 66F and windy, still a bit on the cool side. But we are supposed to get 3 hot days coming up and then a return to this cool again where we will likely stay. Not looking forward to winter!😂😹😀🖐😻

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  4. Great post Steve! Really shouldn’t be in the berry patch so late at night!! Bear like to hide out there and snack!!🙄🙄🙄😋😋😋😋🤭🤭🤭🤭 anyway great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. That’s interesting how the gulls are falling…luckily all 3 managed to take off, with some little help 😉
    Have a lovely weekend you two 😻☀️ and stay away from bears!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it happened 2 other times this summer, but then having 3 in one day! It’s getting harder all the time to stay away from those bears, unless I lock the doors and stay inside!😳🐻😂😂😹😹
      Thanks Ribana, enjoy your weekend!😀😻😻🌞

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