Tuesday’s Tails #22.

Good morning everyone! It is an amazingly beautiful, sunny, fall morning! It is such a clear, blue sky showing off the yellows of the trees which are being lit up by the bright morning sunshine. And it’s mild, for us at least with a temp of about 55F (13C). That’s a more normal temperature for a high this time of the year. Today it’s supposed to be a high of 79F (26C), which is amazing for us. However, the temps forecast for the last 2 days didn’t happen, they were considerably lower. So it will likely be the same today, but it will still be very nice. It has been a busy morning out here with the birds and chipmunks.

The race is on to get the most peanuts in their mouth!

Unfortunately the grackles have once again taken over everything so I have removed the two hanging feeders for now, hoping to discourage the grackles a little bit. I can control what I put out on the step easily to keep the grackles away. It’s so beautiful watching those blue jays in the morning, 15 of this big blue birds out there at one time getting their share of the peanuts that I toss out. It would be great to get a picture of that, but impossible it seems. Whenever I go outside to try they will only come down one or two at a time. Most of them are too shy to come down when I’m out there, so it just doesn’t work.

And I can’t take a picture through the door because of the screen. This rush of blue jays only happens first thing in the morning too. Not the best time to be outside focusing my attention on the blue jays and not paying attention to what might come up behind me. Oh well. I’ll try again though this week since it will be so nice in the mornings. The poor chipmunks, trying to get their share of the sunflower seeds and peanuts with all those blue jays around. Some are scared of the blue jays, others stand up to them and will even chase them away. Most of the time they don’t pay much attention to each other.

I win!

I now have a pair of white-breasted nuthatches coming each day. They stay all winter. But they are not a common bird here like the red-breasted nuthatches. We seem to be at the northern limit for the white-breasted. So it is very nice to have them around. It is hard getting pics of them, they are not as brave like the red-breasted nuthatch. But I have managed to get some nice pics anyway, though they are winter pics, so I’m going to try again now before there is snow on the ground. It is a remarkably beautiful fall morning, perhaps I should get myself another cup of coffee and spend some time on the deck enjoying the natural beauty for a little while. Have a beautiful day everyone and God bless!

Steve and Muffin. (top featured image is a tall black ash in the neighbors yard) Did you notice I didn’t mention bears even once today?

©2021 Steve McLeod.

40 Comments on “Tuesday’s Tails #22.

  1. Was there a bear around last night or today ? You got very good pics of the Jays , Chipmunks and Trees…are the black walnuts edible ?…have an enjoyable afternoon ! ☕️☕️😎😻🐿🐿🥜🥜☕️☕️

    Liked by 1 person

    • No bears that I know of. Notice I didn’t mention bears today? hehehe. Yes, black walnuts are definitely edible and very good, just need to be roasted first. They are very hard to break open. Such a beautiful day, but not as warm as they said.😁🌞🙄😹


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